Yankeetoker's 2nd Grow Attempt - 2016 - All Advice Welcome!

I concur... Everything you posted sounds pretty right on to me... When they are babies you can't have LEDs that close or it will not only slow them down and burn them but it will stunt them... I'm sorry I didn't pay closer attention to the clearance area but sounds like you have addressed it and found your solution...:goodjob: I also agree with Rad in the lights should be fine... I of course have never used HPS but I'm sure it will work splendidly until you can afford to get another panel to put in there... in a 2'x4' tent I would think if you got another 96x5w reflector or even just another 48x5w you would be rocking it and not have any heat issues... again I don't know much about HPS other than they run much hotter than LEDs... Great job....:circle-of-love:
I can't see what you see, but I support your analysis that a 2.5' ceiling is too low for LED growing.

200W of CFL is a plenty of light for a 2x2 space. IMO anything more is too much for veg. I veg with 216W CFL in 2.5x4' spaces.

I have almost no experience with LED, but by the numbers the 100W Mars Hdyro 48 alongside the 150W HPS would be a great amount of light for the 2x4 tent. A sturdy place to hang inside the tent and a good exhaust fan (usually with a filter) and you have a real well-balanced grow environment. You can hang your lights near the top of the tent and leave them in one place.

:bravo: I applaud your choices here. 3x the space. Good use of light. Fine soil. This is a recipe for success. :bravo:

I'm pretty sure you will be happy with your decision.

Thanks for all your help, I think I am starting to get a handle on how all this works...

I actually have a 4 inch Hurricane fan 175 CFM and a 4x8 Phresh filter that I purchased when I first made a decision to grow. As I have been accumulating all this "stuff" the past 9 months, I often wondered if I would ever use it....now I have a plan that will allow me to use ALL of it!:thumb:

Here are some pics of the girls after I put my CFL back in the box and removed the Mars Hydro until my tent arrives (no later than Wednesday).....:circle-of-love:

I concur... Everything you posted sounds pretty right on to me... When they are babies you can't have LEDs that close or it will not only slow them down and burn them but it will stunt them... I'm sorry I didn't pay closer attention to the clearance area but sounds like you have addressed it and found your solution...:goodjob: I also agree with Rad in the lights should be fine... I of course have never used HPS but I'm sure it will work splendidly until you can afford to get another panel to put in there... in a 2'x4' tent I would think if you got another 96x5w reflector or even just another 48x5w you would be rocking it and not have any heat issues... again I don't know much about HPS other than they run much hotter than LEDs... Great job....:circle-of-love:

So you guys have obviously done your job, if I'm starting to make good decisions "on my own":thumb: Though this has been a frustrating process, my science background allows me to view it as an "experiment"....everything that I have gone through has prepared me for the next grow, which I feel confident will be much better.

I spent yesterday doing research on amendments (what they do, when they should be used,etc) and coupled with the advice of more experienced growers on here :)thanks:everybody), I have a better understanding of what I should be doing. I found some Promix BX (couldn't find the HP reasonably priced) for $18.00 for a 2.8 cu ft. bag of loose soil (each cubic foot equates to 10 gallons). I have decided after much research to go with the DTE Vegan mix in place of the Yum Yum, and will substitute fish bone meal for Bat guano. What type of compost do you use in your recipe (I think the lobster compost is too hot)?

I was gifted a worm factory 360 :cheer: and can't wait to get it set up so I can begin making my own compost!

I was looking at Rad's latest adventure adding the LED lighting to his HPS which gave me the idea to use both lights in my tent when it arrives....I wish I would have purchased a 96 x5w, but the space I was working with couldn't have handled it....so when I get a chance (probably later this spring/summer), I will purchase another 48x5w which will allow me to space the lights (they each cover 2x2) to make sure the whole grow area (2x4) is covered.

I will go back to using my swick containers in the tent, but will continue with the soak/top water method in veg. I know now that pH must be controlled, and have a better idea how to control my temps and RH .

I already have a Hurricane 4" fan and a 4x8 Phresh filter so I have my exhaust covered for the tent. I will vent the air from the tent into a DIY filter bucket/ona deodorizer I made. For now, I simply have a PC fan on my existing box and it seems to be working fine with very little odor.

I think this pretty much covers it!:circle-of-love:

A shot of the girls back under the CFL....

Just make sure with the BX you keep an eye on your pH.... The HP has a wetting agent... a pH buffer and mycorrhiza already added t it.... and I do't think the BX does.... II have used it before and I had a hard time with the pH so just make sure you either add a buffer or watch it really closely... other than that you should be fine... you can buy a bag of the mycorrhiza and I highly advise using it... it helps your root system immensly IMO... the compost I use is from a kinda local farm... Red Bud Farms... I find the name kinda funny cause they certainly are not about growing MJ... When I met the man that owns the farm... I would have been scared to say the word MJ...:thedoubletake: but his worm castings and compost are amazing... I don't know if it is possible to even get it where you are... I'm sure you can find them on the web to see if they have a distributer in your area or if they ship... I will admit they are real proud of their worm castings and their price shows it but again IMO it is worth it for the results I have gotten using his compost and castings....:circle-of-love:
Thanks for all your help, I think I am starting to get a handle on how all this works...

I actually have a 4 inch Hurricane fan 175 CFM and a 4x8 Phresh filter that I purchased when I first made a decision to grow. As I have been accumulating all this "stuff" the past 9 months, I often wondered if I would ever use it....now I have a plan that will allow me to use ALL of it!:thumb:

Here are some pics of the girls after I put my CFL back in the box and removed the Mars Hydro until my tent arrives (no later than Wednesday).....:circle-of-love:


So I went to check on the girls this morning and Lexi looks awful (all but top leaves and new growth yellowing with spots), Bernie's leaves are kinda dry feeling, but Hope looks well. All three plants are continuing to add new growth, but there is very little space between nodes (almost like bunches of little leaves growing out of the stem if that makes sense). I tried LST, but the existing branches are really not that long even though the leaves are large. Stems are very sturdy and not flexible at all.

