ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

naw I went to sleep it was like after 1 am :rofl:

um see omm's quote below

I understand buddy
think about this for a minute
itll take about or close to a month before I bring anything
I could just be your ganja gardener
bring the plants over when ready
if you have the timer and drip line
ill set it up and I will take care of the plants
if there are any nutrient needs ill take care of them
and the drip line on timer will assure they at least have water
think about it buddy you do nothing at all unless you want to take pics
is the only thing you have to can do if you want to do
if not I can stop by weekly and do the updates for you too
just think about it :circle-of-love:

Your a good person Chronic.
if anyones interested advanced led's always got a sale going there a 10percent off
till the 21st
SUMMER10OFF is the code
Thanks Chronic!

no worries Trig
im not sponsored by them I just get emails since the first 2 100 watt diamond series I bought
and have been using for over 3 years now and they are still going strong :thumb:
of course theres more of them in there now but ive been lucky to aquire some here and there
with a little help from some friends :thumb:
wouldn't be talking about it if I didn't believe they work
I can even get great yields off them which most people don't think is possible off led's
I definitely see lots of great results using their gear! It's nice to feel good about your equipment, that's for sure. I am about to add an HPS fixture to my flower room but LEDs will always be a part of my gardens going forward. I love the two I have and an HPSxLED combo will be even better. Haha I miss my old 1K. Ballast was the size of a Lincoln Welder. Sure have came a long way on all fronts with lighting
I definitely see lots of great results using their gear! It's nice to feel good about your equipment, that's for sure. I am about to add an HPS fixture to my flower room but LEDs will always be a part of my gardens going forward. I love the two I have and an HPSxLED combo will be even better. Haha I miss my old 1K. Ballast was the size of a Lincoln Welder. Sure have came a long way on all fronts with lighting

that's a huge ballast if its the size im thinking of :rofl:
ok today is a boring day maybe I go cut grass maybe I go take a nap after this show
maybe maybe all the maybes :rofl:
that's a huge ballast if its the size im thinking of :rofl:
ok today is a boring day maybe I go cut grass maybe I go take a nap after this show
maybe maybe all the maybes :rofl:

Today I am the same way. Just got out of work and I don't want to do......zzzz
Today I am the same way. Just got out of work and I don't want to do......zzzz

well I cut the weeds awhile ago already lol
back in the house doing nothing
wife left with tall weeds came home with all the weeds flattened hehehe
ok so im bored again I checked the seeds theres one just popped with a little tail starting that means there will be more soon I think hope whatever well see
so I tell ya when the wife gets home few minutes later I decide to walk out to have a smoke
I see a battery and a starter for her truck, ok ill get the kid to do this hes always asking her for rides and
he can learn something, the mf punk splits out and im just pissed I tell the wife hes an adult he asks for rides but when you ask him
to do something he says ok and he bails, so there I go yank the old battery out drop the new on in but leave the wires off
cause im gonna crawl under next and change the starter, she has a bad oil leak somewhere so it isn't clean and pleasant under there
im thinking in the future ill yank the drivetrain out of my 92 Camaro and throw it in her truck just for fun heh
so anywho I change everything before the idiot kid comes home we run back to napa to return the stuff with core charges
come back hook the battery up and wtf, get the hot wire on the as I put on the ground its friggin smoking ok somethings wrong
take it off look around don't notice anything do it again this time I notice smoke but I still cant tell
frustrated I go in the house smoke a bowl then another go back out the kids home ok told him to get his ass out there and start exposing the wire from the battery to the starter, he couldn't even complete that the little shit ok so im like disgusted already so
I start checking myself go back add a wire that said do not remove trust me it wouldn't be any issue and that wasn't the cause
so I do that hook the battery up again and I cant tell its still shorting out somewhere, this time I tak e it off and p ut it back on I see a small glow found it found where the cable was shorting out, the way the cable is made you have to put it back a certain way
or it touches the block the damn thing was shorting out on the block gah :rofl:
ok loosened the nut almost completely to be able to turn the wire in another position locked it back in place
went up hooked the battery up and I could tell immediately its all good, stuck the key in started right up no hesitation
job done with no help from the young adult who catches rides with mommy, hes screwed its expensive here and if you cant do certain things your gonna end up on public transport cause with his skills knowledge and education hell be working hard the rest of his life
unless he gets lucky, too bad he didn't learn from watching his older brother f up or not listen to any advice ive given him
he doesn't understand that even with the money I can make working construction it be hard to afford a lot of what I have if I couldnt do things myself.
hell learn someday im hoping sooner than later, cause I surely do not mind passing on my knowledge to my kids
They are a different generation bro. Really. You can teach them what we know and hands on etc but they aren't industrious people like we where .. are. 18 year old foster ( no different other than she had previous family issues) and 10 year kid here. It took me soo long to just accept they weren't born at a time where they can learn those things. Not saying it isn't possible just the opportunity is there for them not to. My 18 year old tells me that she hears me in her head telling her what she should do but she doesn't always listen seriously. All I can do is know my voice is there in her head. ;)

Sorry to hear for your frustration. You aren't alone. Try not to beat your self up for it. Just show them and tell them what they should do and hope it's enough ..

