Budnoob2's Soil - Kosher Kush - 4-2-2014

LOL smokerjoe! I'd love to go down with you - I don't have any personal fireworks this time around but will be watching some nearby. One year we attended a wedding on the 4th in a downtown area and brought our fireworks with - reception was on 5th floor level so we went out and blasted them off from the street in full view of the windows right downtown. Fortunately nobody seemed to care :)
Yeah they get very expensive for the good ones. When I was a kid we would get sparklers and those charcoal snake things that you light and they grow. Tons of fun huh. Then sometimes the neighborhood kids would come over and we would shoot bottle rockets at each other. Afraid I was a bit to accurate with those and we stopped doing that. Really all it comes down to is the government wanting their cut for absolutely everything you do now. Vacation? Well there is a vacation tax. Want to eat in a restaurant theres a tax. A little kid with a lemonade stand well then where is your permit. Its disgusting sigh.
Chopped the majority of the Silver and the finger hash was pretty good and collected plenty of hermie seeds to keep on the back burner as last resort. Left the main cola and a few others that appeared to have least amount of seed pods. Kosher Kush will be getting same treatment today.
Hermie seeds are either female or hermie. Keep that into consideration
Yeah, that's why they're going on back burner - I'll probably start a bunch early next season and go plant them at various outdoor locations hiding in plain sight to see how they do....
About 1/2 of the colas are still remaining and are producing some decent resin so I'm gonna let them keep going for a little while instead of chopping any more. Will continue to monitor and hold off on chopping until absolutely necessary.
Yeah my logic is if its growing absolutly everywhere it will clog the war on drugs gang a bit. Grow it outside townhalls and courthouses in parks in wooded areas by creeks well you get the idea. So a few people had asked me to write down some of my stories because I guess I tell good ones. So there is now a thread with 4 stories in it I posted yesterday. The link is in my signature smokerjoes corner. Come by read share your own stories if you like. There will be many more. I just didnt want to put to many at once.
Some SSH closeups of a few buds:



Upon closer inspection it turns out that the SSH was the hermie and the KK was just a victim so my KK buds remaining should be good to go, was just the lower buds and popcorn that got fertilized. SSH upper buds are still in good shape too.
Upon closer inspection it turns out that the SSH was the hermie and the KK was just a victim so my KK buds remaining should be good to go, was just the lower buds and popcorn that got fertilized. SSH upper buds are still in good shape too.

Seems you lucked out/ your cannabis is that color or is it photoshopped? It looks like a wall where someone stuck a bunch of different color gum. Damn it I want to grow other strains. It makes me mad that when I did buy seeds they either didnt germinate or died when they switched into flower. This was probably 2 years ago by now. Everything I seen said new growers overwatered and here I was killing them from underwatering. I may just get a po box under a assumed name. Bobwehadababyitsaboy
those were taken with cheap USB Micro so I had to Gimp them to tame down the LED lighting. No custom white balance as there is with my camera.
Thanks for the words of encouragement CS. The majority of this will be made into oil so we'll see how it works out. All I can say for now is that the finger hash was pretty amazing from what was chopped early so what's left is only getting better than that at this point so it can't be too bad.
holy sheet, to the moon alice :) a couple of us sampled the early harvested KK last night (1 week into cure) and let me just say that shyte is crazy, a little too crazy so it'll all be made into oil depending on the results of testing the later harvesting stuff.
holy sheet, to the moon alice :) a couple of us sampled the early harvested KK last night (1 week into cure) and let me just say that shyte is crazy, a little too crazy so it'll all be made into oil depending on the results of testing the later harvesting stuff.

Pretty sure I told you it would be awesome. Kosher Kush is amazing, excited for you, a couple small rips and you have a long lasting enjoyable high, just need to use it in moderation. KK oil would be phenomenal.
Hey Peyton, that was the stuff I harvested early due to the hermieness - so it was all crystal clear trichs still so very heady but it was also relaxing at the same time. I'm going to be harvesting the rest in about a week once I see some amber and I'll give another report on that - I fully expect to feel like I have a couch strapped to my back when I try that sample.

That first sample was kinda like your mind was on the moon but your body couldn't move kind of feeling is the best description I can come up with. My SO couldn't move her head for a while but couldn't shut up either :)
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