1st Indoor Grow - 9 Strains - Eek!

My girlfriend has 6 grandkids and I just love getting high with her !! grannies can be cool too!!:peace:
Granny, finally got to the last post. I feel for your friend, depression is a son of a bitch, I had gone thru something like that when I lost my father... Still drink but not to get drunk, often...

Hey you hear about that mix up with the two ladies at the up in CT? Well one of those ladies is the sister of "Grandpa" (my wifes grandpa) We lost him to cancer last summer and now she's gone too.

She never wanted to be seen after she died, she was very adamant about that. But she was on display for all to see at someone else's viewing...

She past on Christmas eve, that's why I bring it up. It's kinda funny but it really hurt both families. Hope your friend pulls out of his funk OK and maybe go to the Medical MJ for his troubles instead. I swear that it got me out of my funk and even pulled me out of drug abuse. I used to be a very naughty boy.

Your journal brings out the best in people and that is how it should be out in the world too. Take care Granny and Love you too!

:hug::hug::hug:siscokid!!!:hug::hug::hug: Hi you naughty boy!!!! I hope you are VERY PROUD of getting past other drug problems - ME TOO. The harder drugs were also in my naughty past and we had great access to them - but I didn't use to great excess cuz I saw what it did to so many of our friends, I learned what often went into the making of those drugs, and the police were always after busts for the harder drugs before mj busts. We have a few past acquaintances who now are completely spastic due to their past drug use - guess that's what Drano will do to your neuro system. Others went to prison - some once, some repeatedly and are still there. None of which did we want for our future.

Siscokid... I wantcha to know I think about YOU more than anyone else in my 420 family! Wanna know why??? LOL It's cuz you put "I got stoned and I missed it" into my journal and now it is the song that runs thru my head almost constantly when I am working with my girls! Thank you so much for that cuz it's a FUN song to have stuck in my head!!! Definitely my theme song since having so many fantastic strains to smoke. I've missed ya honey!!! I've missed everyone SO MUCH!!!!

I didn't hear about the two ladies in CT and I tried to do a search, but came up with nothing. ???? Now ya gotta tell me the story!!! I am so sorry for your loss tho.

:hug::hug::hug:CocoJoe!!!:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!! It is so GREAT to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've missed ya and hope all is going well for you!!!

And welcome to my new 420 family members!!! Thank you so much for yer wonderful comments!!!

:welcome:Nicademus:welcome: and
:welcome:Ol Hippy:welcome: (luv yer name - ya ought ta fit right in here!!!)

As for our friend... thank you all so much for caring!!! Things changed very quickly here but I hadn't had time to update about it. I talked to our friend about his drinking cuz I am a recovery alcoholic (over 10 years sobriety) and he was non-stop drinking from the time he got off work on and he was living in our home. I had to wake him up early in the morning after a very late night of drinking to even discuss it with him when he wasn't drinkin' his brew. He agreed he had a problem and agreed to visit with someone from AA at my last update (*I think*).

Well... the AA fella got here before our friend... then our friend arrived - fresh off of work and he made it here for the FIRST time without drinking before he got here. He said hello to the AA fella and THEN WENT DIRECTLY TO THE GARAGE TO GET A BEER FROM HIS MANY 12 PACKS HE HAD OUT THERE. I can tell you this did not sit well with me and I let him know it. When he walked back in with his beer I simply told him that he had every right to open and drink that beer but if he did that he better plan on going home to stay cuz (as I had discussed with him the day before) I can NOT live with someone who is drinking constantly.

He held the beer in his hand for a bit. His hands were shaking severely - a sure sign of his physical need for the booze. Anyway, the meeting didn't take long cuz my next question was, "Do YOU think you have a drinking problem?" and basically he said "No. I only drink beer and don't ever drink the hard stuff and I have always kept my jobs so I don't think it's a problem. I can go without any time I want."

I said that if he wondered if he had a drinking problem the easiest way to figure it out is to try NOT drinking for a few days and I asked him when the last time he went one day without drinking was. He said he has gone a few days without drinking many times - yet couldn't remember when the last time he did that was. Doesn't matter cuz we know it has been a couple DECADES since he has gone a day without and we know he drinks and drives EVERY day and he has only been lucky not to have gotten a DUI or to have gotten in an accident.

