ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

Thanks man I have to ask you say every time 4-5 weeks into bloom is there something your doing or something your not doing?
maybe change what your doing? I haven't a clue im not sure whats happening for you on those weeks
I know they really start to bloom at that point is that where your getting issues?

I was sorta curious too as I am there now... ;)
Thanks man I have to ask you say every time 4-5 weeks into bloom is there something your doing or something your not doing?
maybe change what your doing? I haven't a clue im not sure whats happening for you on those weeks
I know they really start to bloom at that point is that where your getting issues?

oh yea forgot to mention maybe you just haven't seen the plants that went bad on me since this journal is so long lol
there is a few tho ones a sativa medi bomb 2 talk about scrawny structure
and there was this one an auto bomb that was another dissapointment less than 7 grams dried :rofl:
there may have been another 1 or two in there also those 2 stick out the most
of course im not keen on autos I have had at least 1 oz dried off autos but the smoke I didn't care for at all
haven't found a good one yet

I was sorta curious too as I am there now... ;)

well we will find out then :thumb:
thanx for the internest guys and i really want to get things down so i can really start playing with other things in my growing. and im actually thinking im haveing PH issues and need to give my plants a proper flush as i usually dont give them double the water to pot size and only give these light type flushes about twice throught the grow.

i checked runoff this week and it came out at 4.8 when i put in water at 5.8 when last week the runoff was reading 5.8. i am using a cheap less than 10 dollar PH meter, dont even have a TDS or EC meter so i've decided those are going to be my next investments with an RO system after that once i actually buy a home and dont rent. but i will be flushing the plants tomorrow with 5 gallons of water each PH'd at 5.8 and the last 1/2 gallon will be with nutes at 1/2 strength from the gen hydro perf pack with a TBS of Epsom salts. im going to make a vid tomorrow with a close up on the leaves and the flush so if you guys have a chance to watch let me know what i may be doing wrong :Namaste:
runoff? coco or soil?
I don't know about flushing but maybe every other water plain water
thanx for the internest guys and i really want to get things down so i can really start playing with other things in my growing. and im actually thinking im haveing PH issues and need to give my plants a proper flush as i usually dont give them double the water to pot size and only give these light type flushes about twice throught the grow.

i checked runoff this week and it came out at 4.8 when i put in water at 5.8 when last week the runoff was reading 5.8. i am using a cheap less than 10 dollar PH meter, dont even have a TDS or EC meter so i've decided those are going to be my next investments with an RO system after that once i actually buy a home and dont rent. but i will be flushing the plants tomorrow with 5 gallons of water each PH'd at 5.8 and the last 1/2 gallon will be with nutes at 1/2 strength from the gen hydro perf pack with a TBS of Epsom salts. im going to make a vid tomorrow with a close up on the leaves and the flush so if you guys have a chance to watch let me know what i may be doing wrong :Namaste:

Yah if it is soils my total rookie advice dont forget.....

Isn't ph suppose to be a little more in soil.? And Flush good yes plain water flush seems to be common in what little I have seen..well read. Love to help and will try but don't trust my shit I am a water boy.... sorry...

Gauges for me became an absolute must... I didnt buy expensive one's just the high quality imported goods from across the pond. I didn't trust myself and I was smart not to. But that being said I can guess now add my stuff and I am very close... My Chemist knowledge is growing ;) Get meters! (where's Vlad at? Comrade?)
oh yea forgot to mention maybe you just haven't seen the plants that went bad on me since this journal is so long lol
there is a few tho ones a sativa medi bomb 2 talk about scrawny structure
and there was this one an auto bomb that was another dissapointment less than 7 grams dried :rofl:
there may have been another 1 or two in there also those 2 stick out the most
of course im not keen on autos I have had at least 1 oz dried off autos but the smoke I didn't care for at all
haven't found a good one yet

We all have all that stuff go on. I killed off half my crappy bag seed and have no idea if it was me or not but I sure get better results now that I killed half of em. ;) Rather them then when my seed order is placed.
Read what you want ,hands on you can attest all those 7 gm plants told you stuff and gave you the power to do the White Russian stuff!

now auto stuff I have no clue yet still researching the generic side and strains ;/ I don't think I will try any for now cause I like to tell my plant when to flower based on size so far. (the plan)
Great Update Cronic. Plants all look amazing. :)
damn kids these days wtf you know their all like wtf dad mow and take out the trash. All in one day come on dad. :)