I have been watering using the soak and top water method using water pH adjusted between 6.3-6.5. pH, temps and RH have been under control and within acceptable ranges.

I had been running lights on full spectrum, but have dialed them back to growth only for now.

I think now that all the other concerns have been addressed and the new lighting added, it has to be the space now. The LED in my space doesn't give me enough of a safe distance from the light to the plants, so I think they are burning.

After all I've been through at this point, I will continue to try to save them, but realize I need to make some upgrades...so I did.

I combined your picture with some of the comments from before.

First don't stress about "saving them" - You are a long ways from these plants acually dying.
They are complaining, but they aren't dying.

So what are they complaining about?

Nutrition Maybe they aren't getting enough food in through their roots. In smaller pots, they might look like this if they were root bound. My guess is they are probably not root bound. It is also probaby not nutrient lockout either, because you PH your water. - a possibility is they don't have enough food.

Is there food in the soil? Are you feeding nutrients when you water?

Light They don't look burned by the LED light, that would be burning the tops first. A lot of people on 420 believe that LED lights increase the plant's need for Cal/Mag. I don't know

If this is a LED induced Cal/Mag deficiency, and you have changed the light, it should get better now.

Water They might be over watered.

I would let the soil completely dry out.
Just make sure with the BX you keep an eye on your pH.... The HP has a wetting agent... a pH buffer and mycorrhiza already added t it.... and I do't think the BX does.... II have used it before and I had a hard time with the pH so just make sure you either add a buffer or watch it really closely... other than that you should be fine... you can buy a bag of the mycorrhiza and I highly advise using it... it helps your root system immensly IMO... the compost I use is from a kinda local farm... Red Bud Farms... I find the name kinda funny cause they certainly are not about growing MJ... When I met the man that owns the farm... I would have been scared to say the word MJ...:thedoubletake: but his worm castings and compost are amazing... I don't know if it is possible to even get it where you are... I'm sure you can find them on the web to see if they have a distributer in your area or if they ship... I will admit they are real proud of their worm castings and their price shows it but again IMO it is worth it for the results I have gotten using his compost and castings....:circle-of-love:


Here is the information I pulled about the Pro-Mix BX.....

Pro-Mix BX Biofungicide + Mycorrhizae is a general-purpose growing medium that is great for a wide variety of plants as well as for transplanting applications. It provides the protection of a high-quality biofungicide while offering the growth enhancement properties of 100% contaminant-free mycorrhizae.

2.8 loose cu. ft. bag is 25-35lbs., while the 3.8 compact cu. ft. bag is 60-75lbs.

Each cubic foot of loose Pro-Mix fills approximately 10 one gallon trade pots.

-Contains Mycorrhizae: Mycorrhizal inoculum (Glomus intraradices).
-Peat-based growing medium with perlite and vermiculite.
-Ideal for production of vegetable transplants in large cell trays.
-High water retention capacity.
-pH adjusted.

I already have some endomyco and just ordered another bag of EWC.

I believe the lime is used to keep the pH in check, since peat based products tend to go acidic over time....will throw the question out there on the soil building thread!
I combined your picture with some of the comments from before.

First don't stress about "saving them" - You are a long ways from these plants acually dying.
They are complaining, but they aren't dying.

So what are they complaining about?

Nutrition Maybe they aren't getting enough food in through their roots. In smaller pots, they might look like this if they were root bound. My guess is they are probably not root bound. It is also probaby not nutrient lockout either, because you PH your water. - a possibility is they don't have enough food.

Is there food in the soil? Are you feeding nutrients when you water?

Light They don't look burned by the LED light, that would be burning the tops first. A lot of people on 420 believe that LED lights increase the plant's need for Cal/Mag. I don't know

If this is a LED induced Cal/Mag deficiency, and you have changed the light, it should get better now.

Water They might be over watered.

I would let the soil completely dry out.

These girls are in this mix , which doesn't look very nutritious...lol I have been giving them just pH adjusted water at this time....might I add a compost tea or some sort of food (I have plenty of amendments (alfalfa, kelp, molasses, fish fertilizer, etc. but no nutrients...was hoping to avoid going that route......

Ok, so not burned, but the intensity of the light still might have been causing them some problems. I have some Cal-Mag, but will wait and see how they react to the being back under the CFL.

I really don't think they are over-watered. I have been waiting 5-7 days between watering and the pots have been pretty light at that point. Like I said in an earlier thread....roots seem to be o.k. as I could see a few poking through bottom and sides of pots.
Thanks for clarifying on the soil, Yankeetoker. Too many threads, I forgot who I was talking to -- sorry.



Such a busy guy!:bravo:

So do you think they're hungry.....makes sense. Lexi and Bernie are over 70 days old...Hope is 40 something days old. I'm sure Lexi and Bernie could use a little nitrogen, they are pretty pale. I just watered them on Thursday, so they will have to hold on until at least Tuesday night...hopefully Wednesday.
I definitely think they need some nitrogen. The soil I made is a good seedling soil, but needs more nutritional value. In the process of building a more "mature" soil, but it won't be ready immediately for these girls, should I feed using compost tea?
Hi YankeeToker!

Things are busy in here. I'm glad to see you are getting info and help. Those girls got so much bigger since I was here last!

On the light, I just had to move a seedling from a T8 Fixture because the center top of her started to yellow brightly. She was too close to that light. She corrected within two days when I got her farther away. She's about 6" from it now.

Otherwise, I'm just popping to say Hi!

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