1st Indoor Grow - 9 Strains - Eek!

Wow Granny! everything is looking terrific! I just love catching up on your journal. I always feel like I'm checking in with a good neighbor. You seem like a remarkable lady and your husband sounds like a great guy and you have a very wonderful relationship. It finally dawned on me reading your updates today that you remind me of my neighbors back east. I will be friends with them for a long time. Sorry if I'm gushing a bit. I just really enjoy the vibe here. Just sorry I can't rep ya yet 'cause that was an awesome update.
Hey Granny? Does it ever seem to you like me, that all these plants look close to the same. Minus sativa and indo strains. I love to peek in at your grows, least yours are kind of 'controled' Mine I damn near ended up not even trying to rememeber the names. All I know is it's alllll good weed. Well least I knew I didn't plant many low end seeds. You have a great grow going Best luck to you, Woman.
Great Looking Buds, It's Standing Room Only For Sure, But Looking Very Good In The Neighborhood !!! EH !! Can't Wait To See More..
Great job Granny!!!!!!!

All of ur ladies are beautiful!!!!! Every time I check in on your journal, I fall in love with ur ladies Granny. LOL


:goodjob: grow room looks very nice.
and lots of trichomes :yummy:
Hope your enjoying the welllll deserved sweets of yout welllllllllll of all that labour, even when it's a labour of love.
What is the LD strain you have? It wouldn't happen to be L-S-D by Barney's Farm would it?

:welcome: KiwiKing!!! Yes it is, but I found out early that I can't use the name (without dashes). Love the aroma and buzz from this one. I did find the feminized seeds I had grew taller and better than the non-fem seed I had. Not here long, sorry I didn't write more! :welcome:
Don't work yourself to death young lady. You already have a mountain of buds to play in. But I know you and you will finish what you start. Just take it easy Girl:ganjamon::surf::surf::ganjamon:

:hug::hug::hug:OMM & ALL:hug::hug::hug: You dear fella - hope the island is keepin' you warm and yer grow keepin' ya happy!!! So nice of you to call me a YOUNG lady cuz I'm feelin' a thousand years old at present. Honey, I think ya probably suspected I went too hard at things... am paying dearly for it now. I've been down for almost a week and it'll probably be another week before it's better. The lower discs in my back are grating against each other on one side (the x-rays definitely showed what I'm feeling). I can't walk, sit, or do anything without extreme pain. Doc said it's the worst he's ever seen... and the x-rays show what a warped pelvic area I have - he was surprised I had 3 children with no problems... pelvis not shaped right and hip bones misshaped and uneven.

Thank God for 2 of those children tho!!!!!! My oldest 2 sons have been helping as much as they can or I might have killed myself tryin' to take care of all the ladies. Also thank God hubby gave me an extension cuz I can't even get the last of the plants transplanted into 5g buckets YET. I got 7 of them transplanted and into flower last Thursday. Hauling them up those stairs (no room to transplant upstairs anymore) was probably what did my back in cuz the next day I couldn't hardly move and it has been horrible bad ever since.

I put 11 more into flower in the last two days (14" to 15" tall) but had to leave them in their smaller containers until I can move well enough to get them into 5g buckets. I am sure I'll be pushin' myself to get them transplanted cuz I want the last to be the biggest and best of all. I do still have a few Medijuana plants in the veg room - the last that will be put to flower... just givin' them time to get a bit bigger.

I had a lot of what I call "extra" plants that I am harvesting as I can (the boys have also been helping with this). These were plants I had the choice awhile back of pulling (cuz I needed room in the veg room and knew I eventually wouldn't be able to fit them all in the flower room, and they were the worst of the clones), but instead I put them in flower when they were small and pretty much grew them at the outer edges of the light. Been getting only about an ounce each off of these - but figure it is better than the nothing I would have gotten had I ditched them.

OK... very painful sitting here so I'm gonna wrap it up... I have wanted so badly to catch up in here but I have definitely overdone things for my ol' body and need to get my back so I can tollerate sitting a bit longer. I did take pics of a few of the recent plants I put to flower (last Thurs) - have a couple Medijuana that should be real nice plants in the end. Wish I could sit here long enough to edit pics (bud shots too of other ladies) and get them in here... hopefully in a couple more days. Doc said my back should START feeling better by next week. I bet I stress it before then doing some transplanting tho cuz this is really stressing me to have them still in small pots.

So sorry to be so ..... complainy. But I hurt. I hurt bad. Have cried many times this last week... but then had to cry in happiness when my sons came to me and my ladies rescue. I have been extremely stressed on how to keep up and even just watering takes a lot of physical work - what a blessing my sons are to me...

:hug::hug::hug:as are ALL OF YOU!!!!!:hug::hug::hug:

Hopefully I will be back in a few days and able to sit here for a good long time!!!!!! I will say... I grew the last girls the tallest before putting them to flower, so I am hoping they'll be the best of the grow! Still feelin' very stressed cuz I need to get them transplanted VERY soon... and know I'll be tryin' no matter what I feel like.

Everyone please take care and know I haven't abandoned you or my journal!!!
:welcome: KiwiKing!!! Yes it is, but I found out early that I can't use the name (without dashes). Love the aroma and buzz from this one. I did find the feminized seeds I had grew taller and better than the non-fem seed I had. Not here long, sorry I didn't write more! :welcome:

Thanks for the reply. I too am growing L-S-D and find that it is really a robust plant, grows fast and big and is already beginning to smell at 2.5 weeks from seed. Looking forward to it finishing. What was the yield like on yours?
OMM knows all!:grinjoint:
Yep, I thought that might happen, but no where near what actually happened. All these years and you didn't know it. Joanne has 3 slipped disk and can only stay on her feet for a hour of grocery shopping every two weeks, so I know the pain your in. Let your sons do all that stuff. granny's health comes first.
I would be digging out the cured Medijuana if I were you. That should help some.
Don't worry Girl we'll still be here. Take your time.:peace::peace::peace:
Granny420 God Bless you ! Hope your back gets better soon !! I know how it hurts I've had a bad back for many years. Im sure it's not as bad as you have it. I've been out of work for months and as soon as I finally get some work I'll than have to deal with working with a weakened back from all this non work time . It sounds like your boys are a real blessing , you should be proud of them ! Wish I could help you too I guess I could still send you some possitive vibes and a prayer or wo .. Hang in their granny it only can get better !! :peace:
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