Meters are a solid investment and a great tool for understanding what your plants want and need.

well I been working with a ph meter since I started dwc and with the nutes im using theres
a lot of room for error so since the room is so big the errors are few in between knock on wood
woody bring your head here so I can knock on it lol j/k
seriously tho I work with what I have I will eventually buy a ppm meter just out of curiosity
to see what I run and how far I can push some plants with the nutes im using :thumb:

Got that same problem, CHH. Uploading pics one at a time works about 75% of the time right now on my end, but it's a pain.
Nice looking plants! :)

yea hopefully they fix it Mahalo Brotha :thumb:

Yah if it is soils my total rookie advice dont forget.....

Isn't ph suppose to be a little more in soil.? And Flush good yes plain water flush seems to be common in what little I have seen..well read. Love to help and will try but don't trust my shit I am a water boy.... sorry...

Gauges for me became an absolute must... I didnt buy expensive one's just the high quality imported goods from across the pond. I didn't trust myself and I was smart not to. But that being said I can guess now add my stuff and I am very close... My Chemist knowledge is growing ;) Get meters! (where's Vlad at? Comrade?)

you could run your soil at 6.5-7 and be safe
the soil grows ive done ive never checked ph I just grow it in soil lol
I do more checking in hydro than I do for soil I kinda let the plant do its thing in soil unless it tells me something :thumb:

We all have all that stuff go on. I killed off half my crappy bag seed and have no idea if it was me or not but I sure get better results now that I killed half of em. ;) Rather them then when my seed order is placed.
Read what you want ,hands on you can attest all those 7 gm plants told you stuff and gave you the power to do the White Russian stuff!

now auto stuff I have no clue yet still researching the generic side and strains ;/ I don't think I will try any for now cause I like to tell my plant when to flower based on size so far. (the plan)

I still don't like auto
is all I have to say about that lol
if these im popping OMM donrt want im trying to think what im gonna do with em
maybe ill sneak em somewhere and just let em grow wild lol

:passitleft: High Cronic... If either of my boys ever listened to anything I told them I would probably pass out....:rollingeyes:....:circle-of-love:

yea once they reach a certain age ugh :rofl:

I love admiring such a pretty garden :)

Mahalo Brotha :Namaste:
Got that same problem, CHH. Uploading pics one at a time works about 75% of the time right now on my end, but it's a pain.
Nice looking plants! :)
Try a different browser I use mozilla here cause I was having troubles with Chrome here...and everywhere really... Possible is all...
I was using my ie initially ended up with opera now issues with that im sure other people are using other platforms
I'm using FireFox in TOR and everything is hunky-dory. :)

I've been kind of hoping you'd be starting a new journal CHH so I could get in on the ground floor. I just can't read 416 pages to catch up on this one or my head would explode. :)

I'll wander back through the last bunch but not tonight. Bit over-medicated.

I'm using FireFox in TOR and everything is hunky-dory. :)

I've been kind of hoping you'd be starting a new journal CHH so I could get in on the ground floor. I just can't read 416 pages to catch up on this one or my head would explode. :)

I'll wander back through the last bunch but not tonight. Bit over-medicated.


its perpetual so anywhere to jump in is fine theres always something starting and ending
ill start a new journal and end this one when I finally can partition the room I have my tent in which now will take longer since I have to redo the bathroom in the house first, so this one will go awhile longer maybe close to the end of the year then a new perpetual with the room build for the start of the journal :thumb:
I am taking a smoke and frappuccino break so I had to stop by and see what you been up to brotha. Everything you doing looking outstanding like always. I hope you and the family is doing well. I wish you all the best and talk soon. :passitleft:
I am taking a smoke and frappuccino break so I had to stop by and see what you been up to brotha. Everything you doing looking outstanding like always. I hope you and the family is doing well. I wish you all the best and talk soon. :passitleft:

im at a point wehre I can keep smoking dab whatever and I cant get past a certain point maybe its time to take a break I need to quit these cigs anyway
well ill think about it itll be soon at least the cigs lol
Families Great I hope yours is too well at least some of the families great lol
love what your doing looking forward to seeing it all come together :thumb:
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