Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

OMG. We had a hatching. There are hundreds of baby spiders on my kitchen ceiling.
Mr.Ground is trying to squish them all. Dying laughing... He's so pissed right now.
I told him to grab the lint roller and get going.

He had one in his beard.:rofl::laugh::rofl::laugh:
OMG. We had a hatching. There are hundreds of baby spiders on my kitchen ceiling.
Mr.Ground is trying to squish them all. Dying laughing... He's so pissed right now.
I told him to grab the lint roller and get going.

He had one in his beard.:rofl::laugh::rofl::laugh:

f that i would go chem on that.
There are hundreds of baby spiders on my kitchen ceiling
A Dustbuster works perfect for something like that...or termites...or whiteflies..or soil gnats...
or just about any creepy crawlies you come across in the house-even those big black and brown spiders that like to drop down from the ceiling...eeewwww!
A Dustbuster works perfect for something like that...or termites...or whiteflies..or soil gnats...
or just about any creepy crawlies you come across in the house-even those big black and brown spiders that like to drop down from the ceiling...eeewwww!
or fire. or agent orange.
Mr.Ground is trying to keep one as a pet. :eye-roll:
Honestly, we have so many spiders we joke that our house is being held together with webs. We have one that we see from time to time, that we refer to as " The Hand". Because it's huge and if it's hiding so you can only see half of it , It looks like a black hand tapping its fingers impatiently.
That's about as funny as life gets V. I hope you 2 were good and stoned for the occasion. Lint roller, good call!
We were very much stoned. The lint roller makes a little mosaic of terror. Lol.
Lol, that’s how my cat earns her rent! Not that she eats them, but she plays with them and gets my attention, then I put them outside.
Ha ha. Cats can be amazing. I had one that got into the floorboards of our old house. She brought up dozens of bats. She used to play fetch like a dog and walk on leash. She also loved car rides and would come running when she heard the keys jingle. She was a very odd cat.
My awesome K-9 is a different story. He hates bugs of any kind and will turn around and run to find Mr.Ground to keep him safe.

Speaking of Mr.Ground.... SMH. He looked at me last night and said that he wants another baby. Then I think he noticed the look on my face and slowly receded from the room, making sure not to turn his back on me.

Baby factory is boarded up, bro. No admittance for you!
Ha ha. Cats can be amazing. I had one that got into the floorboards of our old house. She brought up dozens of bats. She used to play fetch like a dog and walk on leash. She also loved car rides and would come running when she heard the keys jingle. She was a very odd cat.
My awesome K-9 is a different story. He hates bugs of any kind and will turn around and run to find Mr.Ground to keep him safe.

Speaking of Mr.Ground.... SMH. He looked at me last night and said that he wants another baby. Then I think he noticed the look on my face and slowly receded from the room, making sure not to turn his back on me.

Baby factory is boarded up, bro. No admittance for you!
Sounds like an awesome, mega personality cat! I love dogs too, but I’m a cat lady at heart. Much easier to take care of too.
Lmao, a baby?! You said your youngest is 9 right?
Sounds like an awesome, mega personality cat! I love dogs too, but I’m a cat lady at heart. Much easier to take care of too.
Lmao, a baby?! You said your youngest is 9 right?
Yup, 9.
"That's a big negative ghost rider, the pattern is full. " ( Top gun)
Funny, it’s the opposite over here. I say one more, he says no. Lol, I’d probably s my pants if he up and said yes one day. Maybe I just like having something to pester him about? (purple devil smile emoji)
Baby factory is boarded up, bro. No admittance for you!
If I were Mr Ground,I'd have questions about that statement...
"So,I understand the nursery's closed... but can I still use the playpen?"
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