Cultivators Cultivation High Quality Yields

Is that your motivation for participating in a sport like that?

I've often wondered what it was that made people do activities that damage the body so much.
hahahaha i know what its like mate. i was training for a fight in october last year and i threw an inside leg kick but my training partner blocked it and i smashed my toes off his knee. i was nearly sick with the pain. it turned out id broke my foot in several places. yet a still trained but because my foot movement was slow i got tagged with a vicious right hook breaking from a clinch which fractured my jaw! I fought 2 weeks later (never told my camp about jaw til after the fight) and i TKO'd the lad in 63 seconds, i didnt notice the pain then! haha

you got any tips and tricks on healing damage? i generally use the Rest,ice,compression & elevation method for all my bumps and scrapes and i swear by epsom salt baths for drawing out toxins and helping cuts heal clean.
i do lots of high octane sports that involve risk. its the thrill of it. motocross racing, fighting, skydiving, abseiling, climbing, mountain biking. I also compete in biathlons and triathlons and running.

Fighting is slightly different, although i enjoy the adrenaline its more of being the best i can be. theres no where to hide in combat sports, its me and the opponent. If i havent trained correctly it will show and there is only one winner. it keeps me sharp, a bad day fighting means getting ko'd. The fighting is acyually the easiest part of fighting believe it or not, its the gym wars and constant repetitions in the gym that break ur body down and affects u mentally aswell. i had to do iron man training today. 1 10minute round where a new sparring partner jumps in every minute. it really demoralises me as i cant win, its pure survivial. but it makes me stronger knowing i can get through that. its weird, i guess only fighters know what its like. Its a tough sport with little money involved outside of the ufc. but i love it!
the 12 on 5 off 1 on and 6 off has really worked good for me with every strain i have done. the abc current grow i did it that way. i have done 18/6 with the same clones in a diferent labs many times with side by side comparasons and have proven it with diferent strains that the plant stays in veg and looks much more healthier then more then 13 hrs of light continous with sativas indicas and hybreds with both dominant traits. one thing i know is some hybreds [most] actually respond to 1 day of dark before flipping way better then others.[less stretch] but this abc grow i didnot do the 1 day of dark which i did last time i grew the aurora indoors. my stretch was crazy big[normal] and now i realized i should of done the 1 day of darkness. i had no choice but to chop and top 2 times in this grow which you all know i hate to trim if i can train them instead, i love this journal on this subject and i have done much experimentation with it. my favorite type of grow is a strait 12/12 from seed which i normally do and have been doing since the early/mid 1980's. one thing i know for sure is that the plant really only sees red light as its trigger for probigation and blue light for veg. my 12/12 grows are all done on 85% red light and 15% of blue/full spectrum. and i use uv too which at this time is only in the undergrowth for mold/bac and fungus controll in combo with a small undergrowth fan. just my take/2cents.
i do lots of high octane sports that involve risk. its the thrill of it. motocross racing, fighting, skydiving, abseiling, climbing, mountain biking. I also compete in biathlons and triathlons and running.

Fighting is slightly different, although i enjoy the adrenaline its more of being the best i can be. theres no where to hide in combat sports, its me and the opponent. If i havent trained correctly it will show and there is only one winner. it keeps me sharp, a bad day fighting means getting ko'd. The fighting is acyually the easiest part of fighting believe it or not, its the gym wars and constant repetitions in the gym that break ur body down and affects u mentally aswell. i had to do iron man training today. 1 10minute round where a new sparring partner jumps in every minute. it really demoralises me as i cant win, its pure survivial. but it makes me stronger knowing i can get through that. its weird, i guess only fighters know what its like. Its a tough sport with little money involved outside of the ufc. but i love it!

Sounds like the high school I went to :skeptical:
Wiz, thanks for answering my question and sharing your source. I've read that article too, but I still have a different opinion on the "ruining the genetics" part, and don't buy all that Daniel is selling in this particular regard. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just sharing how I feel (nothing against you!).

