White Cheese Auto Under Two Mars Reflectors 48x5W

Nice journal:thumb:

And what a funny username you got, I guess we're from the same part of the world;)

I'm using Biobizz and have an auto grow planned for next time and I want to follow Atrain's schedule.
So I've been wondering if I should hold back the Bio-Bloom and Top-Max until week 6/7, but I think the Bio-Bloom might have some nutrients the growing plant needs.

Not knowing anything about Advanced Nutrients, I see that Atrain is using the bloom from day 10 and then I thought it might be better just hold back the Top-Max, but it's supposed to also release Calcium, Magnesium and Iron which the plant also needs throughout the life cycle.
So now I'm leaning towards following the Biobizz schedule, but continue to use Root-Juice until week 6/7.

Happy growing :Namaste:

What's up PGR.. just read the post above about me using bloom from day 10.... this is a common misconception with AN line.... the grow micro bloom PH perfect line are base nutrients... I do understand it says bloom.... but the base nutes are given as just that a base nutrient from beginning to end. If you look at the NPK numbers of the bloom BASE NUTRIENT it's not too much higher in P and K than your average "veg" suppliments from other companies... when I get to flower week 6/7 according to atrain... I add the Big Bud. BB is the equivalent of a bloom booster from other companies and is hi in PK values
ok quick question are you using alg-a-mic (sea weed) instead of root stimulant because they are no where near the same thing the bio bizz root stimulant is call root juice seems to work, but alg-a-mic is more of a additive/ plant health stimulator making them more resistant to pests/under/overwatering. It's kinda like the acti-vera they came out with. (acti-vera is made from aloe)

argh no of course not my bad its me who wrote wrong when i plotted it in to the chart i only used alg-a-mic from when it started to bloom first tree weeks it should be root jouice i wrote wrong. it was the first time i added the alg-a-mic to the grow and next time i will wait untill week six or so like with the bloom nutes like Atrain suggested it.

i also gave it a bit too much from the start of alg-a-mic but i was reusing flushed soil cuz i did not have the ride to carry soil home at the time from a growshop. so i thought it would maybe need a bit ekstra.

i have never tried that aloe supplement from biobizz but made me a aloevera foliar spray some time a go with plants from my garden. i sprayed on when lights were just about to go out they loved it. :) all leafs had morning wood next morning everytime

and yeah the last one from biobizz is from their webpage its the one i use as a baseline to navigate up and down from with my regular plants also. its way to strong i think for autoes. i think no more than half strength or so
What's up PGR.. just read the post above about me using bloom from day 10.... this is a common misconception with AN line.... the grow micro bloom PH perfect line are base nutrients... I do understand it says bloom.... but the base nutes are given as just that a base nutrient from beginning to end. If you look at the NPK numbers of the bloom BASE NUTRIENT it's not too much higher in P and K than your average "veg" suppliments from other companies... when I get to flower week 6/7 according to atrain... I add the Big Bud. BB is the equivalent of a bloom booster from other companies and is hi in PK values

but with the biobizz i think maybe npk's are a bit different than mineral nutrient actually? Grow is 4-3-6 bloom is 2-7-4 and topmax is at 0,1-0,1-0,1 i seem to remember a old thumb rule from when starting growing. that when in bloom P-K- should be almost double the amount of N but thats just not how autos work(i might be wrong thats a 10 year old maybe i remember thing, i just dragged up the hat *LOL*) im for sure gonna do like Atrain told me, in this hydro run when using the mineral based nutes and hold back on my bloom nutes untill flowering is coming on strong.

but next time im going hydro i will buy Hesi as i used back in the days those i know better than this GHE tripack i got from a friend and add the additives in this line. and i will feel safer using them on unknown territorie like autos :)
so a little update. after a spotted the N deficiency couple of days ago i studied the Ghe base nutes content a but further. as i also see a bit of Mn and Mg deficiency started getting notciable also. So i readjusted the dosage. so now it is like this at week six


it helped a lot on the N def. the color in the leafs except the new growth of course are now going back to the more healthier green color instead og the pale lightgreen. the booom nute had a high content Mg thats why i upped the dose a bit even tho Atrain does not do it that early with his AN i think i had to do it with this cuz i did'nt have the correct aditives. i have dalled a friend and asked him to drop of mineral magic for me today so i can get the final deficiency out of their system. i will be added later today asap.


