Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

OK my plants are out sitting in the sun, but it is a little breezy out, so I shored up my seedlings with some supports. I love it when I see growth in the second set of leaves. I will start feeding the PB for seedlings, that's 1-2 ml PB per gallon water. I am using 1/2 ml per gallon right now and will change to 1 1/2ml per gallon in another day or so. What a nice morning. 🍋
Morning pictures nice day outside






Yes, the railing was just for pictures, but I still worried about the falling. Not the safest thing I have done today. Shed your plants look great and as always, they are bigger than mine your second set of leaves are further along. 🍋
Glad to hear it, especially with a breeze blowing! And we're growing different varieties (and different seeds) so the odds of them growing at the same rate are slim. One thing I can tell you is yours won't fit through my door when they grow up! :)
Just raised my plants as they are to leggy. They are 13 inches from the light. I hope it helps and does not burn them. The light is at 30% I may put it at 25%. I really do not want to cook them. 🍋
Do you have the Photone app?
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