Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I changed the res for the Hawaiian Snow to the bloom phase. As usual following The Capn's feed schedule here, How to: Fast vegetative growth - Nutrient Recipe - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®

Also could not help had to pull the tallest branch down it was just far too tall and too close to light. I cuold have re-engineered light hanger, but then it be too far above other plant.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Hey Crawdaddy!! Loving this comparison so far! Definitely will be interesting which one wins as far as larger yield and which one has better bud structure, trichomes and such!! Cant wait! Thanks for doing this comparison!
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Welcome Icemud and glad to see you here.

We need more of these comparison grows for the growing community, I do not want use being 'scammed' by manufacturers whose lights are more then 3 times more $$$ then another light that may perform exactly the same. There have been many saying LEDs are as good or better then HID but nothing I could find saying one LED is better (or worse) then another. (well beyond manufacturer 'claims', nothing from unbiased sources)

I should get a photo update in next few days, lots going on last few days and not chance to take pics before light goes off for day. But the HS is progressing onto buds, I may have overfed her in bloom, was going about 900 ppm, well after a few days water level dropped quite a bit (thirsty lady) and ppm climbed to 980, so I put a gallon of str8 RO water in res. She also got some very slight burn on leaf tips. I think she might be good about 750-800 ppm for bloom.

The Blueberry is progressing along nicely, far ahead of the HS, not nearly as much stretch in her.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I should get a photo update in next few days, lots going on last few days and not chance to take pics before light goes off for day.

Same boat here brother. Come find me on this shrimp boat and we'll schmoke-a-bo
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Will you be knotting the branches so they will be stronger to support a heavier yield?
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Will you be knotting the branches so they will be stronger to support a heavier yield?

I have plant support stakes to help with that, you will be able to see, I have put one on each side of the HS, in next photo shoot. I also used it to tie down the one tallest branch too so not be touching light.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Are they correct figures? Do these figures translate to what we are seeing here? If the figures are correct & you get similar results at the end, it will certainly put a big fat cat amongst the pigeons. :thedoubletake:
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Are they correct figures? Do these figures translate to what we are seeing here? If the figures are correct & you get similar results at the end, it will certainly put a big fat cat amongst the pigeons. :thedoubletake:

Those numbers are post by Advanced Led who knows if they are correct , I just figured Crawdaddy would be interested to see this.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

thought you might be interested , Advanced Led just posted a par comparison between the DS200 and Top led Mars II 400

DS 200 LED Grow Light vs TopLED MARS II 400

Thanks Ronnie! as you may see in comments on that blog I requested they do that :0 so glad to see they did, going to check it out now.

Just checked it out, wish they did the 96X3W instead of Mars II 400, o well. Kind of hard to reconcile what I am seeing so far with my grow with the PAR readings (assuming 96X3W about same as the Mars II 400) but I have not gone through flower yet.

Thanks again for heads up Ronnie!
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Those numbers are post by Advanced Led who knows if they are correct , I just figured Crawdaddy would be interested to see this.

And if the numbers are correct they are only marginal right? Would you pay 545 for a unit that is marginal to a unit that cost 200? I'm not one to believe the hype of the company putting out the figures. I already assume they are skew'd towards themselves. This comparison here will at least tell us if they are.

At least Craw tried to get as close a match between his two test subjects then Advanced did...LOL. I wonder if Advance is willing to take these two test subjects and put them through the same test. Skew'd or not this grow will prove someone wrong and someone lying...or skewing...LOL.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

The proof is in the pudding. Advanced better make some type of run during the bloom cycle.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

And if the numbers are correct they are only marginal right? Would you pay 545 for a unit that is marginal to a unit that cost 200? I'm not one to believe the hype of the company putting out the figures. I already assume they are skew'd towards themselves. This comparison here will at least tell us if they are.

At least Craw tried to get as close a match between his two test subjects then Advanced did...LOL. I wonder if Advance is willing to take these two test subjects and put them through the same test. Skew'd or not this grow will prove someone wrong and someone lying...or skewing...LOL.

the numbers they are posting are not marginal. but I'm with you how can we be sure they didn't skew the numbers after all they want you to buy they're lights.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

And if the numbers are correct they are only marginal right? Would you pay 545 for a unit that is marginal to a unit that cost 200? I'm not one to believe the hype of the company putting out the figures. I already assume they are skew'd towards themselves. This comparison here will at least tell us if they are.

