Cultivators Cultivation High Quality Yields

I thought they would work well in your favor since your lamps are 600w = over 1000w each right? I dont think it has anything to do with the strain. They would be tighter if you were able to lower the lights closer to the canopy. I usually keep my lights right over top of the plant and then raise it threw growth.

Heres a pic of the nod spacing running GLR. Under a T5.
No experience to speak on other matter. But it seems a fresh.seed started on such would show the most benefit. I'd venture to guess it was possibly the shock in the light change it had known for generations that put it a bit behind?

Again no experience just a guess lol. Maybe try a side by side from seed?
I thought they would work well in your favor since your lamps are 600w = over 1000w each right? I dont think it has anything to do with the strain. They would be tighter if you were able to lower the lights closer to the canopy. I usually keep my lights right over top of the plant and then raise it threw growth.

Heres a pic of the nod spacing running GLR. Under a T5.
800 to 1200 umols is ideal for flowering canabis. my lights are 800 umols at 28 inches from the canopy, right now they are maybe 14-16 inches from the canopy.I dont need them closer I need them farther lol
To answer the question as I have run both schedules over the course of growing I would not say that GLR produces faster growth unless you are talking about just a pure nodal count. I noticed that my nodes were tighter and created a bushier plant that I had to lst in a cross type fashion. This allows for new shoots to form tightly in the center of the plant and created tight node spacing through out. But I can only say that this was the case with a male plant as that is the only one I have taken all the way to flower at this point when using GLR. I am running the ladies in mu 3rd grow on GLR right now but started on an 18/6 schedule as there were autos in the tent at the time and my test with the autos did not fair well, which is an entirely different matter. I will say that if you are sexing clones from a GLR schedule plant they show while rooting a heck of alot quicker as do the main plants when put into flower. So that is my opinion on this matter. I also only use a T5 for veg and GLR. When I switch the ladies to the closet and 12/12 I use my 400w MH for the first 2 weeks to limit stretch and then run my 400w HPS.
Ok well i have to say anybody who says you will get 50% quicker growth is bullshitting! Never experienced anything like that! Infact i would say they grow the same overall. Some strains may be quicker some not and in the reading i did it was stated that some strains just will not accept this lighting schedule as well as others. Infact some strains have actually entered flower stage completely. I certainly have found shorter nodes on my plants. Anymore than that is hard for me to comment on as my grow revolves around straight from clone to the flower room so no vegging at all.
I know for sure you have plenty of experience with your grows and your strain and know what works for you. If it works great, if not move on. I will say for me to keep my modest size mother alive and producing with minimal power consumption and also to root my clones under it has saved me a bucket load not only in juice(power) but also CO2.

Would love to offer more but i simply dont have any more experience with it for vegging for any length of time.

Only thing i did notice when i changed to GLR originally on a previous grow was that the plants took a few weeks to fully adjust to the new light schedule before they really grew the same as my old 18/6.
2nd GLR run here.

the first grow used 4 wks veg. 2 were older clones and 1 was just sprouted, but they all showed hairs 7-10days 12/12

second grow, 3 seedlings 4 wks veg also, but one showed hairs 2 weeks, one in 3 weeks and one runt of a White Rhino about 3.5 weeks 12/12

So its 50/50 on the showing hairs sooner so far.

But I think the growth is awesome. Tight nodes.

IMO, it doesn't hurt as far as I can tell, and it saves a bit of electric.

I never do 18/6 anyway. I normally do 16/8 in the past, and normally see hairs in 10-14 days.
I've noticed that my early maturing strains require longer veg because they show sex almost right away with very little stretch. My longer maturing strains still have some stretch ,just not as much.You would need to ajust veg depending on strain.:peace:
There are a lot of factors that affect growth and node spacing. Environmental factors like humidity and temperature, night-time temperature, watering frequency, distance from the light source, bug pressure, co2, etc. Different strains behave... differently. To know for sure, a clone vs. clone grow in same environment with same strains is the way to go, and the only way to really know for certain. I'm considering focusing more on testing like this in the future, since I'm just growing for myself, and can live with meager yields if needed as a result.

Wiz, I don't know where you got the info about 18/6 clones destroying genetics over time, but I don't really buy it with all due respect. Maybe I'm wrong - do you have a source for that? Many strains now, especially, are bred specifically for 18/6 conditions as a lot of breeding is done indoors. Strains like OG Kush have been cloned thousands of times over many years, many grown indoors, and the cuts are still superb. I'd venture to say that many if not most were grown under 18/6. Just my 2 cents, but I'm open to learning something new...

I saw you asked my opinion on this in my thread too, C. So I figured I would copy/paste my response from there. I realize it doesn't quite fit the criteria you were looking for, because I've only done it one round and was making many changes, but I have a few opinions - and they seem pretty consistent with a lot of others who've commented on it:

Hi Cultivator -

I did the Gas Lantern Routine (I've always known it as the 12-1 technique, but same thing) once, so I don't have a ton of feedback on it, but a little. For me, I just didn't notice much difference really. Nothing that I could really hang my hat on, and point to with confidence to say "yeah thats' way better!". It's tough though, because soon after I started trying to focus on more haze plants for a bit, which grow a little differently. Couple that with seasonal environment differences and I was using all new equipment and set-up at the time, and I can't honestly give it a true thumbs-up or thumbs-down. I didn't see any major downside to it, either. I thought the growth rate was similar to 18/6 in general, but who knows with all the changes I was making at the time.

