Cajuncelt's Spring 2015 Grow - Blue Dream - Bubba Kush - Critical Cure - Etc

Great update, and some nice swelling buds there. I look forward to seeing how the S-OG progresses.

I supercropped the shit out of her when she took to topping so well. I don't want a gazillion bud sites, so I let the branches grow out horizontally to the pot side and then let them start growing vertical now.
She liked to be defol'd. Lightly though.
And she really liked the humid acid heavy when vegging. Her stems got thick pretty quick. I will have to net or stake her buds I hope.
I'll take better & more pics of her from here on.
That would be great bud, I appreciate it.

From what you've described, it seems like she is a fairly easy strain. Does she stretch in flower? I like to open my plants up with defol and then let them have at it in flower.
Why does it always seem like you turn around and they've suddenly grown up? Dang mon ami! All those massive colas are a pretty sight. When I get up and running I'd appreciate it if you stuck your nose in on a regular basis and forced me to pay better attention to training. I'm thinking today that two of my three grow spaces should be dedicated to photos. I can start two as autos and make the switch after the first harvest. You're so good at getting maximum yield you make it too tempting to ignore. Autos give me a good head start because the need is that pressing, but there's no denying that for oil production I need to focus on photos, don't I?

There goes life changing gears on me again.
Sue, you need to focus on photos for just won't give you the quantity you need to make the oil......sorry...
Sue, you need to focus on photos for just won't give you the quantity you need to make the oil......sorry...

I hear you Shawnee, but I also hear Atrain, who recently pulled over a pound off two autos, laughing when he hears comments like that. :laughtwo: I need about 2 ounces minimum, correct? I harvested 4.5 ounces off two autos on my very first grow when I had no idea at all what I was doing. Given good genetics, superior soil and a multitude of well-controlled lights, with Atrain watching over my shoulder and advising me every step of the way, I like my chances. I'll be running five autos, three of which are for her use.

After the first run the grow becomes predominantly photos. It's just that her need is too pressing to wait the months longer the photos will take when I know I can get autos through in about three months. She's tense enough now that she's losing feeling in her hands. In four months I can get her started tacking and she can begin to actually heal.
I would b happy with a tent full and bursting in flower.
Happy Birthday 420

Your grows are really coming along my friend. It's cool to see some of your old posts compared to now. You're a grower!

Great update, and some nice swelling buds there. I look forward to seeing how the S-OG progresses.

Well shit. Now I feel pressure.
Just kidding. She'll do pretty good I'm sure, unless I jack her up somehow. But she's looking to be a good one so far.

That would be great bud, I appreciate it.

From what you've described, it seems like she is a fairly easy strain. Does she stretch in flower? I like to open my plants up with defol and then let them have at it in flower.

Yeah, real easy to grow. Not fussy.
Likes topping too.
Lower the lights when in transition cause she does want to stretch.

Good fucking gawd Caj!!! That's a mighty pretty grow room.

Well thank you sir. These 2 are gonna go over a pound I'm thinking. I certainly am not complaining.

Why does it always seem like you turn around and they've suddenly grown up? Dang mon ami! All those massive colas are a pretty sight. When I get up and running I'd appreciate it if you stuck your nose in on a regular basis and forced me to pay better attention to training. I'm thinking today that two of my three grow spaces should be dedicated to photos. I can start two as autos and make the switch after the first harvest. You're so good at getting maximum yield you make it too tempting to ignore. Autos give me a good head start because the need is that pressing, but there's no denying that for oil production I need to focus on photos, don't I?

There goes life changing gears on me again.

