1st Indoor Grow - 9 Strains - Eek!

:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:Hugs To ALL!!!:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:


AND :welcome: TO THE FAMILY TO ALL MY NEW 420FAMILY VISITORS!!! I wish I had time to properly greet and thank each of you!!!!

Gees - I really wish I had more time!!! I have about 10 minutes before my staff replacement gets here, so I wanted to stop in and leave a quick note. I WILL BE BACK and give a number of updates later and in the next few days cuz I have a few days off (not really off cuz I have bookwork, but WILL have some extra time too) and I am getting caught back up on the ladies until harvesting begins again later in the month.

I have SOOOO wanted to get in here to report on lots of things, but especially the second AK-47.... it was such a gorgeous plant to harvest... but later cuz I'm outta time for now!!

I promise to be back with lots of images over the next few days!!! Hope everyone is healthy, happy, and has lots of smoke to stay sane in this insane world!!!
:slide::slide::slide:Feels good to be HERE!!!:slide::slide::slide:

Wow does it feel like it has been a looonnnggg time since an update! It has been so chaotic here! But today I get to do a few updates and Monday I'll get to do even more and hopefully catch up!

I harvested a number of Super Nova Chronic since I last reported but am not going to take the time to edit and load those pics here because I did a good job of images on the first two Chronic plants (go back in my journal if you are interested). The first 7 Chronic plants were all stressed when young and had to recover prior to flower. I have nicer Chronic clones (that weren't stressed when young) budding currently the flower room to report on down the road and I have too many others that I want to get a report in now.

However, I will say the Chronic plants were all highly saturated with trichs - ok a repeat of one pic here so you can see...

... and is EXTREMELY POWERFUL smoke. I had to choose what strains to clone to grow the most of and Chronic is definitely in them. To tell you how good I think it is, I chose to grow more Chronic than White Widow... and that says a lot cuz the White Widow is beautifully saturated and very powerful smoke too. I do have a few more smaller WW in the works tho!

But... I will move on with an LD I harvested on Jan 7th. LD is supposed to have harvest dates of 60 to 65 days. This one I let go to day 76 of flower. This LD grew tall. I put her in at 9" and she grew to 40". She glistened in the flower room as if she was wet (so did the Chronic). This first image captured some of the glistening that I saw every day with her.

As you can see below, she was not the short dense plant that the first LD was...

Her colas looked real nice...

And a few different shots of her trichs...



Back in a minute with Thai Tanic harvest...
The first Thai Tanic I harvested is absolutely glorious in flavor and head buzz. The next two I harvested grew female pollen sacs and altho they were past their earliest suggested harvest dates, they were harvested earlier than I would have liked. It ticked me off and I didn't even take decent pics.

Before this report, I wantcha all to remember Granny IS NOT YOUNG! And I have a lotta plants going here to keep track of! EEEEEKKK!!!!! Ol'timers memory loss is setting in! That said... When I reported on the two hermie Thai Tanic, I made an error. I had only one pic of *what I thought* was the second TT harvested that day (TT 2/4) - but it wasn't. Evidently I was so ticked I didn't take any pics of the second one I harvested cuz when I went upstairs - there was TT 2/4. So today is her day to shine. ;)

TT 2/4 was harvested on Jan. 11th, on day 80 of flower. She grew to 36" tall. This Thai Tanic was different from all the rest of them. All other Thai Tanic had buds that looked like this...

They had a ton of hairy pistols forming big round hairy nugs - like powerpuffs everywhere.

But this Thai Tanic (2/4) had a bit different shape and makeup to her buds...


Here she is complete...

And a couple trich shots...


The first TT I harvested is some of the sweetest tasting bud I've ever smoked and nugs are beautifully formed. I promise to feature many dried nug shots when I give proper smoke reports of all. I'll be comparing the different plants of some strains too. This TT went longer than any other and trichs turned more, so we'll see if the buzz is different.

Next... a very special AK-47 harvested...
Last today... a VERY SPECIAL AK-47 - luv this one!

Out of 4 AK-47:
1 was male
1 turned hermie early in flower with flowery tops and the lower all male.
1 grew female pollen sacs and was harvested on day 46 of flower - way early.

And then there is this girl... AK-47 2/2. The AK is supposed to have harvest dates of 53 to 63 days. This gal was harvested on day 84 of flower. She just kept on putting on new growth and trichs were fine, so I let her go and go. She grew to 27.5 inches tall and had 5 super nice top colas with many other smaller growths. The AK-47 has a very unique shape to her colas - I could easily look across the room and spot these plants within the group.

First I will start with images from the week before harvest. I took the pics cuz I wanted to show why I waited so long to harvest this gal. First is a cola that you can clearly see is sprouting new growth everywhere...

Then a couple shots that show how tons of hairs sprout from each growth of the plant...


Thus... above is the reason I didn't harvest this one as recommended. But the trichs were definitely changing as shown in the next pic which was taken 4 days before harvest (on day 80)...

