LA's really quick guide to tip spreading for node stacking!

The votes say this works, so my new seedlings will get a better view to see the Light and stack nodes.

Regards and thanks for all your work.
I was in to spread mine 3x already today. I generally do this until preflower starts. I try to top at 14 days. When I use this technique, I make it every time. Not spreading, I have not made it yet, so I also swear by it.

Good luck
The votes say this works, so my new seedlings will get a better view to see the Light and stack nodes.

Regards and thanks for all your work.
I was in to spread mine 3x already today. I generally do this until preflower starts. I try to top at 14 days. When I use this technique, I make it every time. Not spreading, I have not made it yet, so I also swear by it.

Good luck

At which node do you top by day 14? I like this as a possible way to expedite node growth, maybe top twice on an auto that has limited time to veg.
I top immediately after the third set of true leaves, which would be removing the 4th set. I only grow autos, which is why I pay extra attention to the first 14days. I usually see preflowers around day 21 but have seen them as early as 14. I think the bigger the plant is when they start to preflower the better the yield should be. I take little breaks all day long to spread them. My new ones are on day 4 above soil and I have been, very gently, using one finger and a toothpic since day 2.

At which node do you top by day 14? I like this as a possible way to expedite node growth, maybe top twice on an auto that has limited time to veg.
This thread was very informative and makes total sense in regards to tip spreading, i love the fact i can come onto 420 and pick some priceless growing tips from such a wonderful community of very intelligent, inventive, generous people.
I literally read this thread, (got off the couch) went outside and spread every tip i could find on my 6ft tall Pineapple kush plant.
Thanks for posting this thread LA , always a pleasure.

Off topic, (just a shout, im new here :goof:) i was reading your threads (most all) and after i did, i had a shopping cart worth about 2k$ in equipment you have used, and a mind full of endless techniques i can use immediately, your work with Mj plants is absolutly mind blowing, true art in what you do.
Thank you bro

This thread was very informative and makes total sense in regards to tip spreading, i love the fact i can come onto 420 and pick some priceless growing tips from such a wonderful community of very intelligent, inventive, generous people.
I literally read this thread, (got off the couch) went outside and spread every tip i could find on my 6ft tall Pineapple kush plant.
Thanks for posting this thread LA , always a pleasure.

Off topic, (just a shout, im new here :goof:) i was reading your threads (most all) and after i did, i had a shopping cart worth about 2k$ in equipment you have used, and a mind full of endless techniques i can use immediately, your work with Mj plants is absolutly mind blowing, true art in what you do.
Thank you bro


Your Pineapple Kush is a beauty :)
Hello, I only have 1 grow season (outdoor) under my belt with only 1 clone. Im dreaming of the upcoming season. I really want to do the flux style and maximize my yield because I can only grow 4 plants and want to try to supply myself for the year. It will probably take me a while to get there but I want to move in that direction.

Last year, I wanted to do flux but I had a clone that had asymmetrical nodes and LA said flux wouldnt work well. I got some seeds this year. I'll be outdoor but need to keep my girls out of sight, so I'm aiming to keep them as short as possible. Would I do this tip spreading once the girls go into flower? Or sooner?
Hey LilMissB. if you read Radogast's post from the first page he gives a pretty good description of when to use the technique.

I have been doing this of and on for over a year - after hearing about it from Light Addict. Thanks Man :thanks:

I form my middle finger and thumb into a pincers grip, usually spread 1/3" (1 cm) apart, and push the fingers down in the general area where the leaf meets the leaf stalk or close around the growth tip (apical meristem.) I do both the top full set of leaves and anything smaller that looks like leaves beside growth tip. I do this pretty much every time I check in on the girls.

In early veg, I leaf spread mostly because I like the look and strength of close nodes. I bend the leaves the slightest little bit.

In later veg, I leaf spread just the main cola(s) to help them grow shorter and allow other branches to catch up and form a flatter canopy. I am firmer in my leaf spreading, and often see the leaves bend open up to 30 more degrees. Like supercropping, they often recover from the bending within an hour, but it still seems to help.

I have not done this after flowers set.

I have recently decided that what is good for seedlings (opposite pairs of leaves) is good for clones (alternating leaves.) I am doing a one sided leaf spreading of my main stalk (leader) in veg to try to even out the canopy as I do for seedlings. It is too soon for me to form an opinion on whether it works with clones. In my opinion, seedlings are just so much more satisfying to train. In my real world, clones are what I grow because it is cheaper and easier to regrow the genetics of a girl going into the flowering room than to buy a new seed for each new plant, So I decided to try a modified leaf spreading technique with clones.
Hello, I only have 1 grow season (outdoor) under my belt with only 1 clone. Im dreaming of the upcoming season. I really want to do the flux style and maximize my yield because I can only grow 4 plants and want to try to supply myself for the year. It will probably take me a while to get there but I want to move in that direction.

Last year, I wanted to do flux but I had a clone that had asymmetrical nodes and LA said flux wouldnt work well. I got some seeds this year. I'll be outdoor but need to keep my girls out of sight, so I'm aiming to keep them as short as possible. Would I do this tip spreading once the girls go into flower? Or sooner?

LA knows his stuff. Fluxing is good for seedlings and pretty much impossible with well growing clones.

Tip spreading is good for controlling height in veg, once the flowers appear, the branches stretch, but they don't really form new nodes.

As InTheShed said, LST is a really good method once they are in flower.

I prefered to LST in late veg (to even the canopy) and early flower (to limit plant height,)

In Late flower, once the stretch is complete, if the LST branch is horizontal, most strains will grow a string of 1.5" buds instead of, for example, a single 9" cola. In this example, the height is at least 7" less, but the one big cola becomes several medium sized buds. So if you are stuck on one big cola, don't LST.
LA knows his stuff. Fluxing is good for seedlings and pretty much impossible with well growing clones.

Tip spreading is good for controlling height in veg, once the flowers appear, the branches stretch, but they don't really form new nodes.

As InTheShed said, LST is a really good method once they are in flower.

I prefered to LST in late veg (to even the canopy) and early flower (to limit plant height,)

In Late flower, once the stretch is complete, if the LST branch is horizontal, most strains will grow a string of 1.5" buds instead of, for example, a single 9" cola. In this example, the height is at least 7" less, but the one big cola becomes several medium sized buds. So if you are stuck on one big cola, don't LST.

Makes total sense ..
Great info....thanks....gonna try it, when I start.
I was referred to this thread by @TriangleCheese ! Thank you man and also thanks to @Light Addict for this post and chiming in on one of my current journals. Sounds like I need to do more reading of your various threads. After reading this thread and understanding more of what Triangle was trying to tell me, I went outside and got to work! Here is a pic from one of my young ladies I just spread. Just to make sure my logic is correct, these are the area I should be focusing on for the foreseeable future as they pop up until they are in flower? By doing this, their maximum height is stunted?
I was referred to this thread by @TriangleCheese ! Thank you man and also thanks to @Light Addict for this post and chiming in on one of my current journals. Sounds like I need to do more reading of your various threads. After reading this thread and understanding more of what Triangle was trying to tell me, I went outside and got to work! Here is a pic from one of my young ladies I just spread. Just to make sure my logic is correct, these are the area I should be focusing on for the foreseeable future as they pop up until they are in flower? By doing this, their maximum height is stunted?

So, I use this method at 2 stages in growth. The first is when the plant is just a baby and I want to build limb frequency/shorten internal spacing on the plants main stem.
Then later in veg when I'm building vertical growth prior to flower each main growing tip gets the same treatment. This time it's, just budding nodal sites that you shortening spacing of, creating big fat bats of bud
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