Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

Thanks buddy, Spain will be great and very very chilled, we are going to spannabis. (Google it) :passitleft:

Oh nice! I have heard about that in the past (tho abit out of the loop the past few years from not reading so much) I hope you 2 have a groovylicious time over there - then time for your monster to be planted! :yahoo: Do you think you'll be able to bring any seeds back or would that be a bit dodgy? I have no idea tbh!
It can be a challenge sometimes and we tend to travel 3 or 4 times a year. This year, We are off to Spain for a week in march, 5 days camping at the formula 1 in July, 4 days in a log cabin in the woods at the end of August and malta for Xmas.
So the 4 months or so after Spain is the perfect time for me to Veg out a monster.
What part of the UK will you be visiting? So many beautiful places to see here. :passitleft:

We always go to North Yorkshire to visit my husband's family who are lovely :) This year we also want to spend a week in North Wales -- neither one of us has been there before and it looks fun.

Your trips sound great -- Spain, Formula 1, Log Cabin and Malta? Fantastic!
I just flew in an saw that you are growing Amnesia ,,Hey I am just hoping to see some Amnesia pop through the dirt in the next few days ,, How is she to grow I haven't the time at the mo to check it all out,,I lost the Tut seed I think it was a DOA? Any way I hope all is very well in the amazing world of Mr Am4zin :love:
sorry its been so long:hug::hug::geek:But you remember the lil auto Kalashnikov I think she is gonna fit in just fine
I have taken enough of yor room up bro I will be back soon though I am excited to grow this amnesia :high-five:

Always got time for you Jaga, you could never take up too much space. Most is well here, still suffering with my shoulder tho. I look forward to seeing the Kalashnikova grow, it's another one I hope to pop at some point.
My Amnesia Haze Auto would have been a pleasure to grow if I didn't do my best at trying to kill it.
It's always good to see you pop by :love: :passitleft:
Oh nice! I have heard about that in the past (tho abit out of the loop the past few years from not reading so much) I hope you 2 have a groovylicious time over there - then time for your monster to be planted! :yahoo: Do you think you'll be able to bring any seeds back or would that be a bit dodgy? I have no idea tbh!

No idea if I can bring them back or not, I'll just see how the land lies when I'm there. :passitleft:
No idea if I can bring them back or not, I'll just see how the land lies when I'm there. :passitleft:

Thats all good Mr A, im sure it will be awesome - your make me jealous :) I hope your shoulder isnt causing too much pain for you. Spannabis reminded me i have a few sweet seeds i got,,, no idea how they are but one is there auto trainwreck -as soon as i heard trainwreck and auto i had to get a couple,,,

Wishin you and everyone a great evening :roorrip:
We always go to North Yorkshire to visit my husband's family who are lovely :) This year we also want to spend a week in North Wales -- neither one of us has been there before and it looks fun.

Your trips sound great -- Spain, Formula 1, Log Cabin and Malta? Fantastic!

Sorry glimmer I missed this :passitleft:

My mum lives in North Wales, it's stunning, i'm there every few weeks. The log cabin we are staying at is in North Yorkshire, near Crompton.
Malta is a small island off Italy, we visit every year as we have friends there.

Superior Diesel day 1


Some light training on the berry bomb.

Beautiful buddy!

I would love to come to our country and spend some quality time with you and the Misses!

Hope your day is starting well and warm.



I'd love to have you visit. My day started well and just after my lunch I'm warm. 3 hours till home time, Not that I'm counting like. :)

Hope your day is filled with love and laughter :love:
Awsome work my man :) nice training on the little one :) have you decided which photo you are going to grow yet? :circle-of-love::Namaste::passitleft:

Thanks man, I think mybig girl is gonna be a Pure Chocolope or a hollands hope. Superior Diesel is a photo but under my 11/13 lights she be like an auto. Enjoy the rest of your day :passitleft:
Hello geezer :) my 420 is playing up I cant get fonts or load my pictures ??
I was just wondering if you are getting any of the same troubles ?
Sorry to hear about the Amnesia Haze

No issues at this end brother. I did have issues accessing the site yesterday evening so they might be working on it. What browser are you using? I'm on Android Google chrome :passitleft:
Oh nice! I have heard about that in the past (tho abit out of the loop the past few years from not reading so much) I hope you 2 have a groovylicious time over there - then time for your monster to be planted! :yahoo: Do you think you'll be able to bring any seeds back or would that be a bit dodgy? I have no idea tbh!

No idea if I can bring them back or not, I'll just see how the land lies when I'm there. :passitleft:

Just tuck them in your wallet insde one of the credit card slots.
Good thought Reg but they x-ray your the stuff you carry on the plane, would look a bit odd on the x-ray image. I'd have more chance packing them all together in the sellers blister packs and chucking them in my suitcase. If I get stopped after getting my case, they are presents for friends, I have just been to a cannabis event after all.
I've been looking in the Web and there isn't anywhere that says I can't bring them back. Nothing saying I can either tho. :passitleft:
That's so interesting that you're often in North Wales -- and you're going to North Yorkshire for your cabin! Small world, indeed ... Maybe we could meet and have a pint? heh heh heh

And you're not just going to Spain, you're going to freaking Spannabis! I was just on their site the other day drooling over the program and exhibitors. The interactive stand map they have on the site is great -- I feel almost as if I was there, looking around :) Souvenirs would be a must :)
Just tuck them in your wallet insde one of the credit card slots.

Many years ago I was returning from a visit to Amsterdam with some friends.
We all religiously went thru our clothing and luggage... just in case.... nobody wants to dance with customs after all.
We stroll to the counters and conduct our business as we pass thru customs. I peek over at my buddy... his face has lost all color... his eyes are wild with what appears to be fear.
We all meet on the other side and hear the tale....
He had a small chunk of hash compressed on the picture page of his passport!!!
The agent scraped the nugget into the trashcan, handed the passport back to him, and gave him the standard 'Have a nice day'.

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