How does his theory explain the many wonderful cuts that have been around so long, just as potent, delicious and magnificent as the original mom from 20 years ago... the OG Kush's of the world. Medicines that are measured by computers to still be very potent and known to have great reputation for amazing flavor, smell, experience. I don't hear people saying it's been weakened or screwed up over time -- it still blows your freakin' mind! Perhaps, it could be even better - I guess that's what we're to take from that? Mehhh.

How many of you have had "clone burnout" here, or heard of it happening - aside from perhaps articles like this?! I'm okay if I'm wrong, here, but I feel like I've seen a mountain of evidence to contradict these... "facts". I'm not meaning to bash GLR, but there are some claims that seem very much more like opinion to me - and not supported by observable fact. This is one of them IMO.

Please don't take offense Wiz, it's not you - it's the source material I'm questioning, and I'm happy to be proven wrong if that's possible. If it's true I want to know that and learn from it. Does that make sense? Just a healthy skeptic!


Here you go X. I took the time to bold the facts!

By Daniel Boughen Observing Natural Cycles
During the course of my observations growing cannabis, I’ve realized that factors such as clone burn-out appear to suggest that overexposure to light is adversely affecting the hormonal balance from the growing plants and resulting in the genetics of the cuts and seedlings to degrade over the course of several generations. Cannabis seems quite happy when the hormones are allowed to properly build up more throughout a natural outdoor vegetative cycle, and this may give rise to more balanced amounts of THC and CBD, producing a better reaction to triggering, and better-quality medicinal cannabis being grown.
Hey Evo! So, that sounds like you are getting more nodes, shorter height in veg? Requiring more veg time to get size up, but having more budsites perhaps? And then, you are getting less stretch in flower - did I read that right? Good feedback, Evo, just want to make sure I understood correctly and I'm curious. :) Glad Cultivator brought this topic up, this feedback is all intriguing/interesting to me, too.

Hey X,yes more and tighter nodes.And the rest of your statment stands true.I guess the main thing is to know your strain or strains that you are growing so you can consider timeframes hight etc.I grow perpetual SOG under 400w hps and use GLR.If you recall recently was enquireing in Mr. Krips journal about the PE.Don't post much as you know.Hope what I have helps some one.:thumb:
An interesting debate about GLR not that i've used it but for the following reasons.

In fact i use 16/8 for veg !

We must look at the hormone called auxin this is related to plant growth & is light sensitive as in the hormone auxin degrades over time with light & replensishes during the dark hours where we often see more growth the next day once plants are inspected !

So in theory the longer the dark hours the more growth... 24/0 sucks balls if ya ask me :thumb:

This may lead to why some growers may include 24 to 48 hours total darkness before entering flowering as it promotes the hormone auxin which may trigger initiation of flowering quicker.

More so on already sexed clones taken from a female mother plant than a plant grown from seed !

Another reason where i do not use GLR is that some strains may start to flower with a 14/10 lighting regime, we're talking programmed genetics from what ever mother/father plants the strain derived from or land race ?

Sativas & indicas come from different parts of world where natural day light hours differ ! thats kind of in the genetics of the seed & how it reponds to artificial lighting timing, as we live in world where MJ has been cross breed so many times to form X strain or what ever the lines of flowering time have become blurred ! all with in reason tho.

I've only seen a couple of minor case's of GLR inducing flowering & i mean minor !

I would also like to mention the age of the bulb used for vegging !

Bulb light degrades over time thus making the bulb less effecient in age which may effect plant growth rate !

That is Fuzzys 2 pence worth, i would say 2 cents but i'm not from america & the flag upon Fuzzys chest would suggest where i'm from :peace:
Good points Fuzzy, plus, sometimes people confuse pre-flowers in veg (due to hormone build-up) as "my plant went into flower, help!" when it's just showing sexual maturity due to hormone build-up by displaying pistil pairings. Many of the posts I see or questions I get, this is the underlying behavior, not truly "flowering", though as you mention some strains may indeed start flowering.

