Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

maybe...but...whazza scrubber?

Right now I have a bucket of pine sol slightly diluted sitting at the bottom of the stairs. As the furnace kicks on it draws air from that area a little bit, was hoping it would mask it a little. ;-) But, I HATE the smell of pine sol. LOL

A scrubber is an in-line fan attached to a carbon filter....removes the oder instead of masking it
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

A scrubber is an in-line fan attached to a carbon filter....removes the oder instead of masking it
LOL, I was JUST in the process of posting back to you! I found what a scrubber was, I don't have the materials here to do that just yet. I was planning that for the later stages of the grow, but don't have anything I can use right now to build one. Thanks a bunch though!
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

LOL, I was JUST in the process of posting back to you! I found what a scrubber was, I don't have the materials here to do that just yet. I was planning that for the later stages of the grow, but don't have anything I can use right now to build one. Thanks a bunch though!

It would cost about $200 US for a pretty good one...all you need is the fan and the carbon filter
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hey, no hurry at all. Eat....Eat!
Yes, it's in the basement. I have about 32x40 space to use, and the rooms are separated quite well. The veggie room is unfortunately near the basement stairwell that leads up into the house.

LOL....ok unless your gonna put your veg and flower areas in tents, that is a large space to cover. I would probably use a scrubber. You may need a larger one to cover that area.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hey DD! :thanks:I know what you mean by working and time. If anyone has some of that "Time" thing for sale....I'd buy some!:biglaugh:
No worries, I know everyone gets around when they get time, and if I get into a tight pinch and need ASAP advice I will just holler really really loud. Like a roaring lion (hence my avatar which is a picture I took myself at a local zoo and edited out the barrier bars)

I'm doing a little research through journals on Fimming this evening. Some people pinch the leaves, some people cut....there are many different ways to do it apparently. So I'll be diving into journals. :reading420magazine:
If you have any suggestions of members who are considered experts at fimming, pass it on guys!/gals and I'll study.:thumb:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Just a journal note:
I snipped fan leaves off two plants this morning. Only two, snipped them at the petiole just before the main stem. I want to see if it has any effect on the growth or if it stunts them at all. There is a LOT of debate about defol and fan leave them there or not...., so I would like to experiment with it a little on my own too. I'll get some pics tomorrow morning of the two plants I did it on and the area where I took them from.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Well, I'm just so happy with how the plants look today..and I swear I see signs of ever so tiny pistils in 3 of them! I'm going to get a magnifier down there tonight to be sure. And that leads to a question.....that will probably lead to much debate. LOL But I'm just a "gotta know" person.
What are your thoughts on the claims that you can tell a male from female plant during veggie stage by the way the stipules male stipules grow outward and female stipules grow inward and kind of cross each other?
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

An important Q on fimming or topping. While I'm doing the LST thing, should I top these plants or FIM them so they will grow new "tops", or is it not really important to do and just an option? I've read all the ways to do it, but I'm still unclear if it's absolutely necessary while LST'ing. I have not done any topping or fimming as yet.
Also, just a journal note here. Plants are 1 month/4 days from sprout. If I let them stand straight instead of LST they would be between 6"-8" tall.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

An important Q on fimming or topping. While I'm doing the LST thing, should I top these plants or FIM them so they will grow new "tops", or is it not really important to do and just an option? I've read all the ways to do it, but I'm still unclear if it's absolutely necessary while LST'ing. I have not done any topping or fimming as yet.
Also, just a journal note here. Plants are 1 month/4 days from sprout. If I let them stand straight instead of LST they would be between 6"-8" tall.

I personally would stick with just lsting...lst is low stress training...topping and fim are high stress training

If it was me I would just lst...I do not agree with the methodology of fim (20 years of being an arborist has proper pruning techniques ingrained in if you understand compartmentalization fim is very high stress)...if you want to top I would do this after you you have multiple tops from lst...all of this will require a longer veg period

Just my opinion though...take it in stride
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

I personally would stick with just lsting...lst is low stress training...topping and fim are high stress training

If it was me I would just lst...I do not agree with the methodology of fim (20 years of being an arborist has proper pruning techniques ingrained in if you understand compartmentalization fim is very high stress)...if you want to top I would do this after you you have multiple tops from lst...all of this will require a longer veg period

Just my opinion though...take it in stride
HI Jay233! I value your "opinion" just like anyone else. Opinions are very welcome because it gives all sides to a theory, story or problem.:thumb:
So you helped me to realize that what I would be doing by fimming or topping right now would be HST and longer wait for my first grow attempt to be complete, and that isn't what I want to do.. I'll try that on my second grow. Thanks a bunch!:thanks:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

I think the biggest reason people make a point to get so many tops per plant is because they are often working with space time(some methods require daily adjustments) and legal constraints. The more HSTing you do, the more time you will need in veg (albiet slight). Some strains are also much more trainable than others, even when young. I have also been reading up on this as I will be doing a small indoor grow. I think the best way to go is to trust your instincts. If your goal is to maximize yield, then by all means try out a bunch of methods, and see what you are comfortable with, and what works for you. I think you mentioned that you would like to try a scrog at some point. If this is the case, keeping the canopy even will be an important consideration, so that you can light it evenly. Perhaps deciding what size space you will use, and how powerful of a light(s) will determine how wide you want to train these girls? I am looking forwards to some more pics :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