Anyways... much more conversation with the AA fella explaining how many alcoholics don't drink hard liquor and many alcoholics maintain their jobs... but it really didn't matter cuz anyone who is a recovering alcoholic knows... The FIRST step has got to be the HE feels he has a drinking problem. The day before he was ready to try the next day (but drank that day cuz it would be his last). Bottom line, HE is the only one who can change HIS path. All we can do is try to help. But I will not sit by and enable him - especially when this is MY home.

For me, I can NOT live with someone who is drinking constantly which then puts him into a depressive state of obsessing with non-stop bitching about how everything is everyone else's fault. It's "that bitch of a daughter of ours" that made his wife leave him (not the constant bitching about what SHE does wrong on a daily basis, or her numerous black eyes over the years of which the last has left him with a serious misdemeanor charge OR the repeated death threats against her with a gun that he is being charged a felony for) ... He denies all the charges (but we know in our hearts that there ARE valid charges here) and he gets drunk and says things like "I should just find her and shoot that bitch" in reference to his wife - something we keep telling his he should NOT be saying out loud (even if it is empty threats) considering some of his charges.

But what I REALLY couldn't take was his bitchin' about his wife getting her 4th DUI. He would rant and rave about how stupid she was to continue getting behind the wheel and how he told her that over and over and over (I can tell you I WANTED A DIVORCE FROM HIM AFTER LISTENING TO THIS FOR A MONTH!). I repeatedly said it was by "luck" alone that I did not get a DUI when I was drinking (I put a number of vehicles in ditches) and that maybe he was pretty lucky too. But I couldn't get across to him that he drank and drove many many many more times than his wife did and he was just lucky to not get caught. He still continued to just go on and on about HER and what SHE did wrong. As a recovering alcoholic, I see he is doing as I did... blaming everyone else (and taking THEIR inventory instead of HIS OWN) and not taking any responsibility for himself. Been there.

Anyways... we were unable to have even 30 seconds of silence with him around (couldn't watch TV or relax after our work day was over) cuz he just kept bitchin' and bitchin'. Until he realizes HE is/was even the tiniest part of the problem, he will stay dwelling in his unhappiness.

So... he went home that evening when the AA fella left. And yes, he waited a bit and then cracked his brewsky open during the conversation and sucked it down within 3 minutes (I timed it but didn't say anything) and off for another...

I KNOW he has an addiction problem AND NEEDS HELP and that the alcohol is what is playing a very big part in his life problems. I left the door open and told him even if he is drinking - if he needs us to CALL and we will be there, but that I cannot live with someone who is actively drinking on a daily basis. That is what "I" need for my own sobriety to stay in tact.

We have both called him a number of times and will continue to do so. He has taken to staying most nights with his brother who drinks 2 cases of brewsky a day... I figure this will either help him reach his own personal bottom and be ready for help down the road... or... well... the or is not so good so I'll just pray for the first. I pray he doesn't throw away everything he has worked so hard for over the years. And for all of you, please just send more prayers cuz this fella needs it!!!

AND YES - REEFER USED TO CALM THIS FRIEND!!!! I truly wish medical MJ was an option for him (and me!). Years ago his wife used to purchase extra for him and hide it away just so she could get it out when he was getting outta control. And I smoked with him twice while he was here - both times he calmed, laughed, visited about OTHER subjects, and EVEN WATCHED a bit of TV without bitchin'!!! But... his job requires random drug tests and he is already in a world of legal problems right now, so he and hubby agreed this is not something he needs trouble with right now.

So our world has returned to normal (quiet unless family is here!) and I am good with this... but still very worried about our friend. I see he is in for a lot more troubles if he keeps drinking in excess... but as any recovering alcoholic also knows, the key is within HIM, not within me for him. My hubby tried to fix me for years... but "I" was the only one who could fix my own alcoholic problem. Eventually we BOTH figured this out! LOL

We do know this friend respects us and there had to be a reason he called us. My hubby has not drank for over 20 years and this friend knows how extremely depressed (alcohol is a depressant!), suicidal, and ... well, just stupid I was before I got sober. So he knew he was calling friends who have been to the bottom and have recovered their lives by NOT drinking alcohol. We will be here if he reaches out in the future.

