Gov's Pineapple Chunk Mars II Excursion

No pics, but I wanted to drop in and wish a happy Memorial Day to those folks who celebrate it...and happy Monday to those who don't. I fed the girls yesterday and letting them just relax some today. I fed the same recipe though: 4ml CalMag, 5ml part A, 7.5ml part B, 4ml LK, 1ml F+. This recipe results in a pH of 6.0 and typically I just go ahead and feed, but this time it was at 6.1 and I decided to pH it down to 5.8 just to be safe as I've seen a few spots on a couple really old fan leaves (some spots right along the spine of the leaf). All other growth looks good and even the new growth is healthy so I'm not adjusting too much this week.

I'm still 2 weeks from their haircut also (see bud backbuilding) and should be at the end of any trim and defol. It's quite interesting how the bud development is so different. Paka has the traditional arrowhead shape while Lolo has a more bushy "Elizabethan" collar type of bud structure. Should have more pics Wednesday. I'm beat this more later.
UPDATE: I think I may have really fukt up. Yesterday afternoon I went in to do some afternoon tending (after our discussion regarding CO2 jugs) and I turned on the lamp stand to illuminate with regular light a bit while I'm in there (I do it all the time so no biggie there), but when I left the room, I left the lamp on...They sat in the incandescent all night, gotdammit. Anyway, I went in this morning as the lights come on at 5a (same time I get up) and I waltzed in to check things. It took me a minute to realize the lamp was already on and that I had really fukt up. So, to apologize to them, i fed them again and left for work in disgust.

I've no idea what to expect at this point. Any ideas as to what I can expect? How jeopardized are they? :lot-o-toke:

I'm such a creature of habit and taking a half-day yesterday threw everything off. sigh
breath bro. we all do it. 1 day wont hurt anything. if it was 3 days i would say give them 24 hrs of darkness. You might see a few hermie bananas pop here and there but dont dont worry let them go you are far enough along it wont matter. Its good to know you are only human like the rest of us. again dont beet or worry yourself over it.
Thanks man. I went in this afternoon and all seemed fine...and the lamp is off tonight too.

I don't usually go in there after lights out, with very few exceptions. I'll dip in there 7 minutes after lights off to snag the memory card from the camera, for instance. I appreciate the reassurance too.
You could add a timer so it will turn off automatically. Just in case you forget again. Let's face it, sometimes we don't have the memory like we should when we are medicated :)
That's a good idea timothypaul26...and you are exactly right about the short-term memory thing. I took a half day, got home and the wife was gone so I medicated MUCH earlier than normal...fukt I was, and I just forgot. I'm usually meticulous about details, but that one got away from me.

Wow, I also just realized it's been a week tomorrow since I posted any pictures. Been crazy, but I'll get some today/tomorrow.
O.K., here are a few from today. There are a few small spots on some of the old fan leaves. The new growth looks healthy, so I'm not too concerned. They even look unaffected so far by the light fukup a couple days ago too.

No specific order:



They're starting to grow a little resin. But only day 20 so, still a long way to go yet.

Gov, I really dig what you've got going on over here. I wish my current grow would finish up so I can try a hempy grow similar to yours.

It's fun cheering on your grow. Watching your style gets my hopes up. I like that your approach is simplified and geared towards easy execution. Well, you make it look easy anyway. I can appreciate that it's not. Without care and diligence it can still go to crap.

I know you'll finish strong again. It's your destiny.

+Reps Looking Awesome
Gov, I really dig what you've got going on over here. I wish my current grow would finish up so I can try a hempy grow similar to yours.

It's fun cheering on your grow. Watching your style gets my hopes up. I like that your approach is simplified and geared towards easy execution. Well, you make it look easy anyway. I can appreciate that it's not. Without care and diligence it can still go to crap.

I know you'll finish strong again. It's your destiny.

+Reps Looking Awesome

Much thanks ObiWan. I definitely DO dote over them a bit at times, but you are correct in that on my list of goals was to grow the best resin I can with the least amount of effort (or at least do it with the least amount of opportunity to fuk it all up). I find there are windows of opportunity for the gremlins to slip in throughout the grow process and while the challenges presented are certainly different from what one may face outdoors (pests and predators being the biggest for me where I am). Since I'm going seed-to-smoke, the whole germination process is stressful for me. I've had 100% success so far, but I've only popped a few seeds too. They are just so tender and vulnerable that it's easy to love them "too much". So once past that obstacle, things roll pretty well to the second challenge (for me) which is reading the plants and medium and getting the water/feeding right for the first 2 weeks of growth while their roots work their way to the res. Most probably don't worry about such things. I wish I didn't, but it's apparently hardwired. After that, it's mostly downhill. After that I have a slight anxiety for the first trim/defol, and a small bit more after flip until they start to throw out some pistils. Then, provided I don't do anything stupid, like leave lights on, it's a cruise to the finish line.

nice plants!

Thanks...and welcome to my humble venture.

I can say this, when I went in this morning, I was blasted with a deep, extra-hashy aroma that had me wanting to just sit for awhile and enjoy the whole room. I could smell it before this, but the last 48 hours has them gushing those sweet smells. They still have 4-5 weeks minimum. Paka is leggy and is displaying the typical growth traits of a sativa with the longer legs and "draped" leaf look on the buds where Lolo has the "cupped" bud structure that is just so sexy with tighter nodes and bushier branches. I'm a week or two away from implementing the bud backbuilding and will do my own little test on a few select branches.

Someone growing weed my lord, kumbayah
Someone curing it my lord, kumbayah
Everybody smoking it toking it my lord , kumbayah
Oh lord kumbayah oh lord stoned off my kumbayah :tokin::goof::hippy::peace:

Plants are looking great gov. Like a Swedish punk band, Noice.
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