Greek Outdoor Grow - Femes & Auto Fems - 2014

Evening All. I believe the ladies have already been in touch. I have a question. Why the question? Because the Dutch company - bless 'em - from whom I get my seeds have sent me 9 replacements for those that were crushed by Mr Bond (aka the Greek Postal System). Well, 10 actually, because one 3 pack had 4 in it. :slide: All autos, so I'm germinating now and 7 out of 10 are already showing, so it's a morning's potting for me tomorrow. I know it's a bit late, but if the weather here holds into October (and it usually does) I might get a late harvest built on my mistakes and your experience.

The question is: should I plant the germinated seeds into starter pots (as I've been doing) or straight into their final 10/12 litres? I know the received wisdom seems to be that autos don't like being re-potted because it slows them up. I've been following general gardening lore and - as I do with all my vegetable and flower seedlings - using starter pots. Apparently it encourages good root development. Other advantages are that I can use different soils for seedling / veg stages, controlling watering is much easier and, er...well, they are easier to carry around. :laughtwo: Now because autos obviously have shorter life cycles, does that make all this irrelevant? Should I just man up and carry those goddamn big pots wherever they need to be and put that richer soil in there too? Or, given that I've at least 2 of each strain, do a side-by-side? (Which I'm very tempted to do).

Your experience is most gratefully received. :thanks: Pip Pip! Mr Teddy x :love:
I believe you are a curious person and can learn a lot by trial and error. I love the idea of a side by side! That way you could see the difference. I threw an auto bean in a wet paper towel this morning. I'm starting mine in a jiffy puck then straight to the big pot. :)

PS Say hi to the ladies for me! I love how they hijacked your thread!
I believe you are a curious person and can learn a lot by trial and error. I love the idea of a side by side! That way you could see the difference. I threw an auto bean in a wet paper towel this morning. I'm starting mine in a jiffy puck then straight to the big pot. :)

PS Say hi to the ladies for me! I love how they hijacked your thread!

Evening JL. Hope all is top of the shop with you. Yes, Mrs. Teddy also says I'm a curious person. :rofl: I'm sure a side-by-side has already been done somewhere but I do like a bit of empirical evidence. Hey, ain't it lubberly Mary Poppins (Dick van Dyke cockney) when you lift that paper carefully and see the tap root? Look forward to seeing your one grow. And yeah, those ladies, I leaves the room to tend a few roses and in they come. They are, er-hum, budding members. :love:
The golden rule of autoflowers is Dont Repot! .....ever. :high-five: What strain(s)did you get?

That's good and clear then. :thumb: Thanks, Pittbull. They sent me Auto Frisian Dew, Auto White Widow and Auto Durban Poison.
Durban autos?!! I'm off to have a look at the seed bank! I grew photoperiod Durban Poison outdoors a few years ago and did everything possible to keep their heads from poking above my 6 ft. privacy fence. All I can remember is tall leggy girls that seemed like they wanted to overtake my entire back yard. (cant wait to have a look at the auto strain!!):)

Tall, leggy girls overtaking your back yard. Good gracious. Hi Pittbull. I hope I can grow something from them that you'll enjoy seeing. Here is the blurb from the Dutch supplier's site from where I got them:

AutoDurban Poison is the automatic version of our legendary original Durban Poison photoperiod variety. This Sativa dominant AutoFem can be harvested 10-11 weeks after germination and she will grow fast and tall, with plenty of side growth, just like the original. AutoDurban Poison also shares the same luxuriously pleasant and uplifting experience as the original. This is a top quality feminized automatic which delivers a connoisseur quality vape/smoking experience with good yields. AutoDurban Poison tends to take longer during vegetative growth than other autofems, which can allow her to grow a little taller. The buds grow large and resinous with that special, celebrated, Durban aroma. This variety will perform well Outdoors too, she is a high-performance new automatic using some of our best genetics. Ideal for anyone seeking a top quality auto which delivers a strong and refreshing feel-good experience.

Seed to harvest is 10-11weeks, heights are typically 80-100cm, and occasionally she can get taller. Yields for the average grower are 75-100g, depending on the location and growing conditions. Experienced auto growers will easily exceed 100g+ per plant.

Pip Pip! Mr Teddy

So with 7 of those 10 replacement seeds already showing the White Stuff, today it was my favourite job - mixing up some soil and planting. (I'm thinking that harvesting will soon be my favourite job, but ain't there yet my friends). Let's get some pots, (final size, note Pittbull, :thanks:), some drainage, a load of good forest humus (love walking through the woods to the best spot), some ph neutral seedling soil and some of my own compost (well, the veg are doing well in it).




Then down to the spring at the bottom of our drive for some good mountain water.


Hmmm...not so good. It's just a trickle now. And there's talk in the village of water rationing next month - just a couple of hours of water per house a day because there was no snow this winter. Still, cross that bridge if we need to.

Pot up. Arghh. WTF is THAT next to me on the Salvia?


Damn you, Evolution. You one crazy mother.

And before you know it, another line of little soldiers waiting to pop up. (Note random geranium photo-bombing).


Happy Daze to you all. Mr. Teddy. :love:
Good morning, good morning, good morning. So I've put all the pots out for the first sunshine of the day - looks like another fine and sunny one - and fed the dog and fed the stray kittens that turned up and made a coffee and smoked a cigarette and popped round a few journals.

Lordy, and I came over here to relax.