Sorry to go on so long in here about AA and alcohol!!! I WISH I was a drinker who could just drink occasionally... and who could drink without having to close the bar. But I am not. I AM an alcoholic. I feel horribly bad for putting my foot down with this friend - but I also know to keep allowing him to drink to his hearts content and use us and our home as a safe haven is helping him to continue on his destructive path. My prayers will continue to be with him.

And that's why I wish they would legalize mj!!!! My goodness... the lives that alcohol ruins. MJ calms and does not leave one out of control no matter how much ya partake!!! And I been partakin' when I can!!! Today is a day to partake for me!!!

I will be back either this afternoon or tomorrow morning to give a proper update!!! I have all week off - but not really. I am working on end of the year bookwork, W2's, 1099's, preparing for sales for our business (get ads ready and figure out sale items), and mucho more for all our businesses... but I will also be taking time this week to give some better updates and spend time in here too - I'VE MISSED MY 420 FAMILY!!!

:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:Love to all!!!:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
Granny! It's good to have safe harbor when your down and out, but I think sometimes we can become enablers when we mean to do good. You did the right thing, you were there for your friend.

Such a strong person you are. I respect everyone who knows the reality of drugs and alcohol.

I'm happy that you think of me when you hear that song. I don't remember who it was that mentioned it first but it's you and that person that got my curiosity. I just posted it and dug it too.

I am putting in the link for that funeral home story here so you can read it yourself.

Hope you have a great week off/on... I have lots of homework to do myself, last month of my adult education and I finally get my H.S. diploma (Equivalent) lol took me 17 years to finally get it over with.

Grieving Conn. family discovers wrong body in casket after relative is mistakenly cremated
I have lots of homework to do myself, last month of my adult education and I finally get my H.S. diploma (Equivalent) lol took me 17 years to finally get it over with.

Props for finishing!!!


I'm sure it was difficult after so many years.

so much of our own realities are based on our own perspective and perception. . . it can be vary hard to view your own situation objectively, especially when routinely intoxicated. . . I hope your friend sees the light someday, and that you are karma-ically rewarded for being a good friend who tried to help. I also have a friend who drinks from dawn to dawn, but he is only 28 years old. . . we (my friends) need to help him before its too late (and he ends up like his father).

i feel your pain and aggravation granny,
all you can do is keep your own chin up and enjoy your own life, and if someone is making it miserable. sorry but they gotta go. life is just too short to waste it. something you probably know better than me (me being so young).

my heart is with you granny.
Hey granny girl
I know that was hard to do, but it had to be done. You did the right thing. Until he hits his bottom there is nothing you can do. Years and years ago I used to give a friend a ride to AA/NA meetings and he would split to the liquor store while we had the meetings. So no more rides for him.

Strange how things happen all at once. We got a call today from an old friends daughter. She told us her mother had committed suicide last night with an OD of sleeping pills and alcohol. She was a long time alcoholic and she never thought she had a problem. So it goes. We try, but we can't push the river.:smokin:
Great post granny - miss you too! Good luck with your friend - you did the right thing, so try to feel good about it and stay strong!

:hug::hug::hug:Obx!!!:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!!! It is so wonnerful ta see ya!!! (and be able to respond!) You dear man... please feel those hugs from granny cuz I'm a squeezin' you!!!!

I am putting in the link for that funeral home story here so you can read it yourself.

Hope you have a great week off/on... I have lots of homework to do myself, last month of my adult education and I finally get my H.S. diploma (Equivalent) lol took me 17 years to finally get it over with.

:hug::hug::hug:siscokid!!!:hug::hug::hug: Oh My!!! and What the Hay???? :thedoubletake: Gimini Cricket - they cremated the wrong person! :thedoubletake: I am so very sorry to you and your family. To lose someone is such a trying time... and then add this fiasco - Oh My!!!

:goodjob: No... SUPER FANTASTIC JOB on finishing your GED!!!!!


I too got my GED way long ago! BE PROUD!!!! And do that homework!!! LOL
I especially think it is harder to GO BACK to school and achieve an accomplishment like this!!! I did that with nursing school years after getting my GED. It's a LOT tougher when ya don't feel anything is fresh in your memory - so you have made a FANTASTIC ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!

