Unforgiven's - Picture-A-Day - Barney's Critical Kush - DWC

day 78 and alls well...

the stats......T: 80.6...RH: 49....PH: 6.6....REST: 74.3....PPM: 1860

the pic...


have fun eh
day 79 is here...

res change happened today..

the stats......T: 77.5...RH: 51....PH: 5.7....REST: 65.5....PPM: 1840

the pic...


have fun eh
day 80 and time ticks on...

she is becoming quite the healthy specimen for cloning...lets just hope she is a she, lol.

the stats......T: 78.2...RH: 50....PH: 6.0....REST: 72.9....PPM: 1870 it definately seems that as temp ticks up so does ph a bit.

the pic...

have fun eh
She looks great ! Yes I said she ..as I have never known any male to demand so much attention to open up or pout as long as she did . Lol
thanks guys for the kindness.

yep that's what i am leaning towards mono, what with the hard start she has had to endure, lol.

but ya know, every time i look at her...just wanna grab a blade lol. i will endure. besides, i do have a barometer of sorts i can go by...the deep chunkolate mums are cruisin right along, so maybe i can hold out long enough for them??? idunno. we'll see.

update soon..

have fun eh
day 81 has come along here in the garden of me-den....get it? lmao

the stats......T: 78.8...RH: 52....PH: 6.1....REST: 72.5....PPM: 1910 weird rise this week in the res...might jump the h2o2 early and do it later tonight...

the pic...

there she is in all her glory.

have fun eh
day 82 was here but now is gone...

the stats......T: 77.7...RH: 57....PH: 6.1....REST: 72.0....PPM: 1920 she drank over a liter...

the pic

have fun eh
day 83

the stats......T: 69.6...RH: 62....PH: 6.3....REST: 68.9....PPM: 1830

the pic...

have fun eh
day 84 yesterday...

alls well. added h2o2 and a liter of tap.

stuck a tape measure to her...12" high and 19" acrosss either direction.

looks like when i do decide to grab some clones, i should be able to take 8-10 of them easy.

the stats......T: 77.1...RH: 45....PH: 6.4....REST: 71.0....PPM: 1840

the pic...

have fun eh
and for day 85 we kept it simple...

the stats......T: 77.1...RH: 50....PH: 5.8....REST: 70.9....PPM: 1750 this was after a shot of ph down..

the pic...

have fun eh
so days 86 & 87 were spent in a haze of sickness...still am but i gotta get these updates in..

day 86...
the stats......T: 77.7...RH: 50....PH: 6.0....REST: 69.7....PPM: 1760

the pic...

day 87...

the stats......T: 79.1...RH: 46....PH: 6.1....REST: 70.3....PPM: 1790

the pic...

don't mind the orange tree there, she is lovin the mh as much as she loved the hps, but hated led's.

have fun eh
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