Mr Am4zin's Attempt At Fluxing A Monster - And A Few Side Projects

This is the history of a cannabis from baby-walking-go to primary school-middle school-high school-university,soon she will graduated.:bravo:
:circle-of-love: :thanks:


This made me giggle after I used that big search engine to find out who Glen Miller was :rofl:

Thanks Dan :high-five: :passitleft:

Thanks Jim. :passitleft: super lemon haze today.

Yes she did grow up well shall we take a look back?
























Fluxing Monster
Pure Chocolope
Day 154

12/12 + 46
Pistels + 43

Good evening friends and welcome to an update. As most of you will know I've had an issue with low soil ph causing a lock out. I gave her a good flush, while waiting for her to dry, I ordered some potassium bicarbonate and on Monday I administered a dose. She rewarded me for this by pushing out a full new set of pistels. :) Tonight she got a big feed and in a few days I'll re treat with the potassium bicarbonate. Looks like she's gonna have a big finish in her yet. :slide:

Pics anyone?








Fluxing Monster
Pure Chocolope
Day 154

12/12 + 46
Pistels + 43

Good evening friends and welcome to an update. As most of you will know I've had an issue with low soil ph causing a lock out. I gave her a good flush, while waiting for her to dry, I ordered some potassium bicarbonate and on Monday I administered a dose. She rewarded me for this by pushing out a full new set of pistels. :) Tonight she got a big feed and in a few days I'll re treat with the potassium bicarbonate. Looks like she's gonna have a big finish in her yet. :slide:

Pics anyone?









Oooooooo shiiiiiiit! Those nugs look tasty. You are gonna be one happy camper when you get that dried and cured. I know you don't cure, but with that much, some of it will cure. :rofl:

Cheers brotha.

Nice man, how long to chop, chop you reckon? So frosty hmmm. I bet she smell super. Happy growing! :thumb: :love: :Namaste:
Thank F for that :)

I thought the same thing. :)

Oooooooo shiiiiiiit! Those nugs look tasty. You are gonna be one happy camper when you get that dried and cured. I know you don't cure, but with that much, some of it will cure. :rofl:

Cheers brotha.


Haha, Don't normally have time to cure, smoking it is normally quicker but yeah, I should have plenty left to get a decent cure going on. I'm very happy with how she is, gonna reward me for sure. :roorrip:

Nice man, how long to chop, chop you reckon? So frosty hmmm. I bet she smell super. Happy growing! :thumb: :love: :Namaste:

She should have about 3 weeks left, I was hoping for 2 so I could harvest around by birthday but she will go longer than that.could be 4 weeks yet. She will be chopped when she is ready and not before :thumb:

:passitleft: she sure is an awesome beast but i'd like to point out she's also stacked really, really nice too. so double win! can't wait for your harvest pics ;)

Yes she is and thank you. I'm looking forward to a nice harvest but I'm not looking forward to trimming this one. My biggest harvest to date is just over 1 Oz so this is gonna be epic for me. :high-five:

Couple of hours work tomorrow and I'm done till Tuesday. Have a great Friday evening my friends. I'll drop some pics up later. :passitleft:
Hey Mr A! Glad to see you've got the issues sorted, she really is a looker!

Hopefully a nice smooth :surf: to the finish line for ya fella!


Cheers Mono, A nice smooth finish is what we like and need around these parts, I need this harvest. :passitleft:

Mr A.. She is absolutely monstrously beautiful!!!
Sending tons of grow love :circle-of-love:

Cheers bird, love gratefully received :love:
Your to be congratulated on the plant, but most of all, for being able to keep a plant healthy and growing for half a year...

Thanks doc, not quite six months, actually won't be far off by the time she's done tho. Nismo12 has a plan to veg one out for a year before turning it to flower. That's gonna be epic. :passitleft:
That's one amazing specimen you've grown out Mr. Am4zin, such a work of art. Wow what a process. Has it really been 6 months, damn time flies. Keep up the good work brother and as always...

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Thanks for stopping by snid and for the compliments. It's been just over 5 months, as we stand now, She was a 4/20 baby. Time might have flown by for the outsider looking in but believe me when I say the weeks feel like months when I'm watching her grow, patience is starting to run thin now

My next goal is to get one pound with a 315 watt lec, and a waterfarm, in 110-120 days total..... I've been looking for a fast, heavy yielding indica...

I see a northern lights in your future, quick growing and trainable. Mono has one in early flower, he hopes to yield a kilo.
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