At least Craw tried to get as close a match between his two test subjects then Advanced did...LOL. I wonder if Advance is willing to take these two test subjects and put them through the same test. Skew'd or not this grow will prove someone wrong and someone lying...or skewing...LOL.

Trying my best not to make advance judgement till flowering done, but the price difference is SO MUCH it makes one wonder.

The proof is in the pudding. Advanced better make some type of run during the bloom cycle.

Still not trying to judge too soon, but looking like you maybe right.

I will get some pics up tomorrow all, got to take puppy to puppy class after get home so probably not get home till after lights out.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I'm very sceptical about the test results to be honest. Yourself & Ronnie will show us the only thing that matters, big fat buds, glistening with trychs. The proof is in the pudding, not in charts & graphs.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Trying my best not to make advance judgement till flowering done, but the price difference is SO MUCH it makes one wonder.

Still not trying to judge too soon, but looking like you maybe right.

I will get some pics up tomorrow all, got to take puppy to puppy class after get home so probably not get home till after lights out.

Agreed, I'm gonna shut up till flowering. Although I am a TopLED man I would look at another IF the outcome is different. But we would still have cost to factor in.

Ok, back to the shadows...LOL. (quietly chanting to myself....gotta get a job, gotta get a job.) "Positive Vibes Moriarty"....LOL.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Thanks for doing this comparison grow. I have the same TopLED light.

One comment on the comparison that I saw was in the dispersion the mars was much more even. Which in the end could make a difference. I think so anyway.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I'm very sceptical about the test results to be honest. Yourself & Ronnie will show us the only thing that matters, big fat buds, glistening with trychs. The proof is in the pudding, not in charts & graphs.

Well Ronnie and I are starting it, hopefully more will help us as a community figure this out.

I do not think just our two tests, while both have LOTS of merit, will settle it. As others have pointed out on both threads there are other variables to consider, but at least we trying :)

(I am still peeved that a bunch of people where poo pooing Ronnie's test on his thread because not varying nutes on both sides, I wanted to tell them to piss off and let Ronnie do his thing, but kept quiet as to not 'flame' his thread. It is one thing to bring up valid points, but some seemed to be trying to discredit his test and he did a lot of work, like me, and devoted his grow to help us as a community to figure this out. Not many people will do that and he deserves big props! If they have those questions then invest over $3K like he did and figure it our for yourself! I had some have some questions about my test, but did not seem to cross the line from simple questions into criticism of set up like it seemed to on his thread. Ok got that off my chest and managed to not 'flame' Ronnie's thread, so no longer peeved :) )
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I have plant support stakes to help with that, you will be able to see, I have put one on each side of the HS, in next photo shoot. I also used it to tie down the one tallest branch too so not be touching light.

Yes that will work but theres more function in forming knots in the stem because it allows for increased nutrient uptake. Thats why I suggested it but if you dont care to give more nutrients the stakes will be fine.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

And if the numbers are correct they are only marginal right? Would you pay 545 for a unit that is marginal to a unit that cost 200? I'm not one to believe the hype of the company putting out the figures. I already assume they are skew'd towards themselves. This comparison here will at least tell us if they are.

At least Craw tried to get as close a match between his two test subjects then Advanced did...LOL. I wonder if Advance is willing to take these two test subjects and put them through the same test. Skew'd or not this grow will prove someone wrong and someone lying...or skewing...LOL.

Yeah its about the bottom line with these light companies... well every company but in the horticulture department new companies and products spring up all the time. Not every single light can be #1 as they all claim so its probable that some most or perhaps all are selling b.s I just dont see many companies saying we are the 7th best or our products are overpriced for what they deliver. The good news is with more legal states and the federal government starting to back the hell up with their illegal and immoral asses we will start to see much more peer review tests for lights,strains,nutrients all of it.
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