TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Haha ha...

Yes..."Stupid Dikini"....what movie and who say's it...oh and what's a Dikini?

Thanks for the additional info. They're in the grow room where which is currently 68 %, that will come down during the day. to 60%

100F...cool, that's also the other thing exact temp....I've paper bagged a bit under the heat pump, and also microwaved....that eff's it if you ask me...cant keep the temp down...anyway.
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Just saw canna's comment....well...I snowed them canna....steamed the sand outta them and got a snowfull of nothing in the bowl....

3 seconds in the microwave is too long to keep the whole temp below 100f...how do I know...steam....to create water vapour ...well...ok water evapourates at different rates dependent on temperature...anyways its =212f or 100C to see steam...

It was a little buzz...not really what it should have been :)
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Good morning Canna,

My Grandma was fond of 'Corks!'

I imagine it to be used in place of 'eff' as it was often said with passion :)
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Good morning Canna,

My Grandma was fond of 'Corks!'

I imagine it to be used in place of 'eff' as it was often said with passion :)

LOL, my Mother adapted the word "Frickin". She thought she wasn't swearing then....we all knew what she meant...so isn't that still swearing?
Speak your mind dude, don't worry about watching any language on my account. I've seen and heard it all.

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

It's a regular sized person? I remember the lil drunk dude with the rat hat saying that.
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

You are awesome Cajun!

I fucking love you bro...you are the second person in my life that knows that movie well enough to know what a Dikini is...

You and me should have spent our youth together mate...we would have ripped the world apart :)

Oh...the little drunk dude wearing the rat....Cheech Marin!

Yes and Tommy Chong was one of the other little people...now...what were they called?....mmmm cant remember...
In one section very quietly you hear him say he couldn't be bothered following the dikini any more...he was going to have a fatty!
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage


No dehumidifier...I got them stupid things you put in the cupboard...8 of em...they're not enough really....it goes up and down...I'm watching, but I've got a lot of air movement, constantly, even when dark, so....I'd say I'm not worried about rot...but I'm being positive. :)

I worked for a baker....I can almost call myself a pastry chef...well at one time anywho...yep another of tassies...things...was in between school cert and higher school cert...don't worry another long bloody story...

Anyway...he always said Floppin'....floppin' this and floppin' that and flopping heck...he was a christian, and swearing just wasn't allowed....

What the fuck did he think he was doing....if you're not allowed to swear, then dont say a thing...don't pretend it's otherwise...

I agree Canna, say it how you see it an let it be...I'm a big boy now :)
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

They were Brownies and it was Kevin Pollock and I don't know the other dude.
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Hello Magic...

and you get reps too...BROWNIES... love you as well....I dunno, I never met people who new the movie Willow...

It was corny and rediculous and all...but hey was very enjoyable when I was....gosh ...early or mid teens was it...anyway
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

1988 Val Kilmer... I was 17

I think this was one of Val and Kevins first roles...lead roles perhaps in movies...dunno ...that's my feeling..
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Love it when you are all there and talking 'real time' it thrills me. No delay, and conversation.

But I gotta love ya's and leaves ya's

Hope you all have a wonderful night, talk to you soon


Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Hey Cajun,

Well I dunno how you called it...but you called it.

I smelled hay this morning about 4am...damn sniffed em and all the loverly parfume has tuned to hay.

So, I'm jyet....very soon to chop all the buds off the branches and wash some jars...other way round...and shove em in the cupboard in the dark

So, what am I looking for Cajun, and what am I doing here.

I've made hay before....but never tried to convert it back to the real deal...didn't know it was possible.

So, I gotta go and do me thing, but when you get a chance, can you throw me down some notes on what I'm doing from ....putting it in jars....


Thanks, TTFN
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

The hay smell is normal during the initial dry.
Once you jar & seal em up, they'll start curing & the awesome smells will return in a day or two.

For a Dikini, I think you're on the right track...
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Well fungus...caus that is all I got...no..if im the Dikini..then u must be the...

So I go in the room, right, this is it ...hay smell...funky....shove the colas in the plastic tub that's the trim tub, take it into the house to the awaiting jars...

So, as I pop the lid off....that's more like it...the smell...sniff the bud...like hay...ok

Jarred now an hour or so, popped the lid..yep I know...smells sweet again...just doesn't last long...the hay is still there...that's ok.

Started @164 g - 10g stems = 154g finish @ 74g = elmost 50% by weight reduction in 3 days.

Anyone know how much...I reakon it still needs to loose 25%...it's not...dry...I know I don't want dry...but still feels....damp....I'm gunna have to watch it like a hawk....I'm attempting to set up some sort of net arrangement for ...larger harvests... ! ! ! :)

SO, here are the pics...




Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Mate usually takes around 5-8 days before jarring.. I think somebody said it earlier but wait till the branches snap, snap in half not bend and break... Don't worry about the smell of taste yet, it comes... Harvesting between 25-30% sounds right from wet weight.. I've never weighed wet before but losing something like 70% seems right... If there to wet jarred up, even burping you'll still get mould. Especially where they are resting against each other... It's possible to rehydrate dried buds, so if you keep an eye on them they won't over dry and if they do it's not for too long and can be reversed without to much degradation to the compounds... Mould can't be reversed and your work gets binned. I really don't want this happening to you, no matter how small the chances. Please allow a little more drying... Please...
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Id wondered...ok...it's cold here....I've ok...I've effed the day mostly....I'm thinking....I now have to get something...

Ok, so I go to the shops now...I've got some mesh metal tray things....metal may rust...is painted black and mostly good, but..

I think I can got better with one of them $2 sock hanger thingies from Shiploads...the new chickenfeed...the new colonial clints...the $2 shoppe....even :)

Bye for now... Thanks Grizz....I did think that was the case....mkay....my bad....

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage


So the three biggest buds got hung again, and everything else went into a clothes washing mesh bag thingy...the best I could find ontop of the original steel mesh thingy...

n that :)
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