COorganics - All Natural - No-Till With ACT's - Winter Attic Grow

They really would be smart to hire you Corgie. I don't think people just want crappy hydro bud like the guy I was talking about. I think they'd even pay More for great organics... and, you're really good at that. And obviously passionate.

I mean honestly like doc just said, it'd be a dream for me to find a job growing or just helping to grow all great organic weed for a great organic dispensary. I want to do that so badly one way or another. I don't want to be a stay at home wife, or have a crappy job.. I want to grow great buds that help people :) and I don't think that's just a pipe dream, lol I sure hope not anyways.
Here is a slightly better description.
Here are a few pics, I suck at smoke reports so I'll be skipping that mostly. I also ended up vacuum sealing the bulk of my herb before taking pics of the wt "a" pheno buds. That one was a loser anyway so it doesn't matter much. But I could snap a pic of the bag if anyone wanted to see that.

Moving right along,
WT"a" pheno
Large buds, lacking resin profile big time, lacking potency. Oh yeah and has an unappealing menthol taste/smell. Like Newport cigarettes, yuck!

WT"b" pheno
Large buds, great yielding plant, nice smell. (Similar funk smell of golden goat, maybe a hint of cherries as well, pretty complex), tastes funky danky, lol, what a description ;), buzz is a good functional daytime buzz

The bubblegum cut I continually run over and over again
This weed smells exactly like pink bubblegum, tastes like bubblegum with some kinda fruitiness. Buzz is powerful and a bit lethargic. Buds are very dense and frosty.

Jack herer what I would guess is the "a" pheno based on what I've read at sensi seeds
Powerful buzz, cerebral, elevating mind fuck. I can feel it in the front of my face before I exhale even the first puff. Smells strong of sweet pine and some kind of cleaning product, in a very nice way
Tastes great, I just tried it again to try and describe it. I'm at a loss at the moment now though lol.

I think I'll run that WT "b" again too. Bubblegum, JH and the Thai is a great mix of nugs to have around.
I forgot to include pic of JH buds above. Stoner!
And the pic I forgot to include.

A side note that this is not a commercial type strain(the A pheno). Also worth noting is that it is incredibly potent, and mind warping smoke. I am considering making a bit of this into some ice wax type hash product. It would be fantastic and I'd have to only smoke it camping, with friends.
save the best for camping! definitely. :) :laughtwo:

omg you have my mouth watering just thinking of how that hash would taste. I grew some JH for a while too and absolutely loved it - and that was in soil that was Dead with a capital 'D'. I can only imagine how good yours is.
For smartpot worm farming:
Fill smartpot with some bedding, compost, minerals. Add worms. Cover with a round cardboard cut out or similar. Water infrequently. Wait a while, maybe a year. Screen it. Repeat.

Thank you CO. I think I'll make use of that extra geo bag and use some of these worms. I know Jeremy probably sent me extra. That will allow me to keep the smaller bin composting kitchen waste for a while longer.
Holy Moly!

That Bubblegum looks amazing. My friend grew some and it was kind of crappy. Yours looks awesome.

I'm definitely going to grow out those Jack Herrer seeds now. That stuff looks killer too CO.

All your buds look ridiculous! :goodjob:
Thank you, dr. Appreciate the kind words. You will like the JH, according to sensi seeds there is 4 main phenos and good information on each on their web site. I appreciate that. It's nice to know what your working with the first time you grow it.
Doing a little catching up... regarding organic professional growing; I would think that it would be less costly probably a lot less costly but a bit more labor but after initial work less work than hydro and of course MUCH better product.

I have many raised beds outdoors and after building them no more work just plant/harvest/plant cover crop for winter and start all over, amend with compost at planting time. I couldn't imagine the work it would take to do that in hydro. It wouldn't be that fun, its not sustainable and I would not be able to afford it and thats just my 1/4 acre lot. Organic growing all I gotta do is grow seedlings, plant, compost and water every now and again and MAYBE weed a little, collect seeds for next season - thats it. Heck I even go on vacation for a while in the middle of the growing season and my neighbors have at it.
Hey Corgie, if you don't mind my asking, what's your take on Sul-Po-Mag / Sulfate of Potash Magnesia? I picked some up the other day because it was cheap and I've heard about brightlight using it in his soil. But now reading about it, I'm just a bit worried that it's more geared to force feeding and is saltier than I thought. Is this a product you'd feel safe using / I should feel safe using? thanks. I'd love a good, organic Mg upper for my soil as long as it doesn't throw things out of whack.

My bag in particular is from Greenway Biotech Inc. Its called "K-mag" 0-0-21.5 NPK, 10.50% Mg, 21% S

.... I'm realizing now I probably shoulda posted this over on your no-bottles organics thread but... too late.

I have to correct something I posted on your thread. The dispensary that Scott Reach (rare dankness founder) worked at was a Hydro facility. They used Canna A and B so maybe it was still organic, but it was definitely not Organic Living Soil. Sorry for the confusion.

