Californian Poppy no less

My herbalist describes it as a pseudo-opiate.

I am about to take some more, and mix it up with a toke of some Kush as well. Knock this bone pain out :lot-o-toke:

I remember a while back a friend told me you cant just buy poppy seeds and grow it, they are GMO’s.

Any truth to that?

Are there differences in CA poppies vs the ones the CIA sponsors over seas?
For anyone really interested, from wikipedia on poppies:
Poppies belong to the subfamily Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae, which includes 11 genera, including...

The opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, grows wild in eastern and southern Asia, and South Eastern Europe. It is believed that it originated in the Mediterranean region.

Eschscholzia californica (California poppy, golden poppy, California sunlight, cup of gold) is a species of flowering plant in the Papaveraceae family, native to the United States and Mexico. It is an ornamental plant flowering in summer, with showy cup-shaped flowers in brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow (occasionally pink). It is also used as food or a garnish.

I tried promix and osmocote+ before going to the kit and while it was simple it produce dthe worst product I have grown. It was not very successful for me.
Well between you and Amy I'm not feeling the same confidence as I was when Archiweedies showed off his nice OC+ plants...
Phew I just caught up. 7 pages I had to get through through there lol. That was a very nice harvest you pulled in there Amy! I am excited to see what you pull for numbers altogether from outside.

I tried promix and osmocote+ before going to the kit and while it was simple it produce dthe worst product I have grown. It was not very successful for me.

What is your 4 ingredient mix? I have a buddy that grows outside in just compost and while he does ok, I think he could do a lot better. He is barely able to supply himself for 5 to 6 months and it would be good if he could grow enough to not have to look for it for half the year.

50% CSPM
40% Humus
10% Biochar
And 8 cups cu/ft of rock dusts

Aeration is optional..personally I would add 10-20% total volume of perlite or pumice

Most important is the humus, so dont skimp on quality! Agrowinn earthworm castings and Malibu compost are some of the best you can get, homeade would be much cheaper though.

This soil is also good for 50+ cycles, no limit really...just mulch all plant matter, and herbs and what not if you have them! Foliar feeding is also required, and thats it! Easy peasy :high-five:
just caught up
It was a speedy few days here wasn’t it! :eek: Harvest tends to get everyone excited ;)
nice harvest you pulled in there Amy!
For anyone really interested,

I am pretty sure that the Californian poppy in my herbal meds is not GMO. I don’t know much about that in general tho.

I’m going to try the osmocote thing again one day. Archi’s success has inspired me to give it another go. Have no idea when that’s likely to happen - could be years away :)
Well between you and Amy I'm not feeling the same confidence as I was when Archiweedies showed off his nice OC+ plants...

Doc and some others have had great success using this method. Doc used FFOF soil for his though and I think that is where my issue arose. I just used Promix so there were no other sources of nutrients. My biggest issue though was that all of my produce came out leafier than normal. Made trimming a pain and it obviously was not as appealing as usual.

50% CSPM
40% Humus
10% Biochar
And 8 cups cu/ft of rock dusts

Aeration is optional..personally I would add 10-20% total volume of perlite or pumice

Most important is the humus, so dont skimp on quality! Agrowinn earthworm castings and Malibu compost are some of the best you can get, homeade would be much cheaper though.

This soil is also good for 50+ cycles, no limit really...just mulch all plant matter, and herbs and what not if you have them! Foliar feeding is also required, and thats it! Easy peasy :high-five:

Excuse my ignorance but what is CSPM? is that peat moss? and what do you use for rock dusts? thanks.
Interesting, that's what Archiweedies is using for his. I've only got ProMix HP. If I have to buy soil and OC+ I might as well stick to the MegaCrop and ProMix I already have! Thanks for that info Yeti.

I asked him the same question when he sent me his recipe! Like everyone knows the abbreviation for Canadian sphagnum peat moss :).
Lol I did not pick up on what the abbreviation was until I was writing out my response and then it clicked.
Excuse my ignorance but what is CSPM? is that peat moss? and what do you use for rock dusts? thanks.
Yep, Canadian sphagnum peat moss! I use brix blend basalt and st georges black sedimentary clay at the moment. But from now on I think I will be going with Agrowwin's rock dust...pretty premium stuff I hear..Mountain Organics swears by it, and he also created this version of "No-Till"!
Doc used FFOF soil for his though and I think that is where my issue arose.
Interesting, that's what Archiweedies is using for his.

Both Archi and I were moved to try it after researching Doc’s R&D threads. I didnt use FF either so that sounds like a big part of it :thumb: No brainer to me now really that the substrate would be an integral part of what Doc was working with - but it certainly didn’t occur to me at the time.
until I was writing out my response and then it clicked
I love this! :D Somtimes something has to happen in our body in order to register cognitively. Lovely complex creatures we are :love:
Limestone bear! Higher than 90% Caclium carbonate (CaCO2) if you can.

How are you this fine Saturday morning (Friday sometime for you i’m Guessing).

:passitleft: Blue Dream this morning... like a hit?

Hi Amy thanks for the info. LImestone is easy to get here ...Ill have to check the CaCO2 content.

Yes its Friday 3:00 pm here. And a wee bit of BlueDream would be good. I have some BD seeds that I'll be starting soon.