So we move on now to 4 days later when I harvested her. She was so purdy...


Hopefully you get a better idea with the pop can for size comparison. These colas were the 2 largest, but she had 5 really nice top colas and others too.

That's it outta me until Monday and then I hope to update on what's in the flower room now that the first set of girls are finished. I've been adding plants to the flower room almost weekly since November, so there's a whole new group of gals in there and the harvest will continue in full force before Jan is over!

By the end of the month all the remaining gals in the veg room will be going to flower so they can finish by the end of March. Not having girls to tend to in the veg room will lighten a bit of the work load - but there will be a ton of harvesting before we're done!

Still so sorry I haven't been responding personally to anyone!!! I feel bad!!! But if I respond to one I will feel like I need to respond to all. Someday when I have time to again I WILL BE pickin' on everyone again. Until then I hope I can still just *chuckle* and *grin* when I read what my family all has to say!!! And thank you ALL so very very very much for all the really nice comments. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I'll be back Monday with more!
((((((((Hay Granny))))))))
Starting to get worried you got lost in that jungle of yours.

Great pictures and girls as usual:ganjamon:

We old timers don't forget things.......We have Senior Moments:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Take care girl, we'll be here for you! :peace:
What a beautiful plant granny. Hope you cloned this particular one.

Last today... a VERY SPECIAL AK-47 - luv this one!

Out of 4 AK-47:
1 was male
1 turned hermie early in flower with flowery tops and the lower all male.
1 grew female pollen sacs and was harvested on day 46 of flower - way early.

And then there is this girl... AK-47 2/2. The AK is supposed to have harvest dates of 53 to 63 days. This gal was harvested on day 84 of flower. She just kept on putting on new growth and trichs were fine, so I let her go and go. She grew to 27.5 inches tall and had 5 super nice top colas with many other smaller growths. The AK-47 has a very unique shape to her colas - I could easily look across the room and spot these plants within the group.

First I will start with images from the week before harvest. I took the pics cuz I wanted to show why I waited so long to harvest this gal. First is a cola that you can clearly see is sprouting new growth everywhere...

Then a couple shots that show how tons of hairs sprout from each growth of the plant...


Thus... above is the reason I didn't harvest this one as recommended. But the trichs were definitely changing as shown in the next pic which was taken 4 days before harvest (on day 80)...

So we move on now to 4 days later when I harvested her. She was so purdy...


Hopefully you get a better idea with the pop can for size comparison. These colas were the 2 largest, but she had 5 really nice top colas and others too.

That's it outta me until Monday and then I hope to update on what's in the flower room now that the first set of girls are finished. I've been adding plants to the flower room almost weekly since November, so there's a whole new group of gals in there and the harvest will continue in full force before Jan is over!

By the end of the month all the remaining gals in the veg room will be going to flower so they can finish by the end of March. Not having girls to tend to in the veg room will lighten a bit of the work load - but there will be a ton of harvesting before we're done!

Still so sorry I haven't been responding personally to anyone!!! I feel bad!!! But if I respond to one I will feel like I need to respond to all. Someday when I have time to again I WILL BE pickin' on everyone again. Until then I hope I can still just *chuckle* and *grin* when I read what my family all has to say!!! And thank you ALL so very very very much for all the really nice comments. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I'll be back Monday with more!
Lil tip about cloning a "Prize" plant....if ya got the time to spare, let it live through harvest. Reveg for a month and THEN you'll be better able to clone a plant that ya didn't know was gonna grow/smoke/taste/smell/etc so well from vegging. After a little regrow time, you'd be amazed at how well the clones will do. All you have to do is harvest down to the last 4 branches or so, leaving a little bud material for shoots to grow from, and set it back in the veg room under 18-24hr light.

After seeing these harvest pictures, we surely will be going through withdrawal come this March when you shut stuff down. You have such the touch!

Also, I'm wondering if you have a fingerprint on your camera lens? :cheesygrinsmiley:
(I've done this quite a few times myself)

Best to you, Grannyrific!

Oh My... I just LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Thank you so very much for the wonderful comments AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!!!!

I had yesterday off and the girls all caught up and was SOOOO looking forward to spending the day in here and catching everyone up on the ladies in the flower room now (have taken many pics)... but the best laid plans get put on the back burner when LIFE HAPPENS. I had a new staff that was to start a week ago yesterday but called in sick... then yesterday she showed up and then left within a half an hour... I couldn't find a staff replacement for her so I had to rush to get ready and replace her myself and I worked late. Mondays are a madhouse here - our busiest day, but ALL days are busy now thru June.

Today I only have enough time to letcha know why I wasn't in yesterday and hopefully just catch up a little.

:hug::hug::hug:BUTCHER:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!! Yes, those were some Butcher size colas!!! :) LOVE YOU HONEY!!!!! Always so daggone good ta see ya!!!

