Chump's First Indoor

Day 16 of flowering

Here's some pics. I have some close ups of the nute burn. All of our plants are now showing at least a leaf or two of nute burn. I don't think it's much to worry about. Aroma and Diesel are showing pistels! Big Bang is not showing sex yet.

1. Diesel; you can see a yellow leaf under the canopy. Probably just because it's not getting much light under there. And a little nute burn.




2. Aroma; she's doing good, a little nute burn, but lots of bud sites.




3. Big Bang; growing tall, with fat leaves. She's got some discolorization on one leaf, that I'm not sure what it is. It doesn't look like the nute burn the others have. I also added a third rope to her limbs because she's growing outa control.



Looking good so far. Looks as though some of the spots are possibly from residue from watering. If it gets on the leaves and isn't rinsed off, it can cause discoloration and spots. Otherwise, you are doing a great job.
Big Bang is already turned her head to the light. I think she's gowing the fastest. I would say an maybe inch a day. I just tied her down last night, and she looks like she's almost ready for more ropes.
We're just finishing off the harvest from the last 3 plants. Of course, we have trimmings to make butter with for Christmas. :slide: We're going to have to time it, so that we're harvesting just when we're finishing the last harvest. I'll figure it out soon.
I'd try using 3 or 4 at a time. Oh and I find using 'brushed cotton' and 'vanilla' together make a pleasant sent :peace:

High there Ms. chump stain! Thanks for stopping by my journal, and I'm having a very pleasant time reading yours. I've learned a few things and haven't even finished your first journal yet. I'm loving how your indoor plants look with their lst! So you like the room deodorizer hmm? I might have to try one out, see what it's like. Thanks DFW-guy for the recommendation.

Well keep up the good work and I'll be around for the smoke report! :cheer:
Thanks Greenblood! and welcome to my journal.
Yeah, I picked up 3 more cans of it today. I now have all the flavors, orange, vanilla, and laundry flavored :smokin: I have 3 of them going, and saving 1 for when it gets really dank.

The smoke report is going to be fun! Especially since we have 3 different strains going. Trying to pick out 3 more for when this one is finished is really hard. There is so many that I want to try!
Hey guys, I'm just wondering. We have an extra room in our basement, it's kind of like a cellar. It goes under our front porch. The only problem is, it seems kind of damp, and cold. It's probably 50 or so degrees fahrenheit in there. How much effort would have to be put into it to make it a growable enviroment? There is no ventilation, or heat. Would the bulbs put out enough heat to warm it up a bit? I would probably use CFLs again.
Well, I wouldn't really want to cut a hole in the door. And I would be worried when the lights are off, that it would get too cold down there. I think we would only use it in the winter. During the summer, I plan on growing outdoors. It would be a sweet set up though. And it would be far enough away, as to not stink so much.

What about getting like a de-humidifier, a fan, and small heat source? I do have a little portable space heater, with a thermostat on it. I could set up a timer for it to go on when the lights go out. The room is solid concrete brick with a wooden door. I'm sure they would need fresh air though. So I probably would have to vent the door, right?
If that gap does lead to the outside, I'd use it to draw air into the grow area, via an exhaust fan running stale air out through the door via an attached carbon scrubber. The only issue I can think of is warming the cool air temp to a constant 75-78. Just my two cents worth.
Hi Ms. chump stain:grinjoint:

Remember way back when we first started talking?
Those two things (no air in. no air out) really did me in.
Sooooo, if you can somehow to do that, you would have a great grow room.
Hope you find a way to do it.:cheer:
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