im hitting my self in the head not think about the big difference there can be from auto seed to auto seed in the same strain i should of course have put them in each their bloom box so their got get seperated dosage. Insted of putting them in the same box as i do with regular seedling, i think i will see if it is doable to seperate when im cleaning the box soon. maybe i can take the roots apart easily with rubbergloves without doing to much damage? becours ethe small is not as near flowering stage as the back are it. but the still grow like beasts exspecially the bigger one of the two.

this is the last weeks growth


And i also put a metal screen in the bottom tray so i could lst a bit more its gonna be a hell to untie and clean the box and tie down again but i only need to clean the box on more time i think during the grow. i also defoliated a couple of the leafs to gain a bit more light the the undergrowth.

And its now at day 30

ups my thumb wanted to get its chance in the spotlight as well :D

I know its hard to see on the pictures from my crapy phone. but after adjusting the nutes up a bit.expecially the micro nutes. the leafs are in tree days showing a massive improvement in coloration. from very pale and almost toxic green looking color back to the normal healthy green color and only the fresh shoots being a nice fresh green color so they are back on track i added some Mineral magic yesterday i added a two liter solution with also nutes to the box i put a bit more mineral magic in it cus there was like six liter in the bokx already. so i gave it a double dose. i hope it mixed ok in the box. but i think my airstone and the topwatering system will desolve the small stuff that might lay undesolved on the bottom of the box.

Ladies looking nice happy and perky this morning for sure. the best they have looked for one and a half week now. so thats cool.
i Really started to like the challange growing the autos when being growing regulars always its just almost like a rutine by now so i really like this having to be a bit on my toes again :D awesome

Day 31

and i already see the last LST i did yesterday taking a bit of effect. i gotta love the speed in these small autobabies i see what the autogrowers are saying about having to get the 10-12 weeks strains instead of those small puny 7-8 weeks advertised ones :D

Everything looks great man and these little lights look to be a good job. Lets hope they do as good of job in flower as they have with veg. With autos the time frame really is dependent on phenotype one seed can be 100% different from the next but that's just nature and recessive genes/ latitude/ lunar cycles/ anything can set em of to a different path then i planned out.

:goodjob: the plants are looking amazing tho :goodjob:
Everything looks great man and these little lights look to be a good job. Lets hope they do as good of job in flower as they have with veg. With autos the time frame really is dependent on phenotype one seed can be 100% different from the next but that's just nature and recessive genes/ latitude/ lunar cycles/ anything can set em of to a different path then i planned out.

:goodjob: the plants are looking amazing tho :goodjob:

they flowered fine last two runs tho i had those damn spidermites from my garden fruits and veggies. but i got rid of most early in flower with a triple combo of some home made solutions that did a awesome job and then foliar sprayed after the treatment and washdown, with a homemade aloe vera peppermint rosemary mix it did wonders. and then i released predatorymites when they were way on the retreat those small bastards
Oh yeah and all the white on that first plant. that ain't web from mites man thats all crystal baby :p they didnt get a chance to make the webs before i nuked the shit out of them.

it was descend sized buds i think. and the first 14 days of this flowering cycle was with 90w ufo until i got the small mars lights. i still got almost 170 i thnk it was 164-165 dry buds plus a bit of popcorn and trimmings in just 8 and 9 weeks of flower with those two plants and they could easily give them to more weeks but i just wanted to get the closet cleaned out of those damn mites.. and the closet was only like 3/4 covered and they could also be a bit taller i think. so i am not worried if they can flower my plants these small lights. i know mars lamps are not the most high prices lights out there but untill now they keeped me supplyed and then some. i get about 2x what i actually need to keep me medicated so thats plenty in my bbok :D
Awesome man and beautiful plants. Good to hear about the little lights I think for me tho I may go with the Mars series 2 400w since I've only got a 60x60cm tent.
So two days ago i tried out mineral magic ( consist mostly of silicia clay) on one of the plants as a foliarspray as advertised on the product. but even tho i filtered it before use it left some small spots like small calsium spots like when misting with to hard water. well it did'nt do the plant any hard it just looks like a dirty liittle lady now ;) so the dy after i washed a bit of the spots of with a water mister. still got a few on her but i will wash her again tonight when lights goes out to get the rest of. so im just gonna use the MM as an additive to the water solution from now on instead of foliarfeeding with it.

