Arctic Bowl's 1st Ever Attempt At A Grow Journal

Ok couple pics of the harvest and the girls in veg. lol I remember the 4 clones we were gifted, Pineapple Express, aurora indica, great white shark and Elvis........I was like wtf, Elvis, hope he don't leave the building :rofl: They got put in kit soil and seem to be loving it and they are getting with the program very well. Anywho on to some pics lol.


Couple pics of the wash buckets for you Duggs, what you doing not washing your Buds bud LMFAO. Adds a little bit of time but really not that much compared to trimming, FFS :rofl: common brotha, wash that fish shit off them girls :rofl:

Couple of the veg girls, 6 Lilly's, 3 green crack and those 4 clones



J and I had a good time finishing up the chop n wash today then we went to the local drive in restaurant and got a burger and milk hell if that's all it takes for help chopping we can buy for a few more trimmers :rofl: we won't have a massive harvest but it should be a ok amount. J asked how much I think we will get from this harvest and I had to tell her that I have no clue as to the amount, I can't guess even close but there will be a few zips. All of the Buds were supper dense and sticky as Ms J was hanging in the air try and told me her hands were all sticky :rofl: from the branches, ran out of plastic clothes hangers this round.

Blessed Buds our friends and be well:passitleft:
:bravo: Who doesn't love a harvest? :battingeyelashes: :love: You have a nice-looking haul hanging there. Feels great, doesn't it? :woohoo:

Gotta give reps for the bountiful harvest. Brace yourself. Lol!
Got some GR work done today finally lol. We took some clones of the Lilly's and moved them into the flower tent. Two of the Malawi beans cracked so they went into 1's of 2nd run kit soil, the other two should be ready for soil in the morning.

Made another batch of pills today as well, 2 zips and got 9 gm of concentrate, we ended up with 193 caps shooting for 20:1 with EVOO.

We will get a few pics tomorrow when we check on the last two Malawi seeds.

Hope your having a great weekend:)

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Got a few pics today, the two Malawi seeds we are waiting on were not ready for soil so maybe tomorrow they will be.
Veg tent seems to be hanging in there and the flower tent with the Lilly's look to be doing just fine. Veg girls got a drink of water today and the flower girls just got looked at and nothing else :rofl:


Clones are looking sad but they always seem to for the 1st 2-3 days then they seem to bounce back. The 3 green crack are starting to fill out a bit and looking good. The 4 clones we were gifted are doing good and growing well in the kit soil and seem to be loving there new home. The two pots that are not showing green yet are the 2 Malawi seeds that cracked so in a few days we should have a few new babies ;-)


These are the Lilly's in the flower tent, they were just moved in yesterday and seem to be adjusting ok at least for now. Temps are a bit high but they are going to have to tuff it out the next couple weeks and we'll have AC for them next year :)

New lights have shipped so maybe late this week they will show up and we can get them built and hung up in the flower tent. We're looking forward to these new lights, no more pink/purple pics!!! :rofl: old lights are ok and will grow our plants but it's time to move forward and see if we can't boost the yield up with some better lighting. If these do what we're thinking they will, we are going to get a few more and do the two room grow project but want to give the new lights a test run before ordering more of them

Hope your weekend was special for you and yours.

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Well I have now subbed to your grow Arctic. I have to catch up but I'm wondering when you made the switch to the kit? I like to jump around sometimes in journals and see if I can find certain things, that's my treasure hunt for this journal this morning lol. Take it easy bud!!
Well we Jared up our last photoperiod Purple Kush tonight, not much in the yield department but we had some issues with humidity that kicked our butt. We " think" we have that problem solved now but we're going to do some dry run testing to ensure we have it solved. We ended up with 4 quart jars of Purple Kush, nothing to brag about by any means but the trics look pretty awesome even though she had a piss poor environment. She was a picky one from start to finish but part of that was our inexperience as well as our environment issue. We want to try these again and see if we can't do better with them another time.

We have learned sooooooooo much with this first grow and owe a huge debt of gradatude to everyone that gave us help along the way and to those who post little tips and tricks in journals we have read. We are so blessed to have met you all. We made plenty of mistakes, asked tons of questions and will make more mistakes and ask tons more questions. Special thanks to our Guardian Angle SUE, for anyone that hasn't visited one of sweet sue journals you should. You won't meet a more dedicated person helping members out!!!! Many of the folks that post in her journals have some killer journals as well. Birdie, Nis and canna, dirt, farmer, RTK, AK, and many others we owe you all. Thank you for putting up with all our questions and our digital handicap, we try but, we also know most of this computer stuff is just out of our league. Maybe one day we will get it but not sure on that one.

Update on Mrs. Progress; nerve where tumor was removed is slow healing. The cream we made is 100% helpful and would recommend it to everyone. The caps we made are 100% helpful allowing her to sleep thru the night, which she couldn't do prior. Progress is key with nerves, they are slow motion healers and get aggravated easily. Things are getting better and better as time goes on.

