SweetSue's Perpetual 2.0 - The Transition To Doc Bud's HBB Kit

Oh cool, i didn't realize the MB2 could make oil too.

I see one of those in my very near future!

You can make tinctures with it too. It's a great machine, and every serious canna kitchen should have one. They always give me a code to share with others that saves you $25 on shipping. I'll see if I can find the latest one.

Do the sourdough bags say 'slow rise' on them?

I checked the Hempzel website and they don't say whether they do a traditional slow rise sourdough. From Lancaster county, I would expect so - but am curious on behalf of the wife's diet. (She started out thinking it was a gluten intolerance, but it seems to be an intolerance for fast acting yeasts.)

I checked the bags and there's no mention of slow-raise. I'd ask Shawn directly. I'm sure he'd know. :laughtwo:

Beavis, if you're interested in cooking with cannabis, you should check out Cannafan's thread called Cooking With Cannabis. Here's the link if you're interested:

The Cannabis Kitchen - Cooking With Cannabis

Thank you for sharing that link. One of our better threads IMO.

I'm normally not a mustard fan but "hemp n honey" sounds tasty.
Lu loves mustard.

Then Lu shall have her mustard. :cheesygrinsmiley: Give me a call and you can swing by. I enjoyed the hell out of the Mancini's. I believe it made me aware of the fact that I may be gluten intolerant. :laughtwo: I'll have to be more careful in the future. I'd stopped eating much bread over the past two years and the amount of inflammation I dealt with while consuming those delicious loaves made me sit up and pay attention.


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You're too sweet. :hug: :love:

Lazily copied here from another thread... even one you follow....

"As some DDa's clear the medium in my pots, I find myself pondering their feeding routing before moving them to Osmo.
Are they heavy or light feeders? When do you introduce nutrients and how much? Any trait related deficiencies? Is there a Greek God I could appease that would allow them to grow better?"

:yahoo: I'll stop by. Have you checked out the DDA thread? There're growers using any number of growing methods, and nutrients are a part of many of those grows. Mine grew in either Doc's soil or LOS, with my one hempy experiment, but I had no idea what I was doing. Kraise had the most spectacular plant to date, with the sap oozing all over.

They're pretty hardy plants. Even when you screw up they still kick your butt when you get to smoking them.

i have been wanting to try these. The mustard is what I luvz. I am wondering if turmeric is in the ingredients?

I'm not much of a mustard fan myself, and I seem to have given up cooking since Dale's passing, so if you're interested I still have another bottle to redistribute. You know how to find me. :cheesygrinsmiley: If tumeric is an ingredient they lumped it into "spices." I'd drop Shawn a line and ask.

Oh, if you're interested in the mustard I can include a piece of tumeric root I was given while in Jamaica. I have no need for it myself and it's still fresh enough you could probably plant it. Let me know.

Good morning everyone :love:

Kind of a strange day..... last evening the lymph node behind my right ear decided to swell and the right side of my face went along for the ride. I've an appointment with my nurse practitioner, since the daughter is concerned that I recently visited another country. No telling what I'm dealing with, except that the pressure it's putting on my nerve complexes is keeping me in a constant state of nausea. Not as much fun as it sounds. :laughtwo: I've been doing comfrey root poultices this morning in my own attempt to get things settled down. I'm not certain what the conventional medical profession can offer that would beat the compresses. It's a weird enough situation that I don't mind going in for a consult.

Brownies are out of the question with the nausea, and the Vapor Tower doesn't hit the pain. Curious how that works for me, but the bong hits it fast and hard. I find that disconcerting, considering how the medical field is pushing vaporizers over combustion, when obviously combustion has an effectiveness rate beyond the capacity of vaporizers. Anyone else finding this to be true? A couple hits off the bong and I'm good for at least an hour of reduced pain and controllable nausea. I don't get the same relief from any of my many vaporizers.

Never a dull moment around here. Lol! In gardening news I've finally given up on the clone I took from Emerald before she got flipped. I mismanaged this one for too long. Not dipping it in rooting hormone at the beginning is a sure shot to failure. :laughtwo:


TOAST still rocks as the king of cloning in my book. I need to pay closer attention to what I'm doing.