Interesting that you mention bulbs... Old bulbs can cause hormone build up too, due to insufficient light that teeters the plant on whether to flower. There are SO MANY factors that affect these issues, it's tough to tell how much is attributable to GLR both in terms of good or bad. You just named one I had forgotten with bulbs - thanks!

I've speculated aloud for a while now, that I think 16/8 might give some quick flip benefits like GLR, due to hormone build-up. Glad to hear from someone doing it!
Wiz, thanks for answering my question and sharing your source. I've read that article too, but I still have a different opinion on the "ruining the genetics" part, and don't buy all that Daniel is selling in this particular regard. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just sharing how I feel (nothing against you!).

How does his theory explain the many wonderful cuts that have been around so long, just as potent, delicious and magnificent as the original mom from 20 years ago... the OG Kush's of the world. Medicines that are measured by computers to still be very potent and known to have great reputation for amazing flavor, smell, experience. I don't hear people saying it's been weakened or screwed up over time -- it still blows your freakin' mind! Perhaps, it could be even better - I guess that's what we're to take from that? Mehhh.

How many of you have had "clone burnout" here, or heard of it happening - aside from perhaps articles like this?! I'm okay if I'm wrong, here, but I feel like I've seen a mountain of evidence to contradict these... "facts". I'm not meaning to bash GLR, but there are some claims that seem very much more like opinion to me - and not supported by observable fact. This is one of them IMO.

Please don't take offense Wiz, it's not you - it's the source material I'm questioning, and I'm happy to be proven wrong if that's possible. If it's true I want to know that and learn from it. Does that make sense? Just a healthy skeptic!
well said X, this pk pheno I have has been passed around Canada for many years.It originated in B.C and im around 3000 km from there,it traveled that far in clone form and has been passed around Toronto for several years now.Its hands down the best pk ive ever smoked so im with you on this one.a clone is a genetic twin of its mother no matter how many times you do it in my opinion. when I used to grow sog back in the 90's i had the same Northern Lights #5 mother for 5 years, I literally cloned that plant 1000's of times and I never saw any differences in quality over the years.
if clones weakend over time my 2 AMS mothers wouldbe fucked! i take around 300-400 cuttings per month from them over the last 3 years. so around 15000 cuttings per plant per year. i see no degradation at all, i just see beautiful healthy plants that produce high resin buds. the greenhouse seed gro video for AMS states its there highest selling strain for commercial purposes as it can yield in 6 weeks if u want. I cant post the vid as ive be warned from 420 that im not allowed as greenhouse seeds isnt a sponsor. but point is i have taken thousands of cuttings from good genetics that havent reduced in quality over time.

i veg 3 weeks max and put to shame folk who veg twice as long in terms of yield and quality like for like. so for me GLR isnt the way.
welcome fied please leave criticism and points of view where u feel. i wont bite hahahaha

I don't leave much advice in the grow journals of others. You don't need my help anyway. lol

I also agree with you about Mother plants and the clones not losing their potency over time. If that were the case my oldest Snow White mother would be FOOKED! It's 4+ years old and has given me thousands of cuts.

Just personal experience.

May all your buds be dense.
I don't leave much advice in the grow journals of others. You don't need my help anyway. lol

I also agree with you about Mother plants and the clones not losing their potency over time. If that were the case my oldest Snow White mother would be FOOKED! It's 4+ years old and has given me thousands of cuts.

Just personal experience.

May all your buds be dense.

"Hey over here" pic me pic me, I'm raising my hand eagerly!!! 420fied, LMAO!!
I know the answer to this one. This is Not a theory its proven tested fact, you can take a clone from a clone and there should be no degrading/change in genitics at all "clones" are exactly that "clones" It has been done up to 30 times with no signs of any genetic alterations.
oh im the biggest adrenaline junky going haha
I will give some competition there C. LOL! I've been doin the "dew" since it was released!!!! I drink as my water supplement. LMAO!!! that means no water, just dew. my own built in very high metabolism. I gotta go go go all the time!!! I can become completely cluster fucked in the head, sometimes its to much shit rolling around in there, LOL! thinking five steps ahead I usually skip 2, :rofl:
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