This often sparks a debate, but I also see very little difference between 24/0 and 18/6 when it comes to veg. I was against 24/0 until I did it. Like many growing myths, it's not true that plants necessarily struggle or don't grow well under 24/0. They may do a little better under 18/6 imo, but I don't think it's dramatic personally.

The one thing I thought was a bit better with GLR (also 18/6 vs. 24/0), was how quickly my plants transitioned to flower. They also nearly all "pre-flowered" in veg under GLR, so it seemed they were a bit more ready to go at the flip. I've seen this in other journals here, too - very quick transition to flower. As you mention, it's also a great way to save money. It's much cheaper, and stealthier, to go this way (I'm sure it's a less tell-tale power usage). The size claims, I'll have to leave to others. I didn't see that (again just one grow though).

I wish I could give you more, but that's the straight scoop and my opinion from my very limited experience with it. It is something I wouldn't mind experimenting with more again, but I've just been putting it off for some reason. I'm really interested in hearing your experience with it. I would guess also that indicas would like it better than sativas, which seem to want more light to stay in veg state sometimes. Glad you shared your experience, it adds to the collective pool of things - even if it seems contrary to what others are seeing a bit.

I was hoping to get some feedback from Mr Smith on this. If you haven't read Mr Smiths grows here, by the way, you should. A real hydro guru, and probably who I've learned more from than anyone on hydro and growing in general. He grows larger scale like you, and yields well. Last I heard, he was planning on giving it a shot (GLR), but then he kind of disappeared for a bit. I do expect him back eventually, he sometimes disappears but usually comes back - I'm curious as to what he's got to say on it. I know many here seem to like it.

I've noticed that my early maturing strains require longer veg because they show sex almost right away with very little stretch. My longer maturing strains still have some stretch ,just not as much.You would need to ajust veg depending on strain.:peace:

Hey Evo! So, that sounds like you are getting more nodes, shorter height in veg? Requiring more veg time to get size up, but having more budsites perhaps? And then, you are getting less stretch in flower - did I read that right? Good feedback, Evo, just want to make sure I understood correctly and I'm curious. :) Glad Cultivator brought this topic up, this feedback is all intriguing/interesting to me, too.
so what most of u are saying is theres no real difference am i right? its really not working for me growing super lemon haze, big bang regular and AMS, plants are healthy dont get me wrong but im nearly 2 weeks over my regular veg time. the only thing that i have changed is the lighting.

whizz thats nice growth on plants but without making this a pissing contest i can show u way faster growth under regular lighting. i think in my last journal i showed differences or in journal before that, i cant remeber lol.

i'll persevere with the glr this round but for me its slowed the veg time down which isnt suitable to how i grow. i havent noticed any change in plant health.
so what most of u are saying is theres no real difference am i right? its really not working for me growing super lemon haze, big bang regular and AMS, plants are healthy dont get me wrong but im nearly 2 weeks over my regular veg time. the only thing that i have changed is the lighting.

whizz thats nice growth on plants but without making this a pissing contest i can show u way faster growth under regular lighting. i think in my last journal i showed differences or in journal before that, i cant remeber lol.

i'll persevere with the glr this round but for me its slowed the veg time down which isnt suitable to how i grow. i havent noticed any change in plant health.

I have seen no slower growth in veg using glr. I do see quicker startup on flip to 12/12 for flowering. Maybe 4-5 days faster pistils. And the $$ savings for electric is worth it imo. Honestly I've seen no reason to not use glr.
i dont really fill your pre requisites of someone you would listen to on this...but im above average on the old wisdom front and i have given GLR some considerable time in research and a little experimentation of my own just to confirm findings.
here is my unique take on it.

for the perspective of a man...GLR is the same as being teased by a sexy girl so that you end up spending the whole day walking round with a semi ;)

50% faster veg time is utter nonsense. glr basically fools the plant into growing like a 12/12. but then screws with the hormones to prevent it finishing entering flower mode.

what this is meant to do in spirit is MERGE the veg and stretch periods so that when you do flip to flowering you get very little stretch.
its my understanding that you dont get a great amount of added vigour as its just trying to grow the same as 12/12 which can be a little bit faster than normal vegging lights as the flower thinks it needs to be in a rush.

unlike what others say, im CERTAIN that strain plays a huge role.
the differences are more subtle with regs, but from growing things like semi automatics whose flip line is 18/6 you realise that the exact hours of a GLR system should actually be dialled in to what THAT strain finds perfect.

if you have a strain that will flower under 13 hours of light...or one that does a much better job at 14 hours of darkness than 12....neither of those would recieve maximum benefit on a fixed GLR copy and paste. the grower needs to dial it in.

its all about that 'semi'. even 20 mins of light too much or not enough could make a difference in performence depending on the strains behaviour to light.

anyways theres my thoughts on the matter...almost no subsantiation, but definatly plenty of food for thought =)
i dont know if youve done much on using far red light? apparently its been known to other types of gardening for time as a way to force early flowering.

anyways things like GLR need to be looked at properly, no plant expects the sun to suddenly flip back up into the sky for an hour in the middle of the night, that would freak even humans out, lol.

i reckon a humble 13 hours of light but bathed in far red so it thinks its at years end may be just as effective and efficient as glr.. sigh so much work to be done ;)
i can see why some people like it. but for me anything over 3 weeks in veg is too long for an indoor plant, unless u are growing 1 or 2 large plants. but