A Video Journal With Pigeons420 - 2016

Than was a great video man, glad you liked it. Next time I will have to get you some properly cured bud. That stuff only just finished drying two weeks ago, but allready it is decent :cool:. I was too excited to share it with you to wait though. Now that we have proven transportation methods we can trade bud and clones any time. Perhaps i should send you a chocolope clone next? Or let me know which one of mine you desire next. All my strains are great though, don't have a single one that is not better than anything from local dealers or dispensaries :cool:

Man don't even worry about it only getting 2 weeks! I've tried them all except for the Kush. That will be tonight. I love them all! I understand what you mean about having shit that compares to dispensaries. It's nice to be able to control my medication to the same level as anyone else. It's a wonderful feeling!
Can't wait for you to try mine!!

Good morning Pigeon :love:
great review, how was the yield for Chocolope?
That is cool that you guys up north can mail stuff back and forth, wish we could do that here in the USA. I would love to be able to share my grow with others who are not close by.I have a hard enough time getting stuff delivered to my sister in Montana, would be so much easier if I could just mail it
I had a rough weekend so I decided to take the day off from work and get back into better health, wish I could medicate but I am 1 month away from another drug test and need to get cleaned up. This is not the way I envisioned studying for a drug test:rofl:

OG, can't tell you enough how nice it is to see that pretty smile in my garden. Thanks for coming by!

I hope your health gets much better. It's wise of you to take some time off and relax a little. Enough is not said about how much healing can come from a little less stress of the hustle and bustle.

Smart choice doin a detox. I did that once in 73' and boy did I get high after that! :rofl: (I wasn't born until the 80's) you're going to appreciate that high when you return! One little hit and you'll be high as a kite! What a feeling!

Get better big guy! :hug:
Good afternoon Pigeons. I had to catch up on some videos. Man, that's a lot of hoots. :laughtwo:

Since you are the reason I use a wick, I thought I would tell you about what happened to mine yesterday. I bought a new bong because why not? I lit my wick and lit the bowl, which was a lot bigger than my usual bowl. I shook the wick out to get the flame out and continued to choke on the monster rip I just took. When I came back around, I noticed that the wick didn't extinguish itself when I shook it out and it started back up. By the time I noticed, it had already begun to start igniting the rest of the wick. Such a stoner move. :rofl: I managed to get it out before it engulfed. Surprisingly, it didn't damage the ball very much. It just breaks off at that point when I unwind to the burnt part. Just thought I would share in case any of you other wick users have done something similar.

Awesome videos BTW!! Cheers Pigeons :roorrip:

This is priceless!! :rofl: I've SO been there. Didn't notice until I caught a flickering light in the corner of my eye! HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA

Life of a pot head! And we're all pot heads. I don't care how medicinal you are! Haha :rofl:

Classic noob! Im sure youre not the first to do that. Glad it didn't all burn.

Great videos as always pigeon! Keep em coming.

Thanks Ween!! Means a lot to hear that :high-five:

I've got a lot of ideas in my head for more videos. So, I hope to impress!!


Unfortunately, having a medical condition that allows you to choose cannabinoid therapies doesn mean your employer can't test you and fire you for having drugs in your system. Screwy, isn't it?? Corporate wins once again.

Go Canada Go!


We're here for you guys up here!
Awesome. Subbing in to learn. Thank you . .

------Best of big buds to you----
It's harder to do it when you aren't a refugee. Maybe I could claim I was a political refugee.

In this election cycle that argument might fly. :rofl:

Good morning Pigeons. I'm holding off until noon to watch your video. Than I can take a hoot with you again. Just stopped to drop off the hug. :love: :hug: :hug: :love:
I forgot I was coming back here, but then I needed to space out the hits responsibly. :rofl: It's time for the next run, so I'm back. Enjoyed the smoke report. I have to say, this cross made my ears perk up. I probably hadn't made the connection before now because my own CBD Critical Mass wasn't as luscious-looking then and the potential wasn't as obvious to me.

What does Kush bring to the mix OG? You know I'm new to the game. I'm only now beginning to take note of strains, particularly from a medicinal point of view. If my Critical Mass turns out to do for my daughter what the Med GOM 1.0 has, I'm going to be more excited. At this point I know nothing about why Kush would be a good choice to cross with the Critical Mass.
The OG Kush brings the THC to the table. Traditionally Kush is known for the THC content upward of 20-25% so the blend of the CBD from Critical Mass is a nice companion to the THC of the Kush.

I find that I don't respond well to CBD strains at all. I don't get the high I'm looking for because it's a completely different high. If I smoke a CBD strain I almost always have to follow that hoot up with a THC strain in order to get what I need. With Critical Kush the CBD and the THC compliment themselves nicely.
This would be something I would recommend before bed. Because it is enough CBD to relax the body while there's enough THCto relax the mind. I find that if I eat some edibles before bed I don't fall asleep very well. I go to bed jittery and somewhat restless in a way. The THC is a nice way to "burn me out" in a way to go to sleep.

The OG Kush brings the THC to the table. Traditionally Kush is known for the THC content upward of 20-25% so the blend of the CBD from Critical Mass is a nice companion to the THC of the Kush.

I find that I don't respond well to CBD strains at all. I don't get the high I'm looking for because it's a completely different high. If I smoke a CBD strain I almost always have to follow that hoot up with a THC strain in order to get what I need. With Critical Kush the CBD and the THC compliment themselves nicely.
This would be something I would recommend before bed. Because it is enough CBD to relax the body while there's enough THCto relax the mind. I find that if I eat some edibles before bed I don't fall asleep very well. I go to bed jittery and somewhat restless in a way. The THC is a nice way to "burn me out" in a way to go to sleep.


The THC helps the body fall into sleep. I was just telling my daughter I discovered that it's not recommended to do CBD dosing close to bedtime. It tends to keep the mind alert enough that it doesn't easily let go. I'm thinking what this level of THC in the Critical Kush does is counteract that with a shot of THC more powerful than the CBD. Interesting. File that idea away for future use.

The CBD strains are more medicine for other symptoms - inflammation, anxiety, internal muscle spasms, but there's no real euphoria like from something loaded with THC, like you grow. :laughtwo:
hey pidg looks like you lost your thunderpaws also :( i had 2 and they both went male on me. come by the yard i need some advice on what I did yesterday
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