Yep, Canadian sphagnum peat moss! I use brix blend basalt and st georges black sedimentary clay at the moment. But from now on I think I will be going with Agrowwin's rock dust...pretty premium stuff I hear..Mountain Organics swears by it, and he also created this version of "No-Till"!
Thank you for the quick response bud!
Me too HH! :D The only shipping option was UPS Expedited and the estimated arrival is April 23. Sometimes things get here a lot quicker than that, sometimes a lot slower. I have plenty of time before the growing - i need a good break, plus there’s going to be oil to make - so i won’t be sweating on the delivery, which is a nice feeling.
Update: Candida CD-1 Day 149 (+55)

I’ll be keeping a close eye on the trichomes over the coming week. It’s scheduled to come down next weekend, at 9weeks, on 4/20 :high-five: But i also know that optimum CBD harvest is cloudy cloudy cloudy and I’m seeing a lot of cloudy already.

There is also some colour coming in to the tips from the cold nights were having this week.

Yesterday I had to stake things up a bit more as the branches are getting droopy with the buds. That’s partly becasue they’re a bit weak - which is partly genetics (the breeder mentions requiring support in flower) and probably also partly because the soil health is still a ‘work in progress’. I’m not sure this strain is robust enough for the outdoors here tho’. It can get harsh in all directions (hot, cold, dry, humid - it’s moody!). That said, I’m pretty releived that we got through to the end of the season and am very, very happy with the trichome production, as you will see :ganjamon:

This is middle of the day after i staked things up a bit.

And now, from early morning, some 16-20:1 CBD eye candy for ya’ll :love:

Lots of beautiful oil there. I’ll be checking it every day and will take it early if it starts to degrade.

Interesting phenomena happened to me. Once or twice this summer I’ve had itchiness on my hands and forearms after doing stuff wiht the plants. Not the White WIdow, but a little with the Critical Mass and now this. I plucked a few leaves off CD-1 yesterday and some of the sap at the ends of the leaf stalks got on my inner forearm while I was holding them, which I barely registered at the time. And then this happened...


It was quite itchy and then faded pretty quickly. Both CM and Candida have had a nice lemony aspect to their aroma. Usually we attribute this to limonene but I learnt this week that citral is also present in a lot of cannabis as well as lemon balm and lemongrass. It is also known to cause allergy in some people - so I’m wondering if that’s what it was. It could have been any number of other things of course, i’m Just wondering. I have mast cell ‘issues’ (internal histamine levels too high) so I react to random triggers sometimes (different to regular allergies like hay fever, i never get those). I hope i don’t become allergic to cannabis! :eek: :laughtwo: I’m not so worried about that really - the lovey other has allergic skin reaction to the leaves of cucurbits but can still eat the fruits. Still - I know i’m not imagining those milder responses that have happened after pruning.

We are very blessed here to live amongst a type of casuarina tree (which is a kind of horsetail actually) favoured by a rare type of cockatoo, the Glossy Black. They’re very quiet compared to most other cockatoo species - you only hear the gentle clicking and popping sound of them munching out on the casuarina nuts. Then you have to look for falling debris to find them - they’re stealthy. Yesterday there was a female and 2 males together in one tree. They stayed pretty much all day :)

This is the female. The males don’t have the mottled yellow in their head feathers. They all have spectacular red tail feathers though, that are hidden most of the time - you can see a peek of them here.

And as a bonus, shake those tail-feathers!

Its a rare and special sight! :D

Enjoy your days and nights, canna-comrades :yummy:

I’ll be resting up today after a big outing yesterday (yay!) and an impending harvest tomorrow. I have hired help coming in for it and the plant goes in the shed (!) overnight at the moment so it will just stay there until we’re ready to chop it. Oooh! Reminds me its nearly 7 am and I gotta go and get it out for a last day of sunshine - bugger, have to get up! :laughtwo:

:hookah: that helps...
I mentioned earlier using 8 cups per cubic foot of soil for rock dusts...and that can get to be little pricey! If money is tight, 3-5 cups cu/ft would also work. This is just an educated guess, but you may start seeing deficiencies after the ~5 year mark if going on the light side.

@Oldbear volcanic rock dusts is what we're looking for..namely basalt! Igneous rocks really. Glacial rock dust is also ok. The more quartz the better, faster absorption for your lovelies :circle-of-love: also, the closer to flour consistency the better...which is why I will make the switch to Agrowwin rock dusts as soon as I run out of everything else. You can still add in some limestone if you wish (wont hurt), but it wont be nearly as mineral rich as the above mentioned.
Limestone is only part of a good mix of rocks for sure. I used the 6|5|3 formula doc worked out and that is still part of his kit mix: 6 parts CaCO3, 5 parts soft rock phosphate, and 3 parts gypsum. I only used 1-2 cups per cu ft of soil and it worked great -but i was’nt aiming for no-till. I was mixing and reammmending at the and of a grow. I havent done all the research and practice LaquerHead has done though! Just saying what I had some success with :)
The Candida is quite a site! So frosty (and still so clear the way I see it) and everything I want my CD-1s to be if I can remember to water them :oops:. Your critters are National Geographic-worthy. I saw a dove and a squirrel this morning and now I'm damn glad I did not take pics and post them!

Both CM and Candida have had a nice lemony aspect to their aroma. Usually we attribute this to limonene but I learnt this week that citral is also present in a lot of cannabis as well as lemon balm and lemongrass. It is also known to cause allergy in some people -
Fascinating synchronicity...I was off on a soap-making search yesterday after talking to NaturalSpirit, and I read that certain essential oils are not suposed to be left on the skin. Lemon was on the list of phototoxic ones (ones that become toxic when exposed to direct sunlight).
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