Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

products...but...a lot of folks seem to do fine with just the GF, so maybe it's something I'm doing, or the soil I'm using, or something else I haven't thought of ....
I know some of these folks that aren't having as many problems are using FFOF,super soils and stuff like that.
I amended my Pro Mix with EWC and think that it helped.
What that meant yesterday, is the Chocodope got 5.5g of an "other" nute to try and get her green again...

It occurred to me that she might be doing well (health-wise, not size-wise) because she's a tiny plant, and a standard dose of GF is enough to feed a plant her size (8")

My problems seem to start about 4 days after I switch from Veg to just seems like there's not enough "bang" in the Bloom nutes to keep a normal sized, flowering plant (auto or photo) happy. Although, even though the leaves look like crap, the buds seem to do ok....or do they? they might do even better if the rest of the plant was healthy green instead of banana yellow..or not, just a thought...

I've purposely over fed mine a few times, and, while it doesn't hurt anything, it doesn't help anything either.

Agree 100% - I personally don't think GF has enough in it to operate without help from other nute products...but...a lot of folks seem to do fine with just the GF, so maybe it's something I'm doing, or the soil I'm using, or something else I haven't thought of ....

I think GF should be billed as a "base" nutrient system, that may or may not require the use of additives to perform satisfactorily. This should be stated on the bag, IMO
And then there's the smell...eww. I have noticed that the Bloom doesn't seem to stink quite as much as the Veg, but they both stink pretty good, especially when wet...

He may get great results, many people seem to- just not me yet...

Where the GF really does seem to shine is the initial soil amending that's supposed to be done 2 weeks prior to putting a plant in it- my plants do great for the first 3 weeks or so in the amended soil, but after that, they begin to go downhill- especially autos, because they usually only get 1 dose of Veg before it's time to start the Bloom nutes, and, in my case anyway, that's when the problems start...
To be fair, I've only grown 3 autos with GF, and 1 is doing ok (the tiny one)

Maybe I'm just putting too much value on the plants leaves being green instead of yellow, but yellow leaves just bug the crap outa me...not the normal yellowing of older leaves, but the whole plant turning yellow or such a pale green that you're not sure if it's green or yellow- that's what bugs me....
I agree with the Base nute thing. As you know I severely lowered my dose of GF, partially so I could add what else I thought was missing. Superthrive is my go to for years and now I use it almost all through the life of an auto (stop the last 2 weeks) and it only requires drops. The GSC auto is REALLY fond of it, both with MC, and now with GF. Purpinator is the other thing. As long as nitrogen isn’t lacking, Purpinator is a great additive to keep the momentum going.
My Purple Lemonade outdoor that’s just been living on hose water and FFOF finally got a little dose of it, too.
It smells like old banana peels. That I can handle ;) and it can be given in many different quantities safely.
I like occasionally adding my GH 1-1-1 Base enhancer, it has some seaweed and other sweet smelling things that the plants seem to enjoy near the end.

I’m sure as a community we will have a great cocktail to have GF working like a charm. It’s a good starting point.
Thanks, Shed!
I amended my Pro Mix with EWC and think that it helped.
I should, but I don't- know what EWC is... :hmmmm:
I'll know for sure if the "other" nutes helped in about 3 days, although I'd swear the plant already looks a little greener- but that's probably just wishful thinking...

I’m sure as a community we will have a great cocktail to have GF working like a charm.
Yeah, no doubt we'll/I'll get it figured out- I think we'd have it dialed in by now if GF behaved like other nutes...but it's "different" and we've just got to learn how to work with (or work around) the differences.
I'm adding new GF Bloom every eight days now. I give some cal-mag 4-0-0 and some Purpinator for a few waterings around when I topdress to help keep them green and growing.

Still having slight yellowing issues but my plants are in late flower so I expected some.
Still trying to figure out how to use it properly for heavy feeding plants.
Feed more frequently v.s feeding a larger amount. Both?

I should, but I don't- know what EWC is...

Earthworm castings.
I give some cal-mag 4-0-0 and some Purpinator
My last indoor plant got BPN Calmag Pro (8-0-0) and Easy Weed (1-2-18) every watering, and I think the Calmag is what kept it almost green the whole time. But , I never switched to GF Bloom with that one, so I can't say what it would've done if I had.
If I need to do it again, I'll go with Purpinator (or Terpinator) because that Easy Weed turns the water deep black, and the runoff stains everything (especially concrete):oops:
Earthworm castings.
Thanks for that- I guess I did know it, but the ol' brain just wouldn't pull it up..... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Feed more frequently v.s feeding a larger amount. Both?
I did both, but on the plant that got just Veg nutes. It didn't seem to help, but that plant isn't a good one to use for comparison to one grown according to GF's guidelines.
Great to hear your insights, Mr. C. And good to know that my concern about intruding on your thread with a GF discussion was unfounded. :Rasta:

