Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Wow,I just went out my front door to close and lock my chain link slider and low and behold my damn Superooter Air Pots are here and in only three days.I probably dont need to say this but if you buy shit on the internet all ways choose the cheapest shipping every thing takes three days. They will tell you standard shipping $8.43, Priorty shipping $29.36,Really Super Neat shipping $59.67. It dont matter if you pay 8 bucks or 58 bucks it all gets there in 3 days so dont waste your money.Air Pots-From opening the box thew complete assembely. This is a box of 10 around $100.00 and well worth it -
This is what it looks like in side-
This is what it looks like out of the box.(lol)-
here I seperated the components for one and assembled it-
and the finished product-
I love these people, if you havent try them, get one and if you dont like it I will buy it from you. HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL YOU FATHERS and MOTHERS that are forced to be Fathers for one reason or another. Have an awsum weekend. TOAST
Oh yea, I just wanted to say DJ Short rocks, now this dude knows his shit. If you havent read his stuff on photo periods,you need too.He wont devulge the exact time for the Blueberry but he does tell you its more that 13 hours of continuous darkness. He wants you to experiment so you will find out that different photo periods effect the Terpens witch inturn effects the taste and smell of what ever strain.Listen if you havent seen his Ol'Time MoonShine ya-all's missin out.TOAST
Air-pots are great, I've been using them for few years. Explosive root development and quicker bud growth. Bigger water turnover though so with high temps you'll need to water every 2-3 days. You might install a drip or even wick though to make it easier. I got around 97-98°F in the shadow now, and I'm forcing two plants, Green Crack and Cotton Candy, using high UBV levels at this time of the year, and they really dry out fast. Then a little bit of drying up in flowering is good for resin production. Then, my average RH is around 50-60%!

Happy growing everybody!
I couldn't get on the hill until 6:30 this evening so I didnt get as much as I had planned, accomplished. I had been waiting for the Air Pots to get here and they arrived yesterday.As I stated before I'm not happy with the way the Super Lemon Haze is growing so I'm replacing it and here are some pics:The area there planted in I call The Plot. In the plot there is 11 SLH plants,arranged in a 2-1-2-1-2-1-2 pattern. The three at the far end are doing just fine and the one in the middle is ok but not normal. Im starting with the plants that are the closest and digging them up and bringing them down the hill.
I have a 5 gal bucket with soil, a 5 gal bucket with 4 gals of PHed water,a cap full of Super Thrive,4 caps of FoxFarms Grow Big,and a eye dropper full of B12 and a Air Pot 1/2 full of soil.The first and second plant came out with a hitch.
What I did after I got them loose I used the water to wash away the soil until the root ball was small enough to fit in the Air Pot. A few years back I got some 1/4 in wire mesh and nailed to some 2X4's to sift the bigger rocks out of the soil.
Now this third plant was a lot bigger then the others and the roots were real deep and it was a pain in the ass getting it out.We'll see in the morning if I shocked it.
Thats all I could get done before dark.So I will be pulling the other ones in the morning.As of right now I haven"t decided what I'm going to replace them with. Now this last pic is what I got going on in my indoor flowering room.(New stuff to look at,YEAH)
As soon as I get the plot togeather tomorrow I'll post more pics.TOAST
First off, the trird plant I pulled last evening that had given me a hard time cause the roots were so deep.Seams to be fine.No shock and no wilting.So that a good thing.I got up on the hill at 6:00 am this morning and finished pulling the rest of the Super Lemon Haze, a total of 7 plants. I replaced them with,4-Pure Kush,2-Sour Deisel,and 1-Grape Ape. Hopefully theres enough time for them to thrive and grow really big.That would nice.
Here are the 7 plants I brought down from the hill.
Im not sure if I mensioned it before, but every night or early morning,when ever its dark. I foliage spray the tops and the under sides of the leaves with my 2 gal sprayer.Mix:I take and fill the sprayer 1/2 full of tap water,add 2 ts of White Distilled Vinegar (Thats for a PH of 9),then an EyeDropper full of Super Thrive,and 2-Caps full of FoxFarms Grow Big, witch Im out of,and will be going to get some right after I finish this.And fill the sprayer the rest of the way up with water.And then I clime my hill and try not to bust my ass in the dark.You know last year I was up there spraying about 3:30 am and lost my footing and was about to fall on one of my good plants, so I pushed off, dove over the plant and ended up rolling head over heels to the very bottom.Better than any ride at Magic Mountain.TOAST
Wow, it comes with a story too?!?! :surf:

First off, great work with those transplants that is never easy work. They are looking good in those air pots, I may have to try sometime, though I would think it would make the root zone more prone to soil infestations, and then the fungus gnats would have a lot of ways in. That's all I'd be worried about.

Stellar series of updates brotha, you have created a stellar journal :thumb:
Hey every body, Thanks for all the Likes and Comments. Now I know that the Books, the Botanists, and Gardeners in general say,you shouldn't, you cant, or its not a good idea to take large propagations.Well here they are:
all rooted and ready to go. There are still three in the produce bags that are rooted but not enough to go in the soil yet. TOAST
I went up to check on the plants I used to replace the SLH in the plot and they are looking good.
I forgot to tell you at the start of this Journal, if you look in this next pic
you will see two white pipes sticking out of the ground. What I did is I got a 10 ft lenth of 21/2 in PVC pipe and two caps. I cut the PVC in half and capped one end on each piece of pipe. I then drilled a number of holes from the cap to 1 ft below the open end and sunk them in the plot. It allows for a little more air to get to the roots, and you can put your fertalizers down there, and most importently you can fill them full of water, TOAST
I have one I found yesterday lol, mines about the size of yours was when your first spotted it,

If it makes it where I am I will be very surprised
As a fellow high-desert grower and long time non-cannabis gardener this journal excites me. The hillside does not seem to be South facing (based on what I see in the pictures.) What is its aspect? Also, what is your latitude (google the nearest town + latitude if you don't know.) I'd also like to know the altitude. Thanks!
All right PeeJay's, The hill faces North but my property is graded flat for 1/2 an acre just above where the plants are before it ascends to the top of the Hill. So the plants get direct sun light from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and then flitered light until 6:30 pm because theres a giant Pepper tree to the right of the plants at the top of the hill. Im at some where around 35N and 118 W and 1207 feet high. When Im not medicated.lol If ya got any more questions just throw um out there.TOAST
Nice Lem :thumb:

I'm right about 35 degrees North as well, a couple of states east of you and about 4000 feet higher (altitude wise, not medicated wise.) A North facing slope might seem counterintuitive to those who live farther North but is pretty ideal in drier climates with lots of sunlight. My grow is quite modest compared to yours - just a couple of container plants on a partially shaded South facing deck. If it weren't for the partial shade my plants would wither and die...
Interesting note. I'm at 45N and had to look for southern slope, cause otherwise that would cut my yield in half or even more. But desert conditions, low humidity and such, force different strategy probably. Way to go, lemba :thumb:
Well man, spare the trees and look for a better spot :)
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