She deserves a break!
Thanks Saugs. :hug: :love:
I've been doing the bare minimum and I'm just resting today. I do have to transplant my GG clones later but that's about it.
Hope you are having a good Sunday.
Hey everybody!
OK some pics of the @Weedseedsexpress beans. The Pinkman Goo #2 finally found her legs. Pinkman Goo #1 was topped yesterday for quadding and the Lithium OG Kush's have been gently trained each day with LST. Alright, I hope everyone has a great day.
Awesome @MrSauga!
Hey everybody!
An update today on the @Weedseedsexpress beans. These guys are very hearty and both LOGK's have taken well to training. LOGK had a major break on the apical cola. I have a routine of checking on the girls every night before bed and it's probably my best tip for the day to always check your girls after making adjustments to any ties.. I adjusted the french tickler around 8pm, so somewhere before midnite the snap happened. I wish I had my camera with me to show you the state she was in. All wilted on my main cola.
Always have a roll of tape handy near your tent. I did and by checking on the girls before bed I was able to do my best Dixie McCall on her.
You can see already that she has fully recovered as far as her leaves go and she'll be just fine with a big knuckle. Makes them sexier.

Everything else is ticking along nicely. The Pinkman Goo #2 just got topped the other day so she looks a little naked but she'll be looking like #1 in no time.

Watching seedlings grow makes we want to pop more XD
But I’ve got to learn to space them out more properly I guess.
I'm just happy to see that I can still come over and drool over your bud pics! :drool:

Funny how one spots Sauga claiming to be a LST noob over in Shed's LST thread, tricking you into a fleeting moment of imagining that you posess some kind of experience - and then you see the bud pics and feel like putting your camera up on eBay... :p
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