Arctic Bowl's 1st Ever Attempt At A Grow Journal

Thank you very much for the kind words pw, we are trying our best to keep them moving along. We are looking forward to getting the Lilly's into flower in a month or so to see how they are going to do. The green crack is fun but time to change it up a bit. We're going to keep a clone of the green crack but ready to try out some others.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Lmao pw, well that's a good thing though, gives you maga experience with many types so that's great. We tried purple kush twice and it turned out ok for us but never turned the least bit purple. We know you can drop the temps and make them turn but wth, both tries they got pretty ragged looking by harvest and we did try a few things with our limited knowledge but they were to big of a PITA for us to fuss with any longer. Now, this green crack is pretty much auto pilot and gives a great buzz to the smoking crowd, makes great CCO and has a good amount of resinous goodness, not dripping but definitely a fare amount. Think we would like to find a strain that is dripping and sets you on your ass, we rarely smoke our weed but make lots of caps for our lil gang up here that enjoys the convenience of being able to pop a cap anywhere, no need to find a place to fire up and they travel very well :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Lmao pw, well that's a good thing though, gives you maga experience with many types so that's great. We tried purple kush twice and it turned out ok for us but never turned the least bit purple. We know you can drop the temps and make them turn but wth, both tries they got pretty ragged looking by harvest and we did try a few things with our limited knowledge but they were to big of a PITA for us to fuss with any longer. Now, this green crack is pretty much auto pilot and gives a great buzz to the smoking crowd, makes great CCO and has a good amount of resinous goodness, not dripping but definitely a fare amount. Think we would like to find a strain that is dripping and sets you on your ass, we rarely smoke our weed but make lots of caps for our lil gang up here that enjoys the convenience of being able to pop a cap anywhere, no need to find a place to fire up and they travel very well :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

One of the best features about the caps, eh? So easy to dose. Wait until you try fresh harvest oil. I find them even more satisfying than CCO. Hard to explain, but it feels cleaner, like the body translates it better. I find it so pleasing that I'm growing fonder of my even ratio infused oil than I am for my favorites, Carnival and Dark Devil Auto.

It makes me smile to think how you two turned your community of seniors on to cannabis capsules. :laughtwo: Well done lab rats. :high-five:

Here, I'm done with this. Time for another capsule.


Have a lovely day. :hug::hug::hug:
We ended up with 150 caps from the 7 g of CCO, was shooting for 20:1 so we were pretty close. Did these with EVOO so we will see how they work for us before we make any for the rest of the crew up here. Not a bad return from 1.75 oz of dry cured Buds but I'm sure there is always ways of improving.

Sue, yes we would very much love to try out the FHO, maybe with our next chop we can give it a go. We will need to read up on the step by step and be sure we understand it before hand though. I don't think we have one of those immersion blenders so we would need to grab one of those for sure and maybe a few other items. Are you still using 00 size caps for this oil? Lol, we ordered 5,000 of that size separated and the 100 cap machine and it really saves a ton of time. We also ordered some colored size 0 caps separated and they are way easier to find when you drop one of those lol, these clear ones can be a chore to find once dropped:rofl: Couldn't find colored caps in the 00 size or we would have gotten them for sure.

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Been a bit crazy up this way, had relatives in for 5 days so things were a bit hectic around here, 7 adults and 4 kids, we had a blast, big BBQ lots of food and drink :rofl:

We got to spend a little time today in the grow room and got a few photos, played with the color settings to try and drown out all that pink/purple in the flower tent so not sure how good they will look but what the heck, just goofing off with the iPad camera stuff, one day we will get better at it..........or not lol.

Here's a few of the flower girls, they got GE and tea today while we were there.


Here are a few of the veg tent, 1st are the Lilly's, then a few of the Green Crack clones and the last are a few clones we were gifted but we're not 100% what they are but we will find out and get them transplanted into kit soil. The veg girls will be getting up potted in a week or so and got there tops snipped today.



Hopefully we will pay closer attention to this round in veg than we were able to on the last girls, they pretty much got away from us but they will still have some good Buds on them.

Have a great rest of your Sunday

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Family and friends..... A good way to celebrate. :hug:

You're getting close in the flower tent, aren't you? Lots of frostiness in there for sure. Healthy looking clones coming up behind. It's so easy with the kit. They practically grow themselves. Lol! I've been using the Grow Better nutrients I won this year with a couple of my hempy pots. No pH adjusting necessary, which makes it as easy as the kit. I'll have to contrast a couple harvests to see what quality comes out.

It's always nice to stop in your yard. My best to your beloved. :hug: :love:
Family and friends..... A good way to celebrate. :hug:

You're getting close in the flower tent, aren't you? Lots of frostiness in there for sure. Healthy looking clones coming up behind. It's so easy with the kit. They practically grow themselves. Lol! I've been using the Grow Better nutrients I won this year with a couple of my hempy pots. No pH adjusting necessary, which makes it as easy as the kit. I'll have to contrast a couple harvests to see what quality comes out.