Granny, you're the kind of friend everyone wishes they had.

There's a special place (reserved) for you above, I'm sure.



:hug::hug::hug:SF!!!:hug::hug::hug: You sweetheart. I think it is folks like ALL OF YOU who are exactly the kind of friends to have. I just can't express how wonderful it feels to have you and so many others continue to support me even when I have not had time to get in here and properly respond to anyone!! What a treasure my 420 family is in my heart.

So if there is a special place for me... then I am sure that we will all meet up cuz you're all goin' there too!!! :kiss:

so much of our own realities are based on our own perspective and perception. . . it can be vary hard to view your own situation objectively, especially when routinely intoxicated. . . I hope your friend sees the light someday, and that you are karma-ically rewarded for being a good friend who tried to help. I also have a friend who drinks from dawn to dawn, but he is only 28 years old. . . we (my friends) need to help him before its too late (and he ends up like his father).

i feel your pain and aggravation granny,
all you can do is keep your own chin up and enjoy your own life, and if someone is making it miserable. sorry but they gotta go. life is just too short to waste it. something you probably know better than me (me being so young).

my heart is with you granny.

:hug::hug::hug:WOF!!!:hug::hug::hug: For a young fella you sure gotta LOTTA wisdom! I'll send prayers for your friend. I feel your need to help him too... it is a helpLESS feeling. In all reality, we can only throw a support line (hopefully in the right direction) and then *hope* they reach out for it and fight for themselves when the waves overtake them. None of us can live another's life for them... which leads me to OMM...

Hey granny girl
I know that was hard to do, but it had to be done. You did the right thing. Until he hits his bottom there is nothing you can do. Years and years ago I used to give a friend a ride to AA/NA meetings and he would split to the liquor store while we had the meetings. So no more rides for him.

Strange how things happen all at once. We got a call today from an old friends daughter. She told us her mother had committed suicide last night with an OD of sleeping pills and alcohol. She was a long time alcoholic and she never thought she had a problem. So it goes. We try, but we can't push the river.:smokin:

:hug::hug::hug:OMM!!!:hug::hug::hug: So sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. Such a hard legacy of questions and guilt to leave behind. The first step of any alcoholic recovery is to admit you are powerless against alcohol. I hope the family can accept that she had an addiction that made her powerless - that alcohol controlled her actions and that THEY are not to blame for her alcoholism or her death. My heart and prayers go out to the family.

But enough of that! I am on to much cheerier topics in my next messageS!!! See ya again with a ton of images to catch ya all up on whats goin' on at grannys!!!
First - I can't wait to see what all yer gardens are doing when I finally finish my own and have time again!!!!! I am also missing spending time with my grandchildren cuz weekend have been devoted to the girls quite regularly the last month. It seems the ladies, work, and bookkeeping combine to assure I have very little extra time and a very sore body that needs to recoup every night to be rejuvinated to put in the next days work!!!

But this (as much of life) is only temporary... Work will be busy thru June before slowing tremendously and...


I promised the hubby I would be done by the end of March. I took the last clones Dec 9th so that they could veg to Jan 20th (10 weeks to flower) or to Jan 27th (9 weeks to flower). These clones are just not quite ready to be put to flower, which puts me behind on harvesting. So I had a visit with the hubby explaining that my end yield will be greatly reduced if I put them to flower at these heights - but assured him I would put them in now if it mattered to him that I absolutely stick to March 31st. After assuring I have the LAST plants vegging he answered with, "What's a few more weeks at this point?" Thank you to the love of my life. Otherwise the last girls were going to be real small.

I should have grown mother plants from the best of each variety to take clones from, but it was impossible to know which plant was the best of each strain until the first plants were closer to finishing. And I was limited in space in the veg room, which didn't allow me to grow a mother of each strain AND veg enough plants to fill up the flower room. This limited time grow effected how I would do a lot of things if it hadn't been limited in time.

I took clones from the best looking plants of each strain BEFORE the first girls were flowering real good, but I knew these clones would probably be ready too early to be able to fit into the flower room - I thought of these as my experimental clones. I was hoping they could maybe be used as mother plants but they weren't big enough to take non-flowering clones from when I needed to take more clones, and in the end I couldn't fit enough plants in the veg room to keep mother plants of so many strains.