Maximum yield, but more importantly maximum genetic potential. Potency, terpenes maxed out, ect.
The Autos from my other grow you were on have to be hitting close to 18%. You saw the yield. If I'd of trained them? Lol, I kept mentioning how they caught me off guard.
1st auto grow was 9 plants in 1 gal pots in a 4x4. Huge (literally) mistake.
Then 6 autos in 2 gals, same tent. Bigger mistake.
My next auto grow will be 4 autos in 3 gal pots in a 4x4. I'll get the cannabinoid profile & thc% from them.
I hear you Shawnee, but I also hear Atrain, who recently pulled over a pound off two autos, laughing when he hears comments like that. :laughtwo: I need about 2 ounces minimum, correct? I harvested 4.5 ounces off two autos on my very first grow when I had no idea at all what I was doing. Given good genetics, superior soil and a multitude of well-controlled lights, with Atrain watching over my shoulder and advising me every step of the way, I like my chances. I'll be running five autos, three of which are for her use.

After the first run the grow becomes predominantly photos. It's just that her need is too pressing to wait the months longer the photos will take when I know I can get autos through in about three months. She's tense enough now that she's losing feeling in her hands. In four months I can get her started tacking and she can begin to actually heal.

Forgive me Sue, but I am a horticulturalist by degree and a purest....I beg to differ on the auto discussion, it is like politics and I am still not convinced in any way, shape, or form....forgive me for that and I hope we can still agree to disagree in each his own for every one of our requirements.....I just beg to differ in every way....rock on and :Namaste:

why not get a pound off 1 plant and maximize your tent spend 80 days on autos and could get so much more of a yield with a are ready to join the real growers in my opinion....I'm going to go out on a limb here, but autos is not really growing, IMO.....OUCH, here comes the hate mail.....I can take it....let it fly.....are you in the game or not??? To each his own, but now you really know my opinion and that is okay with me....chalk it up to home vs. commercial growers I suppose....and I am clearly the's all good, different strokes for different folks.....I just don't have the time to you?

Questions, comments, and hate mail welcome!
Maximum yield, but more importantly maximum genetic potential. Potency, terpenes maxed out, ect.
The Autos from my other grow you were on have to be hitting close to 18%. You saw the yield. If I'd of trained them? Lol, I kept mentioning how they caught me off guard.
1st auto grow was 9 plants in 1 gal pots in a 4x4. Huge (literally) mistake.
Then 6 autos in 2 gals, same tent. Bigger mistake.
My next auto grow will be 4 autos in 3 gal pots in a 4x4. I'll get the cannabinoid profile & thc% from them.

This is my goal with this grow mon ami. Not just yield but potential realized. I'm past grief, for the most part, more relaxed than I've been for years and better prepared to execute a proper grow than ever. You know I learn fast and I've been paying close attention. With what I know and what the talented cultivator's that I stick close to have to share, I'm going to have a delightful time growing. :laughtwo: I'm starting to get excited to start. I'm going with minimum 7 gallon pots myself, two in the closet, three in a tent, although every time I say "three in a tent" it makes me wonder if I'm not crazy. I won't know for sure 'till I get home.
Forgive me Sue, but I am a horticulturalist by degree and a purest....I beg to differ on the auto discussion, it is like politics and I am still not convinced in any way, shape, or form....forgive me for that and I hope we can still agree to disagree in each his own for every one of our requirements.....I just beg to differ in every way....rock on and :Namaste:

why not get a pound off 1 plant and maximize your tent spend 80 days on autos and could get so much more of a yield with a are ready to join the real growers in my opinion....I'm going to go out on a limb here, but autos is not really growing, IMO.....OUCH, here comes the hate mail.....I can take it....let it fly.....are you in the game or not??? To each his own, but now you really know my opinion and that is okay with me....chalk it up to home vs. commercial growers I suppose....and I am clearly the's all good, different strokes for different folks.....I just don't have the time to you?

Questions, comments, and hate mail welcome!

Shawnee....:hug: Don't be afraid to speak your mind girl. I won't bite, I promise. I'm humbled that you believe I'm talented enough to be considered in the class of real growers. I have the greatest confidence in my ability to get there, but I have quite a bit more to learn before I could stand next to the likes of you or Cajun or Graytail and feel like I was your equal. :laughtwo:

Give me a couple runs with decent photos and I'll gain more confidence. It's all part of the evolutionary process. But if I can grow two to three autos in one tent and pull a pound in 80 days time, doesn't that mean I'm ahead of the game? Not that I expect to right away, mind you, but the potential certainly exists to at least stay far ahead of my demand for oil, and that's the reason I grow.

