A Video Journal With Pigeons420 - 2016

Ok a couple comments that you only missed due to large hoots before filming. Those are pollen sacks not seeds. The pollen will make seeds on the female plants not the male ones. Then you said they are "unfortunately females" when you meant to say "unfortunately males".
Good video showing what males look like though.

How many female Thunderpaws do you have left? Still excited to see how they smoke too :cool:
Nice buds! How's PC doing? How many tops does it have now? Hopefully you can get 12-15 tops about a foot high then stick it as close to the 1000 as you can for a nice 8-12oz plant :cool:

I suggest everyone FIM early like I do. Vegging them until they are three feet tall and skinny then topping after by cutting a foot off the plant only make veg times unnecesarily long and inefficient. Veg should only take 2 months unless you are trying to make huuuuge 2 foot tall plants with 30 tops, then it should still be 3 months or less.
Nah I don't think so. That's a cut throat competition. The folks there are pros! I don't even trim my weed good enough for those comps. Let alone do they have the sex appeal.

I'll keep with POTM.

Don't sell your many skills short; you have done great things and should be proud of your skills. What 30 strains completed to harvest many of which could have been OTM contenders. now running 5 grow areas with dozens of plants running successfully including cloning expertise.You are a talented videographer who brings your knowledge to the masses in an easy to understand and entertaining way. You are helping many many people to grow better I'm sure. Not just the members but think of how many don't sign up, or how many don't subscribe to the channel but still watch or read.

Great job!
O. Green
Man thanks for that! That means a lot. It's sure nice to know that I don't waste my time doing something I enjoy!

Can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your wisdom my friend!

I'm still two videos back, but I needed to second OtttawaGreen's comments. Don't sell yourself short. Your many talents shine here and we appreciate your sharing them with us Pigeons. I'll catch up later this afternoon. I need Susan time, but I missed you something fierce. :love: :hug::hug: :love:
Pigeons is probably already aware of this, but some of the rest of you might not be. The Jackelope and Thunderpaws that I created are both F1 hybrids, so they will have a variety of phenotypes available. So you should always grow out many at first, then you can cull the males, then you can pick The best phenotype from the remaining females.
Make sure to always clone all your females labeled separately so you can pick the best phenotype after grow and smoke testing is complete. Then you can drop the other phenotypes and carry on with cloning the best one. I go on smoke primarily in choosing mine. They can all grow fine with training.
All caught up. :love: :hug: :love:

Pretty buzzed too. Lol.

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