A couple weeks later, after calculating when the first harvesting would begin, I took more clones from the (then) early flowering plants so I could put these clones in as replacement plants. So now the veg room had a lot of clones. And I continued to take clones from different plants of each strain for a time.

As the clones grew, there were times when I had to make choices due to lack of space in the veg and/or flower rooms. I was going to pitch a lot more than I did in the end. Soon there will be plants coming up for harvest that were designated to be pitched, but instead I squeezed them into the flower room in small pots at shorter heights and didn't transplant them to a bigger pot until they had been in flower for a time.

I explain all of this because the next group of plants I will be harvesting will be smaller plants - it was either put these short plants to flower in small pots as I could, or pull them. So I put these to flower and after their initial stretch I placed them in the "outer light" areas. I figured whatever I get off of them is an extra.

So when I show various images of plants, you will see there is a lot of variety in sizes in the room. You will also see that I have been busy putting plants in regularly!

Finally - next I'll be yakkin' a lot less and inserting a ton of pictures!!! I don't even know if I made any sense in this message!! EEK!

Guess I'll begin with the veg room and the few plants remaining in it.

Most from my last cloning on Dec 9th has already gone into the flower room. However, a few plants were farther in flower when cloned so they took longer to veg and some were just the smaller remaining runts that may yet be tossed or squeezed in.

One side of the room has only LD, White Widow, and AK-47 remaining in veg....

and Medijuana on the other side of the room...

I really really really wanted more medijuana than what I will end up with. A couple of these would be fantastic to take clones from NOW, but the plant choices I had at the time (Dec 9th) were just not good. I had taken 4 Medijuana clones from M10 when it was in early flower and it takes forever for the Medijuana to revert back to veg from flower! I had very little side growth to choose from on Dec 9th when I needed to take the last clones. I ended up with 2 large, 5 fair that will be larger given they get 2 more weeks to veg, one small, and 4 runts that were basically just a *hope* on cloning in the first place and will most likely be discarded.

The medium ones pictured above are about the size I put the second set of Medijuana to flower. I now wish I had done this different, but I was set on experimenting and thinking this plant would grow a large single cola and I would possibly yield the same amount with much less space. NO. As you can see below, the colas are not large...

Here is 1 of the 3 Medijuana plants put to flower Nov 29th at 6.5" tall. It grew to about 14" tall...

And here is another of the three Medijuana plants put to flower on Nov 29th (same approx. heights)...

And a closeup of the dense top of the plant shown above...

Just too bad that one top is probably a third of the total plant!

So... I think my experiment told me I like to grow the Medijuana bigger before flowering. The next image is of the other Medijuana in the flower room, put to flower on Jan 11th at 12" tall...

Overall, the medijuana is NOT a large yielder. It does NOT grow huge long colas no matter how big or small the plant. But the nugs are dense and this is the sweetest tasting, ass kickin' dube I have ever smoked. I love it! I just wish the plants gave a bit more of it! This will be my "special" occasion smoke for sure.

I keep getting interrupted with staff calls - so this is taking forever! I guess I'm also still typing a lot and not putting in enough pics!!! EEK!!! LOL!

Here, I'll feature some of the White Widow in the flower room, but there are still a couple more in the flower room preparing.

The first White Widow bud is from one of those "throw away" plants that I squeezed into the outer areas of the flower room. It was put to flower in a small pot on Nov 21st and is on day 65 of flower. It has been on plain water for 10 days now and will be harvested soon - more pics then.

Then there is a White Widow put to flower on Dec 28th...

It's got some real nice long colas and is about 40" tall. Here's a closer pic of a couple colas...

Last is a bud from a younger White Widow put to flower on Jan 8th...

So we will definitely be seeing some more White Widow along the journey here! :)

Back with a different strain!
This one will include images of some of the LD in the room. Many of these were "extra" plants squeezed in small and kept in the outer areas of the room.

This bud is from an LD put to flower on Nov 15th and ready to harvest anytime...

And then a few more "extras" I put in on Nov 24th in smaller pots and kept in the outer areas of the room (after the initial stretch).