I think the biggest reason people make a point to get so many tops per plant is because they are often working with space time(some methods require daily adjustments) and legal constraints. The more HSTing you do, the more time you will need in veg (albiet slight). Some strains are also much more trainable than others, even when young. I have also been reading up on this as I will be doing a small indoor grow. I think the best way to go is to trust your instincts. If your goal is to maximize yield, then by all means try out a bunch of methods, and see what you are comfortable with, and what works for you. I think you mentioned that you would like to try a scrog at some point. If this is the case, keeping the canopy even will be an important consideration, so that you can light it evenly. Perhaps deciding what size space you will use, and how powerful of a light(s) will determine how wide you want to train these girls? I am looking forwards to some more pics :)
Hey Rainstacks, good points... all of them. I am still on the fence with the scrog, I guess I will make that decision at the very last moment.:biglaugh: If I'm reading you right, it would be good to do some topping if I'm going to go with scrog to keep it even? I certainly have plenty of room, but the lighting will take some figuring. Number of lumens per square ft. is what I've been reading about. I need to measure my exact space and make sure I have enough bulbs for the lumens I need.
Please let me know if I have that wrong! I'm trying to pound these essentials of base knowledge into my brain...but sometimes it gets muddled with all of the information out there. LOL
I am really going to try and get some pics tomorrow morning, (I want to check those "might be" pistils out for sure) my evening has been rudely interrupted with company that didn't call in advance and they tend to stay until you push them out. Grrrrrrrrr
Have a great night/day all!:peace:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hey Rainstacks, good points... all of them. I am still on the fence with the scrog, I guess I will make that decision at the very last moment.:biglaugh: If I'm reading you right, it would be good to do some topping if I'm going to go with scrog to keep it even? I certainly have plenty of room, but the lighting will take some figuring. Number of lumens per square ft. is what I've been reading about. I need to measure my exact space and make sure I have enough bulbs for the lumens I need.
Please let me know if I have that wrong! I'm trying to pound these essentials of base knowledge into my brain...but sometimes it gets muddled with all of the information out there. LOL
I am really going to try and get some pics tomorrow morning, (I want to check those "might be" pistils out for sure) my evening has been rudely interrupted with company that didn't call in advance and they tend to stay until you push them out. Grrrrrrrrr
Have a great night/day all!:peace:

Hey Canna...if you lst without topping you will be able to scrog no problem...when you scrog any tops that are taller than others can be repositioned under the screen to achieve an even top...I have found topping makes the stems more rigid making it harder to bend under a scrog screen (when a plant is topped it focuses its growth on increasing the diameter of the trunk....this is a natural response plants have developed due to stresses from snow, ice, wind and other natural factors) . You can scrog with either method or both but if you are looking g for a quick turn around with an increased yield I would stick to one and enjoy how the plant responds
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Okay, I'm kinda stumped here. I went down to check things before retiring, and I took a good look at Teenage Mutant Ninja Cannabis...I think it's in flower!! Or maybe those are new leaves? LOL Let me know what you all think, I tried to get a clear shot with this digicamera hopefully you'll be able to see enough of the curly things going on:

If it is in flower..what do I do with it?? LOL I checked my lighting timer and it is definately set at 18/6. Only thing I can figure is the seed company accidentally put the dinafem Fruit automatic seed in the white widow bag? I looked at fruit auto on the net and the leaves just don't look like this.

And Also, one of the other plants I would like to know if these look like pistils to everyone. First time seeing them for me, so let me know if it's what it appears. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hey Canna...if you lst without topping you will be able to scrog no problem...when you scrog any tops that are taller than others can be repositioned under the screen to achieve an even top...I have found topping makes the stems more rigid making it harder to bend under a scrog screen (when a plant is topped it focuses its growth on increasing the diameter of the trunk....this is a natural response plants have developed due to stresses from snow, ice, wind and other natural factors) . You can scrog with either method or both but if you are looking g for a quick turn around with an increased yield I would stick to one and enjoy how the plant responds
Good info J!! I really don't want to top or fim on this one, so I appreciate that.:thumb:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Canna I'm no expert but those pics look like light/heat stress to me

What lighting are you using, how far from the plants are the lights and what is your ventilation ?
Hi J, you're quick! LOL That particular plant has been that way from the start. That's why I call it a Mutant. ;-) Never could figure out what was going on. I'm using CFL's mix of 2700k and higher. The lights are 6" above the plants. There are two fans keeping the heat out, they are pointed mostly at the lights, so there really isn't any heat on the plants right now. All of the other plants are doing very well, no signs of stress. This one does it no matter where I move it or rotate in different positions, so it's a mystery plant.
Does the center one look like early flower to you?
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