Well this morning i also did a bit of defoliation this time i took quite a few leafs of the other times has just been two tree at a time. today i took about ten but tried not to get to eager about it. i gave the plant threads i used to tie down the plant a little adjustment to spread out the plants a bit more and the last auto i put in the soil (the right side in the back) got a massive tie down today as well. The front right one in soil is a feminized hazeberry im just vegging a bit. so thats not important at all to this White Cheese journal

they still have a slight yellowing on the 1-2 mm of some leaf tips but nothing major so im not gonna adjust down the nutes before sunday were im beginning with week six on the feedingchart. but then i am gonna take it down in the gro nute to minimize N a bit. im thinking i will keep the bloom nutes the same for at least half way tru week six if not the hole week. becourse the small in the hydro are just not as close to full bloom as the big one. so i have to meet up in the middle somewhere

Day 34

So this morning started with pulling my head out of my A*s :D

I don't know were i was mentally a couple of days ago when adding the mineral magic. i think i was a bit stressed *LOL*

Feeding schedule says 4g pr 10l of water. i forgot to do the math properly before adding it. so it got WAAAAAAY to much of it. i did'nt think about it untill the leafs started getting serrated at the edges. so it indicated a bit of K lock out. making the plant sweat to much moist of or not being able to sweat of moist not quite sure actually. giving those issues with leaf tips getting that serrated look going on.

So i flushed out my roots of course and i re-calibrated the hole nute solution. lets see if it will get back on track in a couple of days. plants looks ok but they sure not gonna be the next top model or nothing *LOL*.

The personal lesson of the day for me is. That i need to keep my mind on my own things instead of running around helping others get they shit together in a degree were i get home so tired that i just fuck up everything for my self :D i will add new pictures in a few days when they had a bit of a chance to bounce back

well the instructions on the bucket of MM was a bit confusing IMO also. on the feeding schedule from GHE it says 4g for 10l at week 1 of broom then again at week 4 in bloom. On another chart for the SAME nutes from GHE it says 4g pr 10 l water with EVERY feeding. on the back of it it says in liquid preparation use 1KG (yes 1 KG) in 20l of water *LOL* so i think that added a bit to my confusion the other day. well im back on track and im just using it at about 2g pr 10L of water now. and see were that will take me. i also added a bit more K to the solution. be course it had been locked out for some days now according to the look of the leafs

it doesnt look so bad mate. i think its gone turn out great next few days:thumb::thumb::thumb::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley:

i sure hope they bounce back. but that serration of the leaf edges just worries me cus i never have any of all these issues with regulars in soil or hydro in that matter. regulars just take way more easy to things then these sensitive Bit*hes *LOL* but its most in the little one of the two that the problems seems to be biggest so thats at least a good thing not being the biggest acting to much up
So they had a couple of days of restitution after my small brainfart the other day :D the serrations on the leaf edges on the little hydro are almost gone only a bit of it left. so thats nice. the big one in hydro are really stating to bud out real good a lot of bud sites on it. its really spreading out its canopy filling out about almost half my closet by now. Hopefully the small one in hydro will also stretch out a bit more its very bushy. im defoliation at least 10-15 leafs a day right now to keep the budsites free from any shadow.

i also put in a small plastictray to keep the humitity a bit up there have been real dry in the hole apartment the last week compared to how it has been the hole winter so think that added a bit to the serrated leaf problem.

a small update at day 39
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