Bassman's RDWC - High Defoliation - Master Kush Grow #2

You can get a square bucket of cat litter at walmart for 13 bucks. I think they are about 5 gal, maybe a little more.


I'm thinking about doing a RDWC using them and bulkhead fittings.
Well, we've made the 18 hr mark and no sign of leakage. Lights are still out for another 2.5 hrs. I'll do pics later.
bass looking good bro! no leaks is a good thing!:high-five:, got a question for you, ho far into flower would you say is to far to be supercropping? i did some bending a week ago and im not really seeing ant healing ,like the bends are still split and just kinda hanging there not really trying to go back up, the buds seem to be swelling and growing fine just not sealing up or reaching, i did this at about 4-5 wks since fliparoni im hoping i did not hurt yeild,how long b4 i should see rebound results, im not worried about delay of harvest im going for 50-60% amber this time i want hella couch lock/pain relief:tokin:"​:rip:Bid"
I bend anytime. A good "rope twist" is what I go for in hopes of not splitting, but if I do split, I tape if it's bad. Then add a lil support with string till it gets firm again.

If there's less than 3 weeks left they probably won't gain anything from bending I'd think. But I can't really quantify that.

Day 25 in flower, 10.5/13.5 lights on/off

The girls are doing great. They are a little too tall. Maybe 4 -5 inches or so. I'll be looking for opportunity to bend-lower them a bit and spread the canopy some more. But I'm still just missing the mark on flipping. I need to flip about 2-3" sooner I think. I can't recall for sure but I think these were flipped at about 14".

Flowers are looking awesome though. They are getting sticky, not by huge amounts yet, but you certainly feel it with one touch.

Kinda interesting observation: The BPN Vita Blue and Liquid Seaweed are super dark. When I refilled yesterday the nutrient solution was a dark amber. As you can see in the last photos, really dark. Overnight, it seems to have lightened up probably 30%.

Next thing on the agenda is going to be setting up support strings. They are already getting top heavy and will topple over or lean hard if allowed soon, so I'll need to set that up. Like last grow I'm going to have to do two levels of string/net support. The lower one will help lower branches on the outsides reach up towards light rather than fall over due to small bud weight on thin shoots. As well, this will be used to give total plant support to prevent leaning. The upper strings will be to support heavy flowers. With so many thinner off shoots so high in the canopy, they get overwhelmed by weight pretty easily.

here's some pics.

yay no wetness on the floor!
They look vibrant mate. problems aside, they dont look like theyve suffered. just curious, whats ur average yield per plant? I got 9oz 7g of one pot in amongst some coco plants under 2 600w hps on my last personal grow. im expecting 60-80 oz of 10 plants under 2 600w hps so 6-8 per plants.
That's an awesome yield Cultivator!

My best last grow was a bit over 10oz. My end goal is to achieve consistent 10+. It'll take a few times to get there, dialing in things and what not. But it's doable.

I'm not ready to give an avg yet. Hasn't been enough grows.
Nice looking good there. :)
thats good for 1 1000w in small space. have u thought about using 2 600w hps, i think u gain far more as not only u getting couple hundred extra wattage but u getting much better coverage and can get lights closer?

I am thinking about something a bit along those lines. Not going to reveal much yet, but I may work on something along those lines shortly for a future grow.
I am definitely thinking I will use your technique on mt next run... The results are speaking for themselves.
Hey bass. Long time reader of yours tho I just got signed up. Not up to date on this journal but gives me some night time reading. Keep up the crazy awesome work! Your a inspiration to a lot of people.
Just had a read and thought side give 2 ¢ on the pH pen. Personally I don't trust them all that much. To sensitive for their own good! I use a nutri dip I think with the removable pen. I replace the pen annually as well as test it monthly with test solution then compare it to good old fashioned PH paper. I find it slips farther off the older it gets. I also keep it in ph4 solution for storage. Mlhs ( my local hydro store) replaces the pen free annually (80$ regularly) so they know how to keep regulars around! Hope you don't mind me hanging around. Brains like a sponge mostly empty!
Just had a read and thought side give 2 ¢ on the pH pen. Personally I don't trust them all that much. To sensitive for their own good! I use a nutri dip I think with the removable pen. I replace the pen annually as well as test it monthly with test solution then compare it to good old fashioned PH paper. I find it slips farther off the older it gets. I also keep it in ph4 solution for storage. Mlhs ( my local hydro store) replaces the pen free annually (80$ regularly) so they know how to keep regulars around! Hope you don't mind me hanging around. Brains like a sponge mostly empty!

All ph meters have a shelf life and its great to replace them periodically. I use a bluelab combi meter and its perfect for the job. I wouldnt store in ph4 though, it conditions the meter to that area. Plain old tap water is better than ph4 for that very reason or u can buy the storage gel which is the same stuff thats in the ph meter. ofcourse u can carry on what u are doing but just my experience.
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