I'll usually respond on any topic of yours FYI ..hehe
They are a different generation bro. Really. You can teach them what we know and hands on etc but they aren't industrious people like we where .. are. 18 year old foster ( no different other than she had previous family issues) and 10 year kid here. It took me soo long to just accept they weren't born at a time where they can learn those things. Not saying it isn't possible just the opportunity is there for them not to. My 18 year old tells me that she hears me in her head telling her what she should do but she doesn't always listen seriously. All I can do is know my voice is there in her head. ;)

Sorry to hear for your frustration. You aren't alone. Try not to beat your self up for it. Just show them and tell them what they should do and hope it's enough ..

I'll usually respond on any topic of yours FYI ..hehe

Amen to all you said above.......He will have to learn the hard way. (like most of us):high-five:

Aloha Chron! Glad to see your journal is still going. I been MIA so you get first post since my hiatus lol.

We still gotta hang out when I get to the Islands again - Next year.
I'm gonna start another grow to get my mind of things once the beans come.
CBDcrew Critical Mass + CBDcrew Medihaze :D
Thanx for the rosin tech mr hemphog :thanks: im still playing with the method and will get it down im sure and as always the plants are looking amazing :cheer: im very excited to see your autoflower grow as ive just ordered some man. hope all is good in your world man dont let this generation get you down man!
Aloha Chron! Glad to see your journal is still going. I been MIA so you get first post since my hiatus lol.

We still gotta hang out when I get to the Islands again - Next year.
I'm gonna start another grow to get my mind of things once the beans come.
CBDcrew Critical Mass + CBDcrew Medihaze :D

lemme know when you get rolling Brotha:thumb:

Happy Skunkday Brother :high-five:

Thanx for the rosin tech mr hemphog :thanks: im still playing with the method and will get it down im sure and as always the plants are looking amazing :cheer: im very excited to see your autoflower grow as ive just ordered some man. hope all is good in your world man dont let this generation get you down man!

no worries its what were all here for well its not my auto's its started for someone well see what happens to them
I honestly have no room for them
the sour d and medi bomb 1 are gonna take over the tent soon good thing white Russian has 3 weeks left roughly
gonna be done then the 2 will probably fill the whole tent, got the dela haze behind those and gonna pop a gsc seed a week before delahaze goes into bloom, as I said well see what happens to the auto seeds/babies.
Thanks man:thumb:
ok I don't know whats been going on the last 3 or so weeks but everytime I have a lot to upload at once
after so many the thing just disconnects me and I cant connect till an hr or more later
its not my connection I can still go online elsewhere and do other things online
so I just wait till I can reconnect and I upload as much as I can before it cuts me off again
so I finally got done uploading so heres this weeks update :thumb:

Lets start off with white Russian














Sour Diesel






Medi Bomb 1










CS Project



Some Group Shots




so heres the Himalayan Blue Diesel auto seeds err something like that
threw 7 in 3 have tails so far 2 enough to go into rooting plugs but im gonna throw all 3 in rooting plugs and ill keep checking seeds as the days pass



so Bama has been asking about the light setup with the all thread
that I for the life of me cant remember who came up with the idea but it was spawned on this site



so you can see the eyelets for the lights to hang
the all thread goes through both eyes on one end
these a washer and nut on either side of each eyelet
theres also nuts and washer one either side of the hanger to keep it centered
you can adjust flat or even have angles with this setup and it only needs 2 points to mount
the idea for this for me is because I don't use yoyo hangers I need my lights as tight to the top as I can get them
I adjust the height of my pot to the light instead of the other way around

ok so I got some co2 oil gifted to me from a friend last night


I did a couple dabs co2 oil almost all taste the same unless they flavor it

ok thast it for this week Have a Great Week :thumb:
you handle having so many strains really well. i have a few different strains and having to work and stuff seems like i always start having problems about 4-5 weeks into flower. but the ladys are looking awesome

PS: i am having the same issue with uploading pics and with the site in general, seems to kick me off after a few uploads and then wont load for a bit. i hope :420: figures it out!!
you handle having so many strains really well. i have a few different strains and having to work and stuff seems like i always start having problems about 4-5 weeks into flower. but the ladys are looking awesome

PS: i am having the same issue with uploading pics and with the site in general, seems to kick me off after a few uploads and then wont load for a bit. i hope :420: figures it out!!

Thanks man I have to ask you say every time 4-5 weeks into bloom is there something your doing or something your not doing?
maybe change what your doing? I haven't a clue im not sure whats happening for you on those weeks
I know they really start to bloom at that point is that where your getting issues?
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