Planted my last Carnival seed yesterday. I have more on the way. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I'm gonna do another couple hits and follow with a warm poultice. This is the second time in a month I've been out of sorts. I don't like that. :straightface: It's a good thing I know we're meant to heal. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Beavis, if you're interested in cooking with cannabis, you should check out Cannafan's thread called Cooking With Cannabis. Here's the link if you're interested:

The Cannabis Kitchen - Cooking With Cannabis

Aww Hash Girl thank you!! :thanks:

I've bookmarked the thread and will be digging in soon. I'm definitely interested in cooking with cannabis oils and butters...especially after drooling the past week over Sue's brownies and Ziggy's creations.
It's amazing what a difference a couple hits with a bong can make. :cheesygrinsmiley: Still a little nauseous, but could care less about it. Lol! It occurs to me that I've missed this morning buzz. I'd gotten into the habit of grabbing the first brownie half on my way to the shower so I come out clean and soaring. I'd forgotten the splendor of the combustible wake 'n bake. Hmmmmm...... I may have been avoiding that on purpose. I suppose I'm far enough from his passing that it doesn't bother me anymore.

Look at that...... still healing. :love:
My missus likes combustion over vapor. She never said why but I think it feels stronger combusting.

Travel is stressful. Trust me it is the one thing I know about,travel. Mind yourself, keep fluids up.
I will keep happy thoughts your way.

.....Having just returned from the tropics meself, it was my first thought but probably not the case.
My missus likes combustion over vapor. She never said why but I think it feels stronger combusting.

Travel is stressful. Trust me it is the one thing I know about,travel. Mind yourself, keep fluids up.
I will keep happy thoughts your way.

.....Having just returned from the tropics meself, it was my first thought but probably not the case.

Thanks for the reminder keltic. I noticed I wasn't drinking nearly enough water the past two days or so. When in Jamaica I carried a bottle with me at all times. I'd be well advised to do the same now.

The side of my face is looking .....odd. The swelling is enough to push pain levels up. I think I'll try the Med GOM 1.0. Be right back.

OK, two small hits and I feel an appreciable difference. We've been trained for years to reach for the high THC strains for pain, and knowing what I know about how THC modifies pain response, I can certainly understand that. But the reality is that a balanced ratio is the best pain maintenance choice. This Med GOM 1.0 is reputed to pull a 2:1 ratio CBD:THC. I would suppose it's balancing out the high THC of my favorite choice of the day, Carnival. I'll have to keep mixing the two today.
Though I skim through your journals whenever I have time. I could never keep up with yours as they seem to move several pages a day lol. I will try to keep up with this one. :)


:welcome: Canad. That's a sweet thought, but mine get away from me too sometimes. :laughtwo: I never take offense if you don't keep up.

Sue, Good morning my dear. Here, have some hugs

Thank you Baby. I really need them today. The cannabis is only holding the pain at bay for about 30 min, but the mix of Carnival and Med GOM 1.0 is working wonderfully well. Balanced ratio for pain RedDragon. You can mix them.

Well, it turns out I probably have a small stone in a gland associated with the carotid artery system that's causing me to swell up like this. Warm compresses, antibiotic and vigorious massage of the area is called for. In other words, stay the course. I'll be using Carnival and Med GOM mixed for pain control.

So I feel like shit but it should improve by Friday. I'm gonna go lay down.
Well, it turns out I probably have a small stone in a gland associated with the carotid artery system that's causing me to swell up like this. Warm compresses, antibiotic and vigorious massage of the area is called for. In other words, stay the course. I'll be using Carnival and Med GOM mixed for pain control.

So I feel like shit but it should improve by Friday. I'm gonna go lay down.

Non life threatening is good.

Sleep well.
Well, it turns out I probably have a small stone in a gland associated with the carotid artery system that's causing me to swell up like this. Warm compresses, antibiotic and vigorious massage of the area is called for. In other words, stay the course. I'll be using Carnival and Med GOM mixed for pain control.

So I feel like shit but it should improve by Friday. I'm gonna go lay down.

Sounds relatively minor.... tho painful enough.
Take care.
I wonder if some warm tea might help.
Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.

I've been having some pain and swelling for a couple days. I thought it was a lower tooth because it's hurt so bad in my jaw and the side of my face has been swollen. It even made my neck hurt and kept me light headed and dizzy. It's getting better now.

I wonder if there's something going around.
Ended up in the ER. The nurse practitioner was way off base. It's an infected salivary gland. Can you even believe that? I now have the CAT scan to prove it. They've given me anti nausea meds that brought me back from the edge and now they're giving me a run of antibiotics to get a head start on the oral meds.

Scared me pretty good for a few minutes there. Tell me my carotid may be blocked and then I went weak. Yeah..... a few touchy moments.Theyll be sending me home in a while and I should be able to get some decent sleep. That should make all the difference, because at the moment, what I am mostly is exhausted.

Tomorrow's a new day of joy. Today didn't turn out all that bad, all things considered, but I don't like feeling fragile.

Thank you all for the well wishes. :hug: :love:
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