I'm a die-hard fan of the Dark Devil Auto. Autos will always be a part of my grows. Atrain has me hooked, and there's no denying his success. There's a site on line devoted exclusively to autos. You should check them out sometime. That may change your mind, if it hasn't been changed already by the success being demonstrated on this site by Atrain's followers.
Feel the pressure! LOL

I will be marking you out of a possible 10 points. Slip below 7 and it is an immediate fail!

I kid...

I like my plants to stretch a bit in a flower, so that is good.
Cajun, you are so cool...since you moved to CO, I notice a more relaxed Cajun :circle-of-love:
As do I Shawnee. Good things happen to good people. All it takes is patience.
Forgive me Sue, but I am a horticulturalist by degree and a purest....I beg to differ on the auto discussion, it is like politics and I am still not convinced in any way, shape, or form....forgive me for that and I hope we can still agree to disagree in each his own for every one of our requirements.....I just beg to differ in every way....rock on and :Namaste:

why not get a pound off 1 plant and maximize your tent spend 80 days on autos and could get so much more of a yield with a are ready to join the real growers in my opinion....I'm going to go out on a limb here, but autos is not really growing, IMO.....OUCH, here comes the hate mail.....I can take it....let it fly.....are you in the game or not??? To each his own, but now you really know my opinion and that is okay with me....chalk it up to home vs. commercial growers I suppose....and I am clearly the's all good, different strokes for different folks.....I just don't have the time to you?

Questions, comments, and hate mail welcome!

No hate from me. I agree. I would rather grow photo's so I can clone the ones I like. I have clones of my Blue Blood going now, and I am sure I will take some from Cindy and Suzy when they are ready. No point in buying more beans when you can "mass produce" what you already have. I want to leave buying of beans for trying something new!! :circle-of-love::peace:
Forgive me Sue, but I am a horticulturalist by degree and a purest....I beg to differ on the auto discussion, it is like politics and I am still not convinced in any way, shape, or form....forgive me for that and I hope we can still agree to disagree in each his own for every one of our requirements.....I just beg to differ in every way....rock on and :Namaste:

why not get a pound off 1 plant and maximize your tent spend 80 days on autos and could get so much more of a yield with a are ready to join the real growers in my opinion....I'm going to go out on a limb here, but autos is not really growing, IMO.....OUCH, here comes the hate mail.....I can take it....let it fly.....are you in the game or not??? To each his own, but now you really know my opinion and that is okay with me....chalk it up to home vs. commercial growers I suppose....and I am clearly the's all good, different strokes for different folks.....I just don't have the time to you?

Questions, comments, and hate mail welcome!

Shawnee... Love ya mean it...:)......:circle-of-love:
I'm staying out of all this. Lol.
Interesting points though & no blood.

Smart man, Cajun....this is not mean spirited at all and I am not that kind of girl (I have enough other dastardly traits, HA)....the things Sue adores about her autos is what keeps her coming back for I said, we each have so many grow room variables and personal tastes and requirements.....I too, love love love sense getting a winner and then have it lost to you unless you pay up again....I am also constantly concerned with the plant count so I can play with that easily....the other thing is the timing...I love the control photos give me to judge when I want to move forward....the rest thrive in the veg room for infinity until I call them into might say I like the ability to be versatile and time the harvests so I don't have so many plants to harvest during one closed, people, didn't mean to incite a riot :Namaste:
I'm staying out of all this. Lol.
Interesting points though & no blood.

Well, someone has to start it up, so allow me to start by saying this:

I'll be the quiet guy in the corner avoiding eye contact, momma didn't raise no dummy.

didn't mean to incite a riot

Where's the kaboom?

There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!
Good grief. One of those days.
Been working alot on next year's outdoor grows at work.
I might get more rest before next training session.

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