Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow


did you notice the pistils shrivel up after pollenation,

ive had a quick flick and looks like you done a good job, a little pollen goes along way, theirs a method of making the pollen go further but not tried it myself, but basically when you use pure pollen only a small amount is actually used and the rest is wasted when you wash it off the plant, so a method to make it go further is to add a small amount of flour to it, this gives you more pollen to work with, not tried it so cant comment on it working or not.

now for seed development times i find it all depends on when you pollenate the plant, if you pollenate really early then the seeds tend to take longer to develop and you get a lot less seeds, but from my own experience with both male and female pollen i usually find my seeds are ready and splitting the seed pods at around week 4 from pollenation, but the longer you can leave them the better, the seeds will fall out when ready and when the buds dried, so leave the seeds in the plant as long as you can but 4 weeks id say is the earliest id harvest after pollenation, plus the seeds still develop after harvest, i have harvested plants before that i didnt know was seeded and at harvest the seeds where still green, i thought they would be wasted but once the bud was dried the seeds where looking like regular seeds and all i planted germed,

:welcome: back DP! I am so glad to have you here.
This is great information, I didn't have a lot of pollen in that little I was concerned a bit. Good tip with the flour.
And yes, the pistils are turning brown and pulling into the bud. YEY
4 weeks sounds just about perfectly in line with the harvest time, so I may leave the seeded branch on another week after harvest.
I was told prime time to pollinate was perfect when I did it. I'll get that day figure later, it's on my other thread.
I did let the pollen come to room temperature after taking it out of the refrigerator, but I know now it can be stored at room temp in the dark if I will be using it very soon. Thanks for that info!
This is going to be so cool to watch. :high-five:
I like to paint the small leaves next to new pistils coming out. Somehow they know where pollen is trapped in the crystals and will reach over and tag the pollen and a seed is born!

Hey pucker huddle:)
that brings a question for me. Am I to assume then, that each grain of pollen can potentially represent one seed? That would certainly explain why so MANY seeds are found on the plants in natural grow, but I want to be sure I'm thinking right there. :hmmmm:
:cheer: WE HAVE SEED PODS!!!:cheer:

The last pic is top part of the flower. I am so excited that this worked!!
Now don't you guys burst my bubble and tell me those aren't seed pods!......well not till later anyway. I want to enjoy the triumph. :biglaugh:

These are calyx shells..right? Please correct me if wrong, I want to be sure to get the correct terms in order!
looks good mate, seeds develop very quick its why growers dont want pollen around as it easy to turn a whole room to seed, look how quick your seeds have developed so even 2 weeks from harvest you wouldnt want any pollen foating around as you would be smoking young seeds,

as yours have developed that quick then chances are the seed pods will be splitting about in about 7 to 14 days, when i do a cross and the seeds develop as quick as that i find the calyx split open and you can then see the seeds develop inside the calyx, so you done a perfect job and got yourself some seeds,

be careful with the room temp stored pollen as you need to use it within 2 weeks at the max, any longer and its not viable, well at least ive not managed to keep it viable over 2 weeks at room temp, either the moisture got to it in the tub or it just dont do to well at room temp, but i didnt have rice with it, i just had it in a tub with a lid on and kept it in the back of a cupboard, so maybe my pollen was not totally dry when stored, next time i try filling a small tub with pollen then ill leave the lid off that and fill a slightly bigger tub with rice and push the small tub into it,

as for the flower method have a read up on it so you get an idea of how much to use, its a method i will use with the next male i get pollen from as you tend to waste a lot of pollen when putting it on the females so ill try the flour method and see how that works, its suppose to work well and give you more pollen to play with so ill see how that goes, im sure you could use other products similar to flour but have a look on the net and see what you can come up with, i only read about the flower method.

if you was turning a whole room to seed then you wouldnt need to use flower as 1 male plant will easily fill a room with pollen if you give the male a good shake, but collecting pollen and using it on females is ok but the amount you collect is often small as you dont keep the male in flower to long, but if you did you would easily have a table spoon of pollen, but i only collect pollen from a few pollen sacs as ive not wanted to turn a whole plant to seed just yet, i will at some point and possibly when ive perfected one of my own strains, then ill just have a male and female in the flower room and let them party,

till then ill polenate one of 2 lower buds and get a few seeds,
looks good mate, seeds develop very quick its why growers dont want pollen around as it easy to turn a whole room to seed, look how quick your seeds have developed so even 2 weeks from harvest you wouldnt want any pollen foating around as you would be smoking young seeds,

as yours have developed that quick then chances are the seed pods will be splitting about in about 7 to 14 days, when i do a cross and the seeds develop as quick as that i find the calyx split open and you can then see the seeds develop inside the calyx, so you done a perfect job and got yourself some seeds,

be careful with the room temp stored pollen as you need to use it within 2 weeks at the max, any longer and its not viable, well at least ive not managed to keep it viable over 2 weeks at room temp, either the moisture got to it in the tub or it just dont do to well at room temp, but i didnt have rice with it, i just had it in a tub with a lid on and kept it in the back of a cupboard, so maybe my pollen was not totally dry when stored, next time i try filling a small tub with pollen then ill leave the lid off that and fill a slightly bigger tub with rice and push the small tub into it,

as for the flower method have a read up on it so you get an idea of how much to use, its a method i will use with the next male i get pollen from as you tend to waste a lot of pollen when putting it on the females so ill try the flour method and see how that works, its suppose to work well and give you more pollen to play with so ill see how that goes, im sure you could use other products similar to flour but have a look on the net and see what you can come up with, i only read about the flower method.

if you was turning a whole room to seed then you wouldnt need to use flower as 1 male plant will easily fill a room with pollen if you give the male a good shake, but collecting pollen and using it on females is ok but the amount you collect is often small as you dont keep the male in flower to long, but if you did you would easily have a table spoon of pollen, but i only collect pollen from a few pollen sacs as ive not wanted to turn a whole plant to seed just yet, i will at some point and possibly when ive perfected one of my own strains, then ill just have a male and female in the flower room and let them party,

till then ill polenate one of 2 lower buds and get a few seeds,

Hey DP,
thanks for all the info. I'm glad to hear that it looks very good to you on my process! I will use a little flower next time, that's a good trick.
As far as keeping moisture out, the rice trick was the most often used in my reading up. I have also read that people use the silica bead/gel packets that you get inside aspirin bottles and such. I'm going to find some of those. You see them everywhere, but when I tried to find one the day I was collecting the pollen.....yeah right. LOL
I am also excited to know those calyx's might be ready sooner than expected. That would be great!
I think the next time I pollinate I'm going to spread it around the small leaves just outside the pistils too, as was mentioned here ealier by pucker huddle. I think it would keep it all from getting concentrated in one spot which I found was tough not to do when putting it on just the pistils. I was going to try the q-tip method, but I didn't want a bunch of cotton fibers lying around on my seed pods or pistils. Makes for bad pictures. LOL
Thanks again, and I will update as I see changes!
Oh, I forgot to mention something on the pollen. It probably does have moisture in it when you collect it. If you look at the close up pics of the bananas and where the pollen was dropping from them onto the leaf, the bananas have beads of moisture on them. Almost dripping. So I feel it's very important to put it with the rice or something to absorb that.
Nite everyone!
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