He stated that the only way to keep a clean grow area that size (40,000 square ft) clean was a Hydro grow. Apparently the grow room was a clean-room environment and everyone was required to wear full protective gear (tyvek suits, hair nets, hoods, the whole works). Just wanted to clear that up.

If you're interested in some of his story do an internet search for, "What I learned running a Half Million dollar grow". It's a pretty cool read!

Sorry for the misinformation!

I have to correct something I posted on your thread. The dispensary that Scott Reach (rare dankness founder) worked at was a Hydro facility. They used Canna A and B so maybe it was still organic, but it was definitely not Organic Living Soil. Sorry for the confusion.

He stated that the only way to keep a clean grow area that size (40,000 square ft) clean was a Hydro grow. Apparently the grow room was a clean-room environment and everyone was required to wear full protective gear (tyvek suits, hair nets, hoods, the whole works). Just wanted to clear that up.

If you're interested in some of his story do an internet search for, "What I learned running a Half Million dollar grow". It's a pretty cool read!

Sorry for the misinformation!

Read the thread (all of Moonshine's comments)

Good thread.

Great tips :)
Hey Corgie, if you don't mind my asking, what's your take on Sul-Po-Mag / Sulfate of Potash Magnesia? I picked some up the other day because it was cheap and I've heard about brightlight using it in his soil. But now reading about it, I'm just a bit worried that it's more geared to force feeding and is saltier than I thought. Is this a product you'd feel safe using / I should feel safe using? thanks. I'd love a good, organic Mg upper for my soil as long as it doesn't throw things out of whack.

My bag in particular is from Greenway Biotech Inc. Its called "K-mag" 0-0-21.5 NPK, 10.50% Mg, 21% S

.... I'm realizing now I probably shoulda posted this over on your no-bottles organics thread but... too late.

Here is a copy and paste of a ClackamasCootz post over on another forum in 2012.

"Since it's marked "Langbeinite" this tells you that this is the form as it comes out of the ground. This mineral compound is sold commercially under the K-MAG label and from that company they offer 3 versions and it's their Standard that you want, straight Langbeinite. K-MAG's other 2 versions are the source of the warnings you've read about and with good reason.

At the retail level this product is sold under the Sul-Po-Mag name (Sulfur-Potassium-Magnesium) and like Azomite, the name on the box could be any fertilizer company's name as long as the name "Sul-Po-Mag" appears on the box prominently.

At farm stores this is sold as Sulfate of Potassium Magnesia which is straight Langbeinite.

Go lightly on using this compound because all 3 elements are water soluble and it's the Magnesium (Mg) that you should be aware of given the problems associated with uber levels.

There are 2 ways to use this - add to your soil mix which I would not recommend. The other is to dissolve this with clear water and apply to your soils. 1/2 oz. to 1 gallon is generally safe and even then I can't see where an application more than 2x in an 8 week cycle would be helpful - probably the opposite.


"Here's another way to look at this material - it's Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) with Potassium!"

You can google "what's the scoop on langbienite" to read the thread.

I have a box of langbienite from dte in my closet. I haven't used it yet, don't know if I will.
Thank you for that response. I thought you'd have a little insight to share. Epsom salts are exactly what I was picturing when I opened up the bag of this stuff. I don't really feel safe using it.
oh well. Maybe I can pass it on to one of my friends that use chemical ferts, I notice lots of red stems in his grow. Ugh, note to self, research Before you buy next time. =\

thanks for clearing that up. :Namaste:
Hey Corgie, if you don't mind my asking,

Wow, how slow am I? Been reading about Corgie's Soil Mix for a minute around 420 & was thinking to myself "this is pretty similar to what my man Organic's doing". :laughtwo:

Slow are the connections with us Half-Wits...
Aww I'm heartbroken! lol I asked you a while ago if you wanted me to stop! :laughtwo:

No seriously just say the word I will call you CO or. Organics. Or maybe Orgie. ;) maybe even COorganics, whatever you want me to call you.

I think I started because you and CO Finest were the first people to talk to me here and I guess CO Finest got CO by default because he posted first haha. Then Idk. 'Corgy' just kinda was an abbreviation of your name lol.

Edit!! Oh no lol! You were the first to talk to me! SO - Idk how it happened :rofl: I should have defaulted to you!

.... Sorry.

what does that mean?? you're just happy? that's no answer lol! Should I nix the 'Corgie'? :( Ok. I will. You are just CO to me here from now on. its so much less familiar, my heart is all stoney... :( ... or maybe I'm just stoned. ahh, change, it hurts.

:laughtwo: but life will go on. Ok. ttyl CO! (Wasn't there some point I called you COorgs? - lol is that a step up, or down? :hmmmm:)
Hey CO,

That 5 gallon AACT brewer finally got here from microbeorganics. I have to say that it is different than any 5 gallon brewer I've ever seen.

I'm giving it to my friend as a Christmas present but I'll put it together and brew a batch before I do. I believe this will be a a game changer for people using air stones. I'm very impressed. Pics coming soon.
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