Arteekay's Second Grow - Autos & Feminized - Mixed Strains

Feb 17 Update. JH, CR, and NEM are 49 days old. DD is 38 days old.

CR is on 14/10 15 inches below the Spider x4, Temp is 73 and RH is 58% at the canopy, 72 and 61% at the top where Britney continues to dry. Overnight is 69 and 64%

Temp for JH, NEM and DD peaked at 90 today with RH at 37% during lights on, and 69 and 46% overnight. They are on an 18/6 schedule and are 18 inches below a pair of Mars II 900s.

  • JH got soaked with 6 liters of full strength DNF Gro A+B and calmag+ at 921ppm and 5.7 PH.
  • NEM got soaked with 6 liters of full strength DNF Bloom A+B and calmag+ at 973ppm and 5.8 PH

Beyond some minor leave rearranging on DD, JH, and NEM, and quite a bit of tucking CR back under her scrog, and watering, nothing much to report of interest.

Again I forgot the before coming out of the tent pic dammit.

DD (12.8 lbs, down from 16.8 yesterday):

CR (24.6 lbs, down from 28.0 yesterday):

Before tucking:


NEM (7.8 lbs down from 11.2 yesterday, 20.4 after watering):

Some early nug porn:

JH (7.8 lbs down from 11.2 yesterday, 21.6 after watering):

Back in the tent:

Was 90 deg planed? I know LED grows need to run about 5 deg hotter then HPS. My soft stop is 74 deg when fans kick on. Hard stop at 90. I'm using Titan Zepher 2 hi temp shut off controller. You can set delays from 1 to 30 min for restart and temp will shut off lights from 80 to 120 deg all adjustable. It will wait for either a 5 or 10 deg drop before starting the delay and re fire.

Good eye millertm, it wasn't planned so much as accepted for now.

The plan is 85-87 during their day and 68-70 overnight. We're still venting one tent into the other so that our 4 inch fan and filter can cover both. The fan is still sitting on top with some insulation and a box around it to keep it quieter and cheap plastic dryer venting is run into the next room.

Before our third grow, the plan is to redo our exhaust systems entirely with an new 6 inch fan and filter in the tent that has the 4 inch right now, and move the 4 inch to the other tent. Both fans will pull through semi rigid venting from the next room.

It's currently in a "good enough for now" configuration. :)
Wow, one 4" on both tents. You guys are good.


This is a good tool to have, $73 buys peace of mind.

Feb 18 Update. JH, CR, and NEM are 50 days old. DD is 39 days old. CR is 1 day since her flip to 12/12.

CR is on 12/12 15 inches below the Spider x4, Temp is 73 and RH is 61% at the canopy, 72 and 64% at the top where Britney continues to dry. Overnight was 67.5 and 49%

Temp for JH, NEM and DD peaked at 85 today with RH at 45% during lights on, and 68 and 33% overnight. They are on an 18/6 schedule and are 16 inches below a pair of Mars II 900s.

  • DD was soaked with 6 liters of full strength DNF Bloom A+B and three quarter strength calmag+ at 994ppm and 5.8 PH.

All of our plants are now having their day during our night, so now that Jaybiz's Crown Royale had 12 hours of darkness last night, today is officially her first day since flipping. It was kind of funny watching Jack get ready for bed last night and then realize she wouldn't be sleeping yet. She was wide awake still when I checked on her this morning before work, but I expect she'll adjust quickly and will be sleeping tomorrow when I see her first thing.

I am seeing a few spots of what looks like calcium deficiencies across all the autoflowers, very slight and if progressing not very fast at all. Not going to worry myself about it but will grab some pictures tomorrow.

Jaybiz had an old close friend over to see our setup, was blown away as he's a semi-retired very small outdoor grower. Leveling a canopy and Jaybiz's SCRoG was fascinating to him. He now wants us to come out to his place and help him get a similar setup, but with a much larger budget. Sounds good to this guy! For now we sent him on his way with a full set of samplers and the last brownie from Biz's last batch.

In the excitement, we forgot to get any pics of the Crown Royale.

Family pic:

DD (9.6 lbs down from 12.8 yesterday, 22.4 lbs after watering):

NEM (17.2 lbs, down from 20.4 yesterday after watering):

Didn't notice that growth so close to the root before seeing this pic, it'll disappear tomorrow:

JH (17.6 lbs, down from 21.6 yesterday):

Back in the tent:

Dark devil, the new fad, man that plant is so damn rad. :high-five:
It's been ordered and is high on the priority list for germination. I want to grow it while it's still in style... I'll have lots of journals to compare notes to. That's one that might even get the gf to take an interest, she loves the colours.

Here's to RTK, cheers everyone!
Always enjoy the updates, I always have to wipe my screen it seems after visiting haha :thumb: :goodjob:

As long as it's drool only, we're all cool buddy! :rofl:

Buds are packing on nicely.
I am getting more attached to DD with every post
I keep thinking to myself I will wait a few days to check in on my favorite grows, so I can enjoy more WOW factor.
Yeah...about that...

I'm a little surprised by how quickly NEM is packing on buds, Britney confused my understanding of CKS Early Miss's life cycle.

Maybe eventually I'll get down to only posting every couple of days, but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon. Just can't help myself.