It's always nice to stop in your yard. My best to your beloved. :hug: :love:

Thank you for the kind words Sue :), we love you stopping by :love::love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

We're thinking about two weeks or so for the next harvest, then we have to get with you for this fresh harvest oil, want to try it out, it sounds wonderful :)

We're sold on Docs kit, took us a bit but it's our only way we will grow in soil now. We did the FF our 1st grow and it's good stuff just too many things for our old brains to keep track of. Add this on week one, then 5 more things on week two, then 8 more things on week........ lol so, no more of that BS for us. We still have a few things to get sorted but we are going to a two room grow very soon. Shiggy has been giving us some tips for lighting as well as Duggs. The cost is an issue with these higher end lights so we want to try and not go bankrupt on lights. One room will be seedling/veg (10x10 or so) and the other room will be flower (10x15 or so) figuring light coverage for the 10x15 flower room and what way to go but, it's for a good cause :thumb:

Great to see you our Guardian Angel :love::love::thanks:

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Nice garden.. And some chunky buddage up and coming... Always be wary of friends bearing gifts... Err I mean clones. IF I let a clone in my gardens IF,,, that's only after she gets a regiment of spraying for unwanted guests.. Clones are the number one reason gardens fail to bugs.

Looking good Keepem Green
Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. We transplanted the Lilly's into 10's today and gave the 4 girls in flower a nice GE drink with tea. Thinking next weekend or so for the chop on the flower tent girls but going to hold the Lilly's in veg for at least another week before they move over to flower. Still need to up pot the 3 green cracks from 3's to 10's but space is getting tight so they will be going on hold for a bit. Next beans are Malawi we are thinking then the purple peyote right after those, who knows, really want to try out some Dynasty seeds but not having much luck on them at the moment, JB isn't taking on line orders yet so sorta waiting to see if they will soon. They seem to have a great selection of beans and we want to test them all of course :rofl:

Here are a couple of pics of the veg girls, seem to be pretty happy campers even with the heat we have been getting, it's not long lasting heat so hope they hang in there ok for the next few days.

Here are the girls in flower, getting closer and the Buds are nice and dense........just like me :rofl: they have a nice pine aroma these green crack, our smoking friends love it and I'm sure they will miss it but the Lilly's are moving in to take a run or two at the flower tent, that we hope will be a flower "room" in the near future. Veg room is pretty much good to go for the most part.


Someday we will get a monster like Duggs cranks out.....just not yet :) but we will get there

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Someday you'll get there. We have a great learning curve here.


Going to 10 gallon pots, eh? I only have one in 10 gallons, that monster Devil's Carnival. I could tell early on she wasn't gonna fit well in a 7 gallon. Hauling around 10 gallon pots of soil with heavy plants gets old fast. I keep mine for special occasions.

Just how close are you to the next harvest? They look like they're ready to start the end swell. :slide: I don't know about you, but I love the smell of an upcoming harvest. :battingeyelashes:
Busy weekend chopping plants, one more to go today. We will get a few pics up a bit later after the last ones down. Geez, I sure let these get way out of control by not trimming things up or LST, sooooooooooo many popcorn Buds down low. I got lazy with all that has happened in our world and now I pay for being a lazy ass by trimming a lot of little budlets up. They will be good for oils and such but it's taking me a bit over two hours a plant to chop,wash and hang, not that that is a lot of time but when others say they can do a pound an hour I feel a little deflated lol, I'm more like an oz an hour or 16 times slower :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Hey AB, top of the day to you and 'J'. Everyone seems to be harvesting around now too in 7 days. hows the Lilly?

Morning our friend, lol yup harvest window is open for business:rofl: your harvest would take me a week to do or more! lmfao. Lilly's are coming right along, little leggy but I know this guy on here that will give us some direction to help that...........right? LMFAO we hope you will anyhow, we can't let this round go crazy like we did these girls. Got a couple new lights coming, kit form but they shouldn't be to bad to put famous last words :rofl: once we get them in we will be picking your and shiggs brain if there are questions that come up. Gotta get the girls loving it like your ladies always do, these are twin board light kits on a long single heat sink with a single driver/controller, if they do ok we will get a few more and be pretty set to do the two room system veg/flower rooms.

Pics to come, have to get my ass moving so I can get this last girl harvested, I'd be foooked if I had to chop Nis and C crop, next harvest would be ready before I'd get that pile down. Just a few more days for ya brother and your off to vinaigrette and ice cream and rollin some J's

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Right on bud, ...good to hear from ya ,...smilin. FFS's eh,..only a few days to work...yeepa yeepa. Oh with the Lilly, did i have issues with that....hmmm, not sure , have to check that journal. The thing that everyone liked about it was the very social, 'up' buzz she had, ..very cool buzz from her. She's in my long term memory banks,.LMAO, i WILL do her again. Got my youngest right behind me...get back later,..K .. Cheers eh.
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