Trala’s Tent

Hey yo T..... Nice harvest. I always like your pictures!! As far as your mean rude and crude ways..... I love it. My sister is 61 and she's a no nonsense fuck you fuck off fuck with me and find out kinda gal if you know what I mean. But on the flip side of that wild animal that she is there's a gal who would help anyone. Stand up for others who can't/don't stand up for themselves yadda yadda yadda.... The point.... Her ❤️ is in the right place. I believe you're in that same space. I'm sure your hubs is on his toes constantly because you're definitely a firecracker 🧨 for sure!!! So feck off and if you need to explode with fuckology hit me up!! Happy Friday/Saturday to you girl. Grow on!!! 😎✌️🧨
Happy Sunday GrowStars!!!

So first my real bummer news. I’m meant to zoom to the city today to see a band tonight, but instead I’m home bound coz I’ve had a covid complication ie pneumonia. I knew I’d get Covid. Last Sunday Emergency transferred unmasked pt to my ward stating there was no need to RAT, despite him saying he has LRTI symptoms. We didn’t realise he’d been 4 plexed which tests the Big 4 respiratory illnesses. And the rest is history. He had hearing issues, so I’m all up in his grill lol. I’ve been sick since Tuesday. So on the upside, I’m now afebrile, I’ve got the meds I need, I’ve got ventolin, and I’ve got next week off. On the downside, I know pneumonia and if the po meds don’t help me by Tuesday I’m gonna end up on my own fucking ward FML. I have sooo much fluid in my lungs. My wheeze even makes me a bit scared. My man wanted to take me to hossy last night. Yeah nah bruh.

But good news, I’m well enough to potter and omg it’s been so nice putting together my Sunday spiel without rushing. So without any further ado, let’s casually stroll into it.

So grow conditions. My grow conditions are perfect for flower, veg not so much. My flower girls are looking beautiful and my veg girls are growing slower than a one legged turtle that’s been roofied. To try and remedy this I’m buying another TS1000 light. I think my original one has had the dick. It’s 4 years old, so I think that’s an okay innings.

Sunday Summary

🌹The Flower Girls

Lucky is in the final stages of flower. I think that’s some natural fade, well I hope it is, coz she’s too far into the game for a pH and a good lie down lol. Shes gone from smelling pretty to smelling like yak urine.

Lucky Bee aka Banana Punch
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 121 Days
Flip Age: 70 Days
Days in Flower: 55


Misty does not like the cold lolling! She’s showing all kinds of pinks and purples in response. She is a beautiful plant. Well I think she is.

Misty Bee aka Gorilla Zkittles
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 105 Days
Flip Age: 63 Days
Days in Flower: 32


James is looking like the best auto I’ve ever grown. She has a huge number of glitter sites. Well for me and autos she has a huge number.

Jamie Bee aka Gorilla Glue Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 52 Days
Days in Flower: 23


Honey continues to dazzle me!

Honey Bee aka Critical Kush
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 76 Days
Flip Age: 62 Days
Days in Flower: 9



🌱The Veg Girls

Slowly slowly lolling! First shock, Da Imp still lives! Clone 1 has grabbed hold of her grow, and Clone 2 is revegging. I’m stoked both struck. While she’s behind, she’s starting to shape now.

Mika Bee and da 2 Clones and da Imp aka Purple Ghost Candy
Seeds from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 51 Days


Ammy is trying so hard to perform, but a cool daily sunbeam and a dying LED light is making that really difficult for her. On the plus, her green is good. She’s also had a couple of mites too despite the cold and unmite like weather.

Amethyst Bee aka Purple Ghost Candy
Seed from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 50 Days


I haven’t topped Min. I have this idea I want to try. I’m training her low and circular and I want to train that top cola into the middle. So keep a CarCanopy but it will be more an illusion coz she will be coiled. That’s my thought anyway, and you know what Thought thought aye? lol

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 27 Days


These two are doing less than fuck all, but it would be rude not to knowledge their existence lolling!

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 3 Days


Minxie Bee aka Do Si Dos Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 3 Days



Thanks for having a squiz, thanks for sticking with me despite the trama and skullfuckery I often bring to your poor eyeballs lol. Hope your day is full of the stuff that makes you big smile. Xo
Big hugs T!! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Even feeling shitty you're still kickin ass!! You're rock hun!! Good vibes to you. Hope you get to feeling better soon. 😎✌️
Nice little haul congrats Trala it does look tasty
Thanks Con :)

While there’s not much of her, she smells amazeballs!