:hug::hug::hug:OMM:hug::hug::hug: LOVIES TO YOU!!!!! I'm not lost in the jungle - but WISH I WAS!!!! I just adore staring at the ladies... got a whole new group I need to introduce to everyone!!!

:hug::hug::hug:Mile Hi Dave:hug::hug::hug::welcome: to Granny's 420 family!!! And thank you for those wonderful comments!!! My grow will be over at the end of March, so it sounds like you will give me a good show to watch once I finally have more time!!!! I do sooooo wish I had more time NOW! Yes, CO2 and proper humidity would surely help... but my grow shows that even if all is not perfect for conditions, good results can still be had. I wish I could grow ALWAYS AND FOREVER.... but even if I could I sure wouldn't attempt anything this BIG again unless I could devote myself strictly to it! Guess I'll leave that up to you (and PitViper) and I'll just kick back and watch yer shows!!! WELCOME HONEY!!!!

:hug::hug::hug:McBudz:hug::hug::hug: Hi Honey!!!!! How's my mentor doin'???? I cloned this AK and I also cloned the hermie one that grew female pollen sacs just when it reached the earliest harvest dates (this second one I let go way longer than recommended). I *think* I have 3 clones of this beautiful AK in the flower room. One of the AK clones from the hermie turned male instantly after I put it to flower so it got pulled in a hurry. SO GOOD TO SEE YOU HONEY!!!!!

:hug::hug::hug:Screwnuts33:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!! So wonnerful ta see ya!!!!!! I'm kindda lookin' forward to testing to see if there is a difference in buzz from that different looking Thai Tanic. The first sure is developing a real nice sweet/chocolate flavor with it's cure.

:hug::hug::hug:Janx:hug::hug::hug:Hi hon!!! I wish I had time to find, clone, and grow only the best of the best... but my grow has always been limited to having to finish growing by the end of March. That didn't leave me time to grow and be extremely picky about the mothers to clone from. By the time they were finishing (and female pollen sacs coming on late in flower), clones were already going. But I did clone from different plants on the strains that I had more than one plant - so I did get clones from this AK.

:hug::hug::hug:StinkFinger:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!! Withdrawals... to tell you the truth, it will be sad when the last ladies finish... but it will also be one hell of a RELIEF cuz my life is so damn busy I can't hardly keep up right now!!! Also, there have been a number of times when I can't watch or visit with my grandkids cuz I am all stinky and busy with harvesting and caring for the ladies. I don't like this AT ALL. Like I said above, if I ever had this opportunity again I wouldn't ever attempt something this BIG unless I could devote myself to it... but a few plants would sure be nice if the opportunity was ever an option for me in the future!!! And the fingerprint... LOL!!! It wasn't a fingerprint - it was resin from those trich shots! I had to get the alcohol wipes out and clean her up cuz I stuck the camera right up some ladies bud!!! LOL :ganjamon:

:hug::hug::hug:MI Grower:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!! So good to see ya!!!! Yes, I have definitely been enjoyin' the harvest!!! Only a bit has cured for a month, so I'm still waitin' for the flavors to really show me what they will be... but yes... oh yes... OH YES I HAVE BEEN ENJOYIN'!!! Hope you have been too with that great grow of yers!!!

Hey! I finished with 5 minutes to spare before my help gets here!

Well hello Granny420, What a wonderfull attitude !! This is the first time I've seen any of your posts , seems like I've missed another fine member of the 420 crew !! I will have to keep looking in . I enjoy the positive vibes eminating from this post !! :peace:
Granny, finally got to the last post. I feel for your friend, depression is a son of a bitch, I had gone thru something like that when I lost my father... Still drink but not to get drunk, often...

Hey you hear about that mix up with the two ladies at the up in CT? Well one of those ladies is the sister of "Grandpa" (my wifes grandpa) We lost him to cancer last summer and now she's gone too.

She never wanted to be seen after she died, she was very adamant about that. But she was on display for all to see at someone else's viewing...

She past on Christmas eve, that's why I bring it up. It's kinda funny but it really hurt both families. Hope your friend pulls out of his funk OK and maybe go to the Medical MJ for his troubles instead. I swear that it got me out of my funk and even pulled me out of drug abuse. I used to be a very naughty boy.

Your journal brings out the best in people and that is how it should be out in the world too. Take care Granny and Love you too!
Hope your friend pulls out of his funk OK and maybe go to the Medical MJ for his troubles instead. I swear that it got me out of my funk and even pulled me out of drug abuse. I used to be a very naughty boy.

Your journal brings out the best in people and that is how it should be out in the world too. Take care Granny and Love you too!

Depends on the person, but cannabis can help save people from hard drug abuse.

Granny420, we all need those hugs darlin'! XOXOXO LUV YA GRANNY :peace:
Hi granny just got done reading and it was amazing!!!

You have more drive and energy than any 2 people i know, and such a warm heart.

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