Big Head - Dead Head OG Heavy Yield!

they look awesome, and ready to flower!

I wouldn't wait too much longer. By the time the large plants finish stretching, you won't be getting good light to the bottom of the plant. You're using 600's, right? What is their ideal range? 12"-32", so about 16" of good growing depth? I think 1000W is 36", so I'm guesstimating the distance for a 600, but you get the idea. No reason to have plants taller than the light can reach through IMHO.

Running the wire outside in PVC conduit would work too. Probably better than the ghetto style I would do. I dislike making holes through the exterior of my house though. I can't really patch aluminum or vinyl siding. If I had painted stucco on the other hand... :winkyface:


lol nope man there BOTH 1000w, i have to get a timer for one tho so that i can set them up on there 12/12. yesterday i did some trimming so the light and air could get to the leafs because i was getting allot of damp leaves, plus last feed i was pushing them with extra nutes so that they would go nuts because they were very hungry, so they got 5ml more then recommended, only thing i wish i had done was flush day or two ago because they got lil nute burn but nothing compared to the growth givin, ill have picks of the leafs in a min ; P:nomo:
If you're looking for light timers, I just put in one that is made for like water heaters and pool equipment. Basically it's a heavy duty timer. Mine is a DPST for 240V, but if you're using 120V, I'm sure there are equivalents. It's a 30A@240V timer. That will power a LOT of lights! Mine was from Homer's Depot, but I'm sure the blue store has them too. If you want to ask someone about it and area afraid to mention lights, maybe tell them it's for the pump on your pool or hot tub or something. Or maybe for the heater since they use more power.

Just putting that out there since I recently had to ditch my old timers for this one. The little timers' relays are just not able to handle the huge spikes when the HID fires up.

Today is the first day in flower for the bigger room, this weekend i maned out the grow rooms and put the t5 in the veg (pictures of that update will be on my Northern Lights page,) and i started rewiring my room to having two 20amp breakers for the rooms, i was going to heavy finished, but the temps in the room were so hot, with the conjunction of the drill running non stop to drill through my (what seemed to be 7ft of wall), thick wall, burned up my battery and i was too lazy to go get new one that night, plus i need more pvc for the joints to angle in to the wall from the outside. After i get this finished i will be able to add the fans i need. Currently im having issues with my leafs geting wet from lack of air flow, i need to get a exahast fan asap so i can remove heat too the magnetic ballast get the over head heat at 90°+ X o the exahast will help alot. Now that bloom has started im starting to ween off grow food and on to the bloom mix. currently they have a good amount of Jamacian Bat guano which is high is Phosphates, I Mixed that into the top soil of both of the larger plants, going to do the same with the smaller one.

have some pics to upload, had some defincy and ph balance issues, 90% is cured, lil leftover nute burn, but that is nothin becasue they are going nuts!
Hey "1202" My first visit here. Dam !!!!! thought prevoking is just not sufficient an expression of what my fellow grownaughts has unearthed within the depths of my soul. I am blown away by the interaction of my fellows. i have never in 43 years of my life experienced a conversation that was viewed as a positive to the whole rather than an attack upon a person. Then for the person to welcome the discussion and participate in the reponses. whoa! Maybe out here in this expansive world there is hope for lil ol' me. Great and please continue to stimulate the minds of others,me especially. Thanks fer sharin', thanks....
I learn by leading and teaching others, iv just been like that and it works lol. If someone is asking questions about a topic im not familair with i will do some research with internet, books, fellow grows, and more.... then i take what i think i know and put it on paper what i acually know, like i tell the newer members, 'No madder how old you are, anyone can learn from a 5 year old, you just have to sit down and listen.' You can learn alot from newer members... i mean hell iv only been growing for 2 months and you see how far iv come?

ANYONE CAN DO IT! you just got to put your brain to the task! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::peacetwo:
So last night my buddy got me motivated to get up and work haha, so we went out at 8-9 (dusk) and climbed a ladder in the 40° light drizzel and ran my wire up to room and tied the pcb pipe to the side of house, and it looks pretty legit to say the least lol... i dont have it pluged in but should have it good to go by end of night.

ALSO have some pic updates on some sick new toys i bought that i should have uploaded soon, PLUS on monday ill have my week one update ; P

HAPPY 420 TO ALL!!! AND TO ALL A GOOD WEED NAP!!!! :tokin::tokin::sleep::sleep::sleep:
So last night my buddy got me motivated to get up and work haha, so we went out at 8-9 (dusk) and climbed a ladder in the 40° light drizzel and ran my wire up to room and tied the pcb pipe to the side of house, and it looks pretty legit to say the least lol... i dont have it pluged in but should have it good to go by end of night.

ALSO have some pic updates on some sick new toys i bought that i should have uploaded soon, PLUS on monday ill have my week one update ; P

HAPPY 420 TO ALL!!! AND TO ALL A GOOD WEED NAP!!!! :tokin::tokin::sleep::sleep::sleep:

I love it when a plan comes together!

Happy 4/20 day to you too. :Namaste:


They should try to work on adding picture rotation buttons on the page when you preview your up loads, i have spun alot of my pics before and had no issues, today on the other hand was a issue. I changed and tryed to upload 4 times with same result, so heres the pics, srry for the neck strain i tryed to flip em!!

So i got me a exhaust fan FINALLY needed this very bad lol now my flower room is in controlling temps and is easy to keep cool in room.
i figured go big or go home so i got the bigest one they had because i can always turn it down if i had to lol

got the pipe ran : p and fixed the a/c unit from leaking and re sealed it.


Here are some pics of the plants after one week, im lil worried about the smaller ones because they are stretching really hard idk if i should make the effort to lift them up to lights because i cant drop lights any closer without burning bigger ones, right now im just bending the tops on all plants to slow the stretching, so far so good, next focus is going to be getting my bloom nuts in the mail!


^^^^ i can tell this is going to be a huge cola lol ^^^

very little comes out the slots atm, but it is only in the morning, have them go to sleep at midnight and up at noon, thinking of taping them back to go off earlier so the sun wont effect as much because the lights will be on by that time, downfall is that i loose time that i can work on it at late nights, but truly it will make me go to bed earlier, or atleast on time ; P
yep brief drive through Like what I see so far:) give me a chance to get with the program and I will comment further.:goodjob:
yep brief drive through Like what I see so far:) give me a chance to get with the program and I will comment further.:goodjob:

About time you got your fish face in my thread ; P
ok, so im starting to notice some defficiencies on the big girls now almost 2 weeks into flower and have only had water and a veg feed.

how long till they will be boned and hurt my plants.... i have some bloom food on order but fear i wont see them till next week : /

dont know if i should bite the bullet and go buy a cheap a&b from store to get me by untill then..... idk tho i really dont have the money for the nutes i bought never mind buying more from a diffrent brand just so i can get it NOW.,

What are your guys thoughts?
what do they look like they are missing? if you have molasses that will help with potassium.
if nitrogen you can use urine. kelp should help with the phosphorus. just a thought:)
might get some molasses and kelp just because they would be easy to add to ANY nute line up and not overly effect it im thinkning so that might work for sort term : )
So durring my lunch i whent to the local grow store to my work lol and bought me some new pucks for the cloner as well as a cheap bloom food, im going to give them a full dose tonight im going to take pics next couple days and hope to have a cool timeline of the recovery time,



actually has alot of mico and macro nutes for only 15$ lol this brand has its own line apparently and its all cheap.
I think I've seen folks here using Dyna-Gro. I'm sure it will work fine.

Nice upgrade to the room. So that exhaust is just to vent the lights? Are you adding CO2?
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