My next attempt at a GF grow (already ongoing) will be modified to possibly take advantage of some of the things I've read in these posts. :Namaste:
Not to worry, GDB!
And good to know that my concern about intruding on your thread with a GF discussion was unfounded.
You're welcome here no matter what you want to talk about, and the GeoFlora discussions will probably be ongoing until I/we get it figured out.
possibly take advantage of some of the things I've read in these posts.
If you do any of the things I do, I suggest waiting 4 or 5 days before you try them, to see how it goes- in case I end up doing more harm than good, which is a very real possibility... :oops:
Well, the 5 year old granddaughter is on the way, she's having behavior problems at daycare, so they booted her out, at least for the day...
This should be fun...:(
i am 35 days into bloom with GF and i have the yellowing or green/yellow leaves also - added cal/mag to some and reduced cal/mag to others and neither affect them

one noticeable difference is that i miss the usual overpowering smell of blooming buds when i open the tent - if you sniff the buds up close you get that "good" aroma but not like the previous nutes - the buds all look good and fattening up so it is a wait and see right now
I think GF should be billed as a "base" nutrient system, that may or may not require the use of additives to perform satisfactorily.

i'm sure a whole range of supplements will play fine with GF. it's kind of how i found MC to be as well, except MC is very complete. not much supplemental stuff is ever needed, but the little bit it uses sure can help.

Well, the 5 year old granddaughter is on the way, she's having behavior problems at daycare, so they booted her out, at least for the day...
This should be fun...

quality hands on grandpa gardening time for the little go getter .. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well, the 5 year old granddaughter is on the way, she's having behavior problems at daycare, so they booted her out, at least for the day...
This should be fun...:(
Good morning C Shore :)

Oh no :(

I hope you have a fantastic day with her.

What did she do?
Have no fear...grandpa's here!
Only a text message away!
i have the yellowing or green/yellow leaves also - added cal/mag to some and reduced cal/mag to others and neither affect them
Hi, billy13778!
I used Calmag also (Blue Planet Nutrients CalMag Pro 8-0-0) and in may have helped a little, but not much.I was using it for a little nitrogen boost, but it didn't boost it enough ...
That was on my last indoor plant- I haven't used any on the outdoor auto that's giving me yellowing problems- I'm going to try a different approach with this one-the only additive is going to be some MC...
except MC is very complete. not much supplemental stuff is ever needed, but the little bit it uses sure can help.
I found out early on that less is more when using additives with MC- I burnt a plant up pretty good with too much Sweet Candyand/or Bud Explosion...
grandpa gardening time for the little go getter
Yes, she's the official wildflower planter/ picker here (not grandpa's "special" flowers, just all the regular ones ;) )
I hope you have a fantastic day with her.

What did she do?
She had a little temper tantrum, and shoved the daycare assistant- she always seems pretty good here, but she's a stubborn little thing, and a bit spoiled, I think....:rolleyes:
Must not have been too bad, they let her return today-so far, so good...
Only a text message away!

I found out early on that less is more when using additives with MC- I burnt a plant up pretty good with too much Sweet Candyand/or Bud Explosion...

probably the BE. you have to make head room for it. it works amazing if you create the space.
Good morning Carcass :)

My plants are coming along well and I was going to flip this Sunday but I might do it next Coz I haven’t got my new nutes at the right feeding point I don’t think

I am quite happy with how they look. I don’t really understand separating the branches. There seems to be no room to move them for sun, it’s just so thick with foliage. I‘m going to get some pics today and I really need advice on leaf removal or whether I leaf leave them alone (I’m so punnyyyyy :D)

Anyway I hope your granddaughter had a better day at her preschool.
Hello Carcass, hope all is well in your world.
Glad to see you have an independent stubborn grandchild! I have four here for the day. lol! They need the strength to forge ahead in this crazy world. Smile and stay stoneder
probably the BE. you have to make head room for it. it works amazing if you create the space.
Yeah, I tried the max dosage with both additives, found out real quick that's not the right way to apply "headroom, do you mean use less MC when adding BE and SC?
Anyway I hope your granddaughter had a better day at her preschool.
They gave her a little "time out" so she was here instead of at daycare, and she did fine...
Glad to see you have an independent stubborn grandchild! I have four here for the day. lol! They need the strength to forge ahead in this crazy world.
4 for the day? Just having 2 of them here wears me out, I can't imagine 4....although we did raise 4 kids, but we were both a little bit younger then... ;)
Yeah, I tried the max dosage with both additives, found out real quick that's not the right way to apply "headroom, do you mean use less MC when adding BE and SC?

yes you need to drop back on the MC if adding BE. there really isn't a feed schedule with BE incorporated. it's up to you to feel it out.

doesn't matter with SC so much. the BE is a nute, the SC is more for terps. the BE is heavy stuff, probably produced a third to 50% more once worked in. it really packs on the bud when done right. all my plants got so heavy the stalks bent til they hit the floor.
Thanks, bluter!
I actually never thought about cutting the MC a little- I'll definitely do it that way in the future...
Back when I was using the mc, (which I'm going back to soon) what I did do was cut the BE way down to like .2g- No burnt plants, but
no real benefit that I could see from that low of a dosage- although sometimes it's hard to tell when you're using too little....but when you use too much, there's no guesswork involved- the plant will show you right away... :oops:
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