Looking great rtk :thumb:

Thanks Sonic, They're getting to the fun part now. :)

DD is 39 days? Damn. Mine is 46 today and no where near as far along. I really need to try a soil grow once. :)

And here I thought you were convincing me to try a DWC setup on one.

Mine may be more mature, yours will yield far more I'll bet.

(No real bet or challenge implied).

Welcome Blueberry, lots of room left for another chair. New guy has to roll the next one. :)

Beautiful garden my friend well done;) keep it up.and best of luck for rest of flower mate ;)

No major problems to report. All toppings seem to have been beneficial and rewarding. Thanks for the support bud.

agreed my one plants a little younger than RTK's DD but I feel like your DD has started to pull away!

Just the tag team touch I guess :goodjob:

Team effort definitely helps with the amount of work they generate, but this girl is all mine besides actually mixing the nutes. I'll definitely grow another one soon. Next one might just get LSTd though, much earlier. The topping went well, but she got woody far more quickly than I expected.

Something to be said for the speed of reward on a strain the breeder claims finishes in like 65 days.

Dark devil, the new fad, man that plant is so damn rad. :high-five:
It's been ordered and is high on the priority list for germination. I want to grow it while it's still in style... I'll have lots of journals to compare notes to. That's one that might even get the gf to take an interest, she loves the colours.

Here's to RTK, cheers everyone!

DJ Snid, rapping the Cannabis rhymes so fine.

Thanks all.
I'm impressed as hell. You guys learn quick and apply that knowledge with a certain artistry. Beautiful plants, every one. :high-five: How did I miss that you were venting one tent into the other? That's exactly what I need to do so the filter can serve both tents. Where do you have pictures of this arrangement?

I have a 6" Ostberg and a Can 33 filter - overkill for my two tents. I'm going to need to mount the fan on the roof of the tent. I know this, but for some reason I'm putting it off until the Budmaster panel comes in and I see how big it really is. But it's only a 2x2' tent and that unit takes up a lot of space. My best bet may be to DIY some filters for the tents. Seems a shame though to have such good machinery on hand and not make use of it, eh?

Once I figure this part out the rest is relatively easy. My first grow I didn't even bother with filtration. Left the closet wide open and let the furnace move the air around. It was rediculously stress-free and netted me 4.5 oz from two autos. Seven plants in bloom would be more difficult to hide. :laughtwo:

I'm glad I was able to post here. For some reason the digital gremlin won't let me post on my own journal. A lesson in humility?
Feb 19 Update. JH, CR, and NEM are 51 days old. DD is 40 days old. CR is 2 days since her flip to 12/12.

CR is on 12/12 15 inches below the Spider x4, Temp is 75 and RH is 69% at the canopy, 73 and 68% at the top where Britney continues to dry. Overnight was 69 and 55%

Temp for JH, NEM and DD peaked at 86 today with RH at 49% during lights on, and 68 and 51% overnight. They are on an 18/6 schedule and are 16-17 inches below a pair of Mars II 900s.

Nothing to do today but weigh and admire. I did some minor defoliation on both JH and NEM, and let JH go from all her bindings. I wanted to redo them, but was too cooked to trust myself so she'll wait until tomorrow afternoon during her night. This weekend will be our first with a photo period plant we can't disturb for 12 hours a day, that'll be different for us.

Because I was good and blazed, I went a little nuts with the pictures today.

Family pics:

CR (20.6 lbs, down from 20.8 yesterday, so we obviously screwed our measurements up somewhere, too lazy to fix tonight):

DD (19 lbs down from 22.4 after watering yesterday):

Jaybiz's cat got a taste of her, we will be much more vigilant.

The slight deficiencies I mentioned yesterday. No real progression that we can see.

JH (12 lbs, down from 17.6 yesterday):

Calcium? I'm shit for diagnosing anything:

NEM (12.2 lbs, down from 17.2 yesterday):

Back in the tent:

Jaybiz was up to date on my journals (for a change, hehehe) and mentioned he agreed about not taking the break from growing after this one concludes. We're too infected by the grow-bug now.

Then we started talking about finishing times. Crown Royale is supposed to be 9 weeks flowering, which means that DD and NEM will both be well finished by then. So we decided to extend this grow by another new Revolver, since we're starting to run a little low on her (I think a half ounce or so, less than an oz for sure) and she's been an incredible high for us both.

Here's her first official pic. I won't bore myself or anyone with germination pictures so her next pic will be her birthday.

RTK and the bizz grow more autos? You guys are definitely addicted to the soothing nature of the cannabis botany. I'm in the same boat, I can't stop myself from wanting to expand and upgrade my grow environment to incorporate more plants. Not for profit or volume of smoke to have, but to be able to spend my days tinkering away in the garden and training them. Lol then taking pics and posting them so we can all enjoy it together.

Hope the revolver crop to come out shines your last one. A little more experience and knowledge will show on the result for sure.

RTK and jbizz, keep it green (and a little purple) peace!
I think it's time rtk and jbiz. It's time for you guys to invest in a small cloner. Young padawans you are ready for the next set of skills and the next evolution of growing. Looking back at your numbers from last grow I can see that the same strains produced very different final weights. This can be due to small differences in environment but is mostly due to plant genotype and the expressed phenotype from those genes.
It's time for you guys to start preserving possible "gems" from the photo seeds you have been growing. High yielding high terp high THC gems. I think it's also time for more photos. I would love if you decided to grow some pineapple fields with me. I am so jazzed about that strain!
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