White Rhino, CBD Cream & Cheese & Stankberry Medley

Good info, thanks otter! I'm taking Candida cuttings this weekend for more seed making attempts.
Those things can't hurt I figure. I've been going with the dipngrow and not cutting tips. I just learned of the keeping 3 leaves. I wonder what other parameters to use with the 3 leaves. I wouldn't think they should be big or lanky. I don't know, I love/hate rules.
The Four Corners

Hi all, I want to show you some coverage this @NextLight Mega throws. The tent is 4.5 feet square and I got bud squished in pretty tight. Looking at the very corners I found these bud today. Nextlight, you nailed it!

Not to forget the wee one. The Pinkman Goo seedling is doing well. Starkillers looking like a no go still wet in the paper towel.
Ahoy Van
My Dog Brother,
Hope all is well. We have not chatted in a while.
In a gently enchanted way I got to wondering bout something. :hookah:
Did you have anything to do with the StankBerry gems I was gifted by the Stone?
That would be to cool. I hope you tell me you are Stank.
Perhaps I am a bit more stoned than I thought.
Semper :love:
Hey Maritimer, good to see ya brother.

Yes I did, I created the Stankberry strain along with a few other from that awesome ATF male. The blueberry Muffin pheno is the one you are looking for!!

Hi all, good news on the grow front. White Rhino is ~75% milky 25 clear trichs. Her window of slaughter opens in a week. I think she''s running on time. Anyway, that tells me to stop water for a trichome enhancing drought. Oh BOY! She's gotten so plump and frosty! YUM! Everyone else is clicking along ok not as advanced, so they will drink up. Not for long though. They all have the same start stop dates so I expect them to go down one after another. We'll see. C'MON White Rhino!

Your tent is looking awesome, Stone! :thumb:
Some beautiful grenades in there, but I have a soft spot for the (slightly) leaning towers of Stankberry. Let the countdown begin!
The countdown to pull the pins is on Shed! The whole house is on notice that if I see milky trichs it's time to blow this grow up! Just letting the snow develope now. The leaning towers are a sight. They're bulking up this week and losing a lot of pistols fast. I'm torn between them and the White Rhino's that are so expanding and getting a thick frost on them.
Just in time for the fun :slide:
Your garden is looking gorgeous, Stone.
Hi folks, today I've been looking at propagation. Taking cuttings and rooting them. A study by Deron M Caplan called

Propagation and Root Zone Management for Controlled Environment Cannabis Production Results

He did some other things I watched earlier in @Maritimer 's log and this stuck out since the outcome of his study is different from most of what I see here in folks journals including mine. The thing he brings up is how cutting leaf tips off clones slows down the root growing process. I copied the following from the paper. What do you think? Is cutting leaf tips bro science, or have you seen better results from doing it?

From the paper:
Cuttings under all treatment combinations had some degree of successful rooting. Rooting hormone had the greatest effect on both rooting success rate and root quality (Figure 2.2, 2.3). The synthetic hormone delivered a 2.1 times higher rooting success rate (84% vs. 40%;  2 = 39.0, P < 0.0001) and 1.6 times higher root quality (1.6 vs. 1.0;  2 = 41.1, P < 0.0001) than the organic hormone. Removing leaf tips had the second greatest effect on rooting success rate. When leaf tips were removed, rooting success rate was lowered from 71% to 53% ( 2 = 9.8, P = 0.0018), though there was no effect on root quality. Leaf number had no effect on rooting success rate, but rooted cuttings with three leaves had 15% higher root quality than those with two (1.5 vs. 1.3;  2 = 4.3, P = 0.038). Cutting position did not influence rooting success rate or root quality. There was however, an interactive effect between cutting position and leaf tip removal on rooting success rate (Figure 2.4). When leaf tips were removed, cuttings of basal origin had lower rooting success rate than apical cuttings (43% vs. 63%;  2 = 5.7, P = 0.0169).
You came across a print version. I heard him summarise this on a podcast.
While testing was rigourous and extensive his caveat was that it was only carried out on one chemovar. Mmv.
Clipping the leaves to “direct energy” into growing roots was the broscience. Plants don’t do that, it seems. Also, leaf clipping gives the cutting 5 wound sites to heal, where removing a leaf gives the cutting only one for the same money. It’s healthier to take the whole leaf than to cut one.

Alright. Bring on the meds! :cheer:
Just in time for the fun :slide:
Your garden is looking gorgeous, Stone.

You came across a print version. I heard him summarise this on a podcast.
While testing was rigourous and extensive his caveat was that it was only carried out on one chemovar. Mmv.
Clipping the leaves to “direct energy” into growing roots was the broscience. Plants don’t do that, it seems. Also, leaf clipping gives the cutting 5 wound sites to heal, where removing a leaf gives the cutting only one for the same money. It’s healthier to take the whole leaf than to cut one.

Alright. Bring on the meds! :cheer:
It makes perfect sense when you put it that way. Live and learn. I'm bringing them on asap now with the new bud rot I found this morning. OYE!
YEP I found two buds with it this morning. First time in my tents. I'm curious why. I've kept rh to 50% during the flowering time except for one period when the breaker went out on the extraction fan overnight at some point. I did get it normal before 7am the same day. I don't know. So anyway, looking closely I found one cbd cream and cheese cola and one white rhino cola with it. I cut them off and threw them out.

Both these plants are having a drought as they have shown me milky trichs. So far it's been 4 days from water. 2 watering periods. I expect them to be ready any day now. The White Rhino is showing me the trichome building I'm looking for from the drought so tomorrow likely for her. We'll see. I didn't have the camera for the first find but the second I got it to show you all the look. Here you go.
The White Rhino's fattest bud of course.

Also the biggest on the cbd cream and cheese
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