A bud from one...

and a bud from another LD plant put to flower Nov 24th...

and a bud from yet another extra LD flowered Nov 24th...

And here are some buds from an LD put to flower on Dec 31st...

And here are a couple LD plants put to flower on Jan 8th...

Same plants in a funky warped picture JUST FOR FUN!!!

And a young bud from one of those plants...

Back with another strain in another minute or two... or 20!! LOL!

Love the dank pungunt aroma and flavor of this strain, the extreme high, and the dense nugs of the Cheese strain!!! Downside is that this plant does not make large colas, it seems to like branching way outward, and can't support the weight of it's nugs for the branches that try to stand up straight. Still, an extremely unique flavor and intensely high buzz.

Here is a bud from an "extra" plant put to flower on Dec 14...

Then a Cheese bud from a plant put to flower on Dec 21...

The above bud was taken from this plant...

And here is a bud from another Cheese put to flower on Dec 21..

And a Cheese plant put to flower on Dec 28th...

And a bud from the above plant...

And then a Cheese top from a plant put to flower on Dec 31st...

Again... back with another strain!!!
How about a little AK-47???

I have a couple more AK's in the room that I couldn't get to and a couple more in the veg room preparing to end my journal harvesting. But here are tops from a few of the AK in the room put to flower on Dec 14th and squeezed into the room...



That unique shape of the AK-47's colas makes this strain known with one look!

Back in a moment with another strain... I think there are only two strains left!!!
Just a few Super Nova Chronic pics... but you WILL be very pleased with lot's of images of these down the road! I have a number of really nice Chronic plants in the room and they are going to outshine the earlier Chronic girls easily. Well... pictures will say it better.

Here is a top from a Chronic put to flower on Dec 21st...

And here is a top from a different Chronic put to flower Dec 21st...

and here are a few colas from a Chronic put to flower on Dec 28th...

These Chronic gals look pretty darn nice. I'm lookin' forward to those nice long colas!

One last message with G13 Haze images coming up!!!
To end... the G13 Haze. Out of all those first plants, this one yielded the highest! It has real nice colas even if you can't see them thru the leaves. I had only one G13 Haze to begin with, so all these girls come from her. The buzz on this one is also an extreme high. A few of these strains have made me very light headed!!! DANGER - may cause vertigo if over-smoked!!!

I originally planned on putting just 3 more of these gals to flower because it has a longer growing period, but I squeezed the extra (smaller) 3 clones I took after finding out what a great strain this is.

The first gal here was simply a single cola runt that I squeezed in as an extra. I put this small plant to flower on Nov 15th...

And a bud from one I squeezed in on Nov 27th...

And here is a cola from a better G13 Haze put to flower Dec 21st...

And a shot of another G13 Haze put to flower Dec 28th...

and a cola from the plant above...

I didn't get any pics of the biggest G13 Haze in the flower room cuz it was outta my reach... but it is a real nice one. I know it will be featured in future posts!!!

To end, here's a shot of a portion of the flower room...

I have been here all day!!!! And I feel like I at least caught up my journal with what is currently in the flower and veg room.

I may not get many dried nug shots or yield reports out until the end... but I guess that'll keep ya all checkin' in to find out what the results were! I sincerely wish I had a LOT more time!!!

Everyone stay safe and take a toke for granny!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Looks very good !


:welcome: :hug::hug::hug:Mary420!!! :hug::hug::hug: Yer in trouble now cuz ya just joined Granny's 420 family!!! YEEHAH!!! It looks like I'm gonna have to check out yer grow down the road too cuz I didn't have good luck with the Blueberry, but feel it must have been something on my end cuz others have had real good luck with that one. I'm gonna have to see how Mary's garden grows Blueberry! Welcome and great to see ya honey!!!
Granny! Thanks so much for the kind words, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Not sure what I want to go to school for next, but I am thinking of a vocational course.

I am happy to hear that your hubby is giving ya an extension, WoW what a fantastic looking bunch! The Ak is gonna be one for my future hempy grow, you sure did a fantastic job with all of the strains. My hats off to ya.

Take care and I leave ya with a huge HUG and a big KISS GRANNY420 ROCKS!
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