The older ones will need watering today. The Seven Dwarves as I now think of them. (Status Update: Dopey's happy. Happy's looking Bashful. Bashful's still sleepy. Sleepy's looking grumpy. Grumpy needs a doc. and Doc's caught a cold). So it's down to the spring with lots of bottles now. However, in exciting news, I have gone all high-tech and bought a wheelbarrow. Which means that I can move 4 pots around the house at a time. Hallelujah. The new grower in me wants to feed them the nutes again (they're looking fine and dandy after their first proper application). But mustn't overdo it. So I'm planning just to add a diluted application of the kelp fertiliser and add nutes the next time.

May all your days be happy and bright. :love: Mr. Teddy x
So there I am, peering into the pots, as you do, wondering if and when the next one's going to show, when what should crawl out of the soil before my very eyes but this:


Right from the middle of the pot. All smug and fat and probably full of Durban Poison tap root.

Ah, I love this outdoor life.

Mr Teddy x
That grub looks fat and happy for sure, Mr. Teddy. I suppose when you dig up forest humus you get a few things like that in the mix.

Yep, PeeJay. If I will go GRUBbing around in the forest, I've got to expect to be BUGgered up occasionally. By the way, terrific blog on pH and soil. :thanks: Hey everybody (no, not you, Relaxed, I know you're ahead of the game. Again.) - head over to PeeJay's blog entry. Explains, de-mystifies and reassures all in one easy to digest portion. :thumb:

Well, they're not going to win any beauty contests. Although they would have a good shot if there was a Tiny And Rather Scorched Plant Of The Month Competition. There isn't. I checked. And they make the cast of Time Bandits look like a basketball team. But they're mine. And I love 'em. And I'm doing my best.

Today was watering and feeding. As I wrote on PeeJay's journal, you can see the difference now BEFORE the 420 community help and AFTER. And, apart from size, they're ok:


They are only on the stones briefly for better drainage.
Wooden stool courtesy of the village Mayor / mason / carpenter, Pansatis. Or Pants-are-down as he's known by Mr and Mrs Teddy. Oh I could tell you some stories. But suffice to say that there are more than the average number of kids running around the village with pot bellies and walrus moustaches.

I really like the elegance of the two fems for outdoors, Passion No.1 and Frisian Dew.

Bit of a disaster with a lot of the new seeds, what with grubs and no-shows. But there are 5 on the go now, so let's be happy for that. I keep them in dappled sunlight all day to avoid my special scorching ability. Now I'm pretty certain that everyone here knows what a cannabis seedling looks like (if you don't, you're probably in the wrong forum) so I'll just say that at least these 5 all look like this...healthy...


Let's hope they all grow big and strong like Dr Lotus' patients and that Mr Teddy has learned from his little mistakes.
That's it for now from the land of high taxation, European imperialism and wonderful beaches. Good night and good luck. And may your god go with you.
:love: Mr Teddy
You are doing wonderful with your ladies. :circle-of-love:

Ahoy Hoy, JadeLotus. Thank you. Y'know every day with the girls is new to me, so I simply don't know what to expect. Especially outdoors. Just doing what I can - and coming to you lot for your unfailing support. The oldest auto is around 7 weeks now, and I read that one can expect a lot of growth in the last weeks. This growing lark is really fascinating and exciting isn't it? Don't know if it wears off after the first few grows - I certainly intend to find out. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Back atcha, JL :circle-of-love:
Good morning good morning good morning to one and all. Just wanted to say thanks so much for the likes and reps. Truly, madly, deeply appreciated. Wishing you all the greenest of weekends...

Can't wait to see how your Durban will perform... I love my Zulu, and they are both from South Africa... Same with Malawi... But Durban and 'Zulu/ Drakensberg are claimed to be much faster flowering than Malawi.
And......we are off and running ! Like that you put them on solid rock and so on. :Namaste:

No More Grubs please! :thedoubletake:

:thumb: OMM. I shall avoid grubs like the plague. The same way I avoid cliches. :high-five:


Can't wait to see how your Durban will perform... I love my Zulu, and they are both from South Africa... Same with Malawi... But Durban and 'Zulu/ Drakensberg are claimed to be much faster flowering than Malawi.

Hmmm...don't hold your breath THsea. One tap root eaten by grub. One seedling popped up and within the day collapsed. No good way to tell you. Sorry.

"If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same..."
Good morning all. Another sunny and hot one here in the land of salty cheese and ridiculous dancing. (Don't laugh - I've just joined the local dance troupe. I used to think that they just made up Greek dancing as they went along. But oh, no. It's a very, very serious business).

Quick question for everyone out there who knows more than me. That's everyone then. Advice please.

I'm thinking it's time to pot on my oldest plant, the outdoor fem, Passion No.1 She's about 8 weeks old, around 2 feet tall and no sign of flowering yet. Currently she's in a 5 litre pot (errr, grabs calculator, that's 1.4 US galls). I've got a 12 litre pot (3.2 galls) or a 20 litre (5.4 galls) she could go into - or buy a bigger one - but please note, I'm no DankGirl. No obvious signs yet of being root-bound.

- So is it time to move up?
- What size pot would you recommend?
- Should I use the same soil mix (pH neutral vegetable soil, a little humus, some good compost and perlite) or make it richer with some sterilised manure? I'm thinking if it ain't broke...

Here's some pics of her yesterday evening:

And because I've got a relaxed mate on the West Coast who I know likes a bit of shadow action, this one's especially for him:


Wishing you a tip-top day, wherever you are.
:love: Mr Teddy x
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