Our next grow will be with Doc Buds Kit so all you kit growers get ready to be asked a shit ton of questions :)

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:

Much love to you all

Found it!!!
They look so good bud, :bravo:

Top of the day to ya Crasher! Wanna throw out a big , warm welcome to the Mag, especially this neighborhood. Most of us around these parts are growing in soil, ..and of them , most are growing , using Doc Bud's High Brix Kit. You will find that the growers around these parts are very passionate about their grows and as people they have way more to offer. A very integral group willing to reach out to other growers and lend a helping hand , whenever needed or welcomed. Please feel free to get around to some of the HB journals and get a feel for our group. Arctic Bowl's place here is a great place to hang out and ask questions. We only ask a couple small things of new members ...please, leave your ego (if this applies)at the door, enter our journals with a smile , and good attitude , and we promise ya , ya won't wanna leave! Once again Crasher, welcome to 420 Mag...the best damn weed forum out there!!:thumb:.....:welcome::420::cheer::bravo::high-five:

Sent from my the future!:ganjamon::party:
Heya Mag, crasher thanks for stopping by our little corner of the mag, thanks for your most awesome welcome brother Duggs :), your the best. We're pretty much newbies to the growing thing and still pretty new to Docs gear but we're sold. Way nice to have all the experienced growers here always willing to give us a hand and help with our questions, great group here in the HB crew and we would be lost without them all.
Been really crazy at work so our Mag time has suffered so our apologies for not getting a thank you out sooner. Two good size projects going at the same time so I've been bouncing between both jobs trying to keep above water...........not sure I'm being successful yet or not lol but I'm doing my best. Took out 10 boilers and installing two on one task and running 600 feet of 6 inch sewer main on the other and I'm getting to old for this ditch work bull s**t LMFAO. Well getting to old for these bigger boiler jobs too, could hardly move a few, reminds me of an aunt of mine talking about the "golden years", she says the only thing "golden" about the "golden years" is the color of your piss, LMFAO.

Hope you all have a great weekend and a very good Friday

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Your Aunt was a real gem I bet! Great stuff you guys and oh ya ...working like that at our age stinks...that's all I gotta say about that. Me , personally, I'm fuggin (Ziggs word) tired of working , period! I got better things to live MY life! Cheers you two...say hi to J for me AB. Keep an eye on your PM's Ok. Later guys!

LMAO, you sure got that right. This , in the ditch work, is for the birds. Oh sparkles......LMFAO, had one come and do Charles could show this one some Holly s**t, the dirt guy ripped up no less than 10, yes 10, electrical lines in the last 60 feet of our dig. Yes, I love my Sparkies, especially the seasoned ones, but I can get my ass in a knot when they send out a Jr. guy to do shit, when commen sense should say, " we better nail this one or it's gonna get ugly" and send a seasoned vet to do it.....maybe take jr. along and show him the reason why you do it this way?? Lol just busting your b***s but, holly crap, lol, we f***ed up a lot of stuff today lol.

Sorry for the long one lol, but, Duggs made me go smoke a bowl out of the bong by my self until Ms. J got kinda stoned...LMFAO

Blessed Buds our friends and be well:passitleft:
Took a few pics of the new light boards, not to hard to wire up and put out some way bright light. Pics to come of the lights over the Lilly's in the flower tent in just a few.


The test now begins with these new LED lights, have to see if they up the yield or not and if so we will order more of them for the flower room :)

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Ok, so here are the girls under the new lights, sure nice to NOT have that pink/purple in the pics. Keeping the G8 in the flower tent with the new board lights for a lil testing :).


Pretty warm in the garden today, 87f but won't last long........we hope LMAO. In the 80's here today and that's not the case very often that's for sure. We will be getting AC for next year though so we can be in control of the room temp better and I'm sure the plants will do hand stands for it next year :rofl:

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and are making memories for years to come.

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Took a few pics of the veg tent, 3 of the 4 Malawi girls are up! The Lilly clones are ready to be put in some soil but holding off until tomorrow just because we got lazy :rofl: the green crack clones are really bushing out well and the 4 gifted clones are loving the kit soil.


Enjoy the rest of your evening gang :)

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Wow that's a weird looking light. If someone told me that that was a light,,, and you could grow a plant under it in 1980, I'd say he's been burning to much rope... But sure looks good in the veg tent. I'm going to play with a led light this fall when temps drop some. But mines going to be all the purple shit. The light actually has a nice blueish color for veg till ya throw that 'RED' into the mix. Now I'm going to have to go back abit and see what light that is. Great looking tent full.. Looking mighty happy.
Keepem Green
We took a few pics today of the flower girls :rofl: well maybe not flowering very fast but they are for sure stretching...........15 days into flower and they are just starting to show a few signs they are actually going to flower. These Lilly's are the 1st plants to give us 9 bladed leaves. Some of the leaves are pretty big so maybe in a week we will trim the girls up to let in a bit more light. They seem healthy despite the temps going a bit high in the tent......mid 80's lights on during mid afternoon. We will have this solved shortly, winters coming LMFAO.


Other than being slow out of the gate to show some flowering we think they are doing ok :)

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:

Making more caps and lotion this weekend, CCO all set and in the fridge until tomorrow now to start the lotions. It's been a huge hit up here and our little group is loving on it and wanting more. Who woulda ever thought a homemade lotion would help with so many things and work where everything else that was tried did very little if anything to help the pain and help heal you up.
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