I’m really regretting letting that Barney’s Farm Tropicanna Banana lineage die.
Hey yo T..... Nice harvest. I always like your pictures!! As far as your mean rude and crude ways..... I love it. My sister is 61 and she's a no nonsense fuck you fuck off fuck with me and find out kinda gal if you know what I mean. But on the flip side of that wild animal that she is there's a gal who would help anyone. Stand up for others who can't/don't stand up for themselves yadda yadda yadda.... The point.... Her ❤️ is in the right place. I believe you're in that same space. I'm sure your hubs is on his toes constantly because you're definitely a firecracker 🧨 for sure!!! So feck off and if you need to explode with fuckology hit me up!! Happy Friday/Saturday to you girl. Grow on!!! 😎✌️🧨
Hi Scottay

I fucking LOVE your sister!


Just in case you’ve not been told today… you really are an awesome. I see you sprinkle sunshine and smiles everywhere and I really appreciate you. Xo
Big hugs T!! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Even feeling shitty you're still kickin ass!! You're rock hun!! Good vibes to you. Hope you get to feeling better soon. 😎✌️
You can’t keep a bad girl down ScotStar :)

I actually think I might have turned that corner today. Last night was the first night my man hasn’t had to sit in the bathroom and watch as I sit in a hot shower coughing my spirit up convinced I’m end stage and scared to be alone lol. I’m like a full on hypochondriac. I really am. I’m like a dying duck in a thunderstorm. So. Pathetic. I have no idea how or why he puts up with me.

You know you got a stayer when they stick with you after witnessing bad naked.

Good naked: candlelight, semi zooted, music and a warm gentle breeze
Bad naked: sitting on the shower floor, coughing so hard body parts that are not even meant to jiggle jiggles.
Another great summary Trala. Beauties!
Take care of yourself.
Hi la Rue

Omg I’m feeling so much better!

AmoxiClav FTW. I am taking it every 8 hours rather than every 12, and my lungs are thanking me for it. I’ll drop back to BD tomoz.

I should defs be a doctor lol.
Hope you feel better soon T! ❤. Hazards of the front line.

Girls are a treat. Sunday summary back puts a complete loop on the week.

I see you've not decided to slow down any!
I am feeling better. Thank fuck!

Devo I missed The Snuts tho. But in the scheme of things it matters not.

I think I’ve finally got the perpetual dialled in.

Hope you’re living your dream, I really do. Xo
Omg! I had the best nightshift ever last night! Two patients. I was on with my jam, and we got deep. Real deep. Like an Oprah episode. We all have shit, shit that ties us to tragedy, shit that tortures us. Shapes us. Fucks us up. Last night we took turns sharing.

For me, March is loaded with it. Both my parents died in March. Different days, different years. And both left me scarred. Like I’m healed. But the scars stay.

Short Story: my dad’s dna and my mums purse are buried in my backyard coz I’m nuts.

Long story: My dad is probs not my dad. I came to this conclusion because he would tell me to find my real dad when he was drunk lolling. So during his long drawn out death, I was handed a blood soaked singlet to wash after a medical procedure went a bit askew, and I kept it coz I thought once he’s dead I’m gonna do dna and find out once and for all. It sat in my cupboard like a smoking gun for nearly 20 years. Keeping me tied to the hurt and drama. A few years ago I confided to a friend and they said something like “control the narrative and let it go, it’s not going to change anything”. Those words hit me like a slap. And I decided yes. End the chapter. So I buried his singlet in my backyard and added a cross. 🪦 ☠️

Then my mum, who was my main torturer, an abusive alcoholic who couldn’t keep her knickers on (apple didn’t fall far ;) lolling) was found dead in her bed, she lay there for a few days in the March heat. She overdosed on whiskey and oxy. Police guessed it was the 28th of this month, but I asked the copper if he could guesstimate it to the 27th, coz the 28th is my nephews birthday and I didn’t want that tied to his special day, and he changed it. So I’m the oldest, so of course it fell to me to clean her rented unit and pay for the forensic clean. I literally smelled her for two years. Every time I smelled something bad, like if my dog Bill farted, or a rubbish bin stank, anything bad, I could smell her body as it lay in that bed, the images of her mattress stored in my brain just to flash me for added mental torture. The mind is a terrible thing once it’s in high trigger alert. Anyhoo, I had her purse, and omg finding my boys crumpled up photo in it hurt me like I was cut with a knife, that she kept him there. That he mattered to her. So couple of years after her death I thought, control the narrative. End the chapter. So I did. Her purse is buried next to dad’s singlet and I added another cross lol. 🪦 ☠️

Having a tiny place just for them has helped me cleanse the memories a bit. Make it kinda sweet and beautiful. I sit flowers there to remember them, coz there was love. I loved them. I loved them both. And I want to forgive them. So my big rock idea made me think of a test rock. So I made them a head stone! And I’m fully aware it looks like a child did it, but it has my little cemetery looking prettier. Well I think it has. 🪦 🪦 ☠️ ☠️ 💐 💐


I still have to varnish it to stop the weather ruining it. I just sat it there to see what it looked like and take a pic to show you.

Bit of a funny. Imagine digging and finding a singlet with blood and a purse! Has murder written all over it! lol!

Right enough of that! Oprah Episode done ✔️

Let’s Sunday summaryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I’m way behind here, lots of reading to catch up on. But thank you for sharing this, and not thank you for me but thank you for you.

Edit. As it sits a moment, thank you for me too :)
I’m way behind here, lots of reading to catch up on. But thank you for sharing this, and not thank you for me but thank you for you.

Edit. As it sits a moment, thank you for me too :)
Hello You :)

Omg don’t torture yourself with my pages and pages of my skullfuckery! Just fast forward to the last page!

Save your brain cells!

I had such fun putting that update together.
It was a good one, too!
Those Dos-si-dos are doing great for just 3 days old👍💚
So, is one an auto, and one a photo?
I have no idea how or why he puts up with me.
Personally, I think he's in love...💕
Happy Sunday GrowStars!!!

So first my real bummer news. I’m meant to zoom to the city today to see a band tonight, but instead I’m home bound coz I’ve had a covid complication ie pneumonia. I knew I’d get Covid. Last Sunday Emergency transferred unmasked pt to my ward stating there was no need to RAT, despite him saying he has LRTI symptoms. We didn’t realise he’d been 4 plexed which tests the Big 4 respiratory illnesses. And the rest is history. He had hearing issues, so I’m all up in his grill lol. I’ve been sick since Tuesday. So on the upside, I’m now afebrile, I’ve got the meds I need, I’ve got ventolin, and I’ve got next week off. On the downside, I know pneumonia and if the po meds don’t help me by Tuesday I’m gonna end up on my own fucking ward FML. I have sooo much fluid in my lungs. My wheeze even makes me a bit scared. My man wanted to take me to hossy last night. Yeah nah bruh.

But good news, I’m well enough to potter and omg it’s been so nice putting together my Sunday spiel without rushing. So without any further ado, let’s casually stroll into it.

So grow conditions. My grow conditions are perfect for flower, veg not so much. My flower girls are looking beautiful and my veg girls are growing slower than a one legged turtle that’s been roofied. To try and remedy this I’m buying another TS1000 light. I think my original one has had the dick. It’s 4 years old, so I think that’s an okay innings.

Sunday Summary

🌹The Flower Girls

Lucky is in the final stages of flower. I think that’s some natural fade, well I hope it is, coz she’s too far into the game for a pH and a good lie down lol. Shes gone from smelling pretty to smelling like yak urine.

Lucky Bee aka Banana Punch
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 121 Days
Flip Age: 70 Days
Days in Flower: 55


Misty does not like the cold lolling! She’s showing all kinds of pinks and purples in response. She is a beautiful plant. Well I think she is.

Misty Bee aka Gorilla Zkittles
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 105 Days
Flip Age: 63 Days
Days in Flower: 32


James is looking like the best auto I’ve ever grown. She has a huge number of glitter sites. Well for me and autos she has a huge number.

Jamie Bee aka Gorilla Glue Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 52 Days
Days in Flower: 23


Honey continues to dazzle me!

Honey Bee aka Critical Kush
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 76 Days
Flip Age: 62 Days
Days in Flower: 9



🌱The Veg Girls

Slowly slowly lolling! First shock, Da Imp still lives! Clone 1 has grabbed hold of her grow, and Clone 2 is revegging. I’m stoked both struck. While she’s behind, she’s starting to shape now.

Mika Bee and da 2 Clones and da Imp aka Purple Ghost Candy
Seeds from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 51 Days


Ammy is trying so hard to perform, but a cool daily sunbeam and a dying LED light is making that really difficult for her. On the plus, her green is good. She’s also had a couple of mites too despite the cold and unmite like weather.

Amethyst Bee aka Purple Ghost Candy
Seed from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 50 Days


I haven’t topped Min. I have this idea I want to try. I’m training her low and circular and I want to train that top cola into the middle. So keep a CarCanopy but it will be more an illusion coz she will be coiled. That’s my thought anyway, and you know what Thought thought aye? lol

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 27 Days


These two are doing less than fuck all, but it would be rude not to knowledge their existence lolling!

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 3 Days


Minxie Bee aka Do Si Dos Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 3 Days



Thanks for having a squiz, thanks for sticking with me despite the trama and skullfuckery I often bring to your poor eyeballs lol. Hope your day is full of the stuff that makes you big smile. Xo
All plants are looking good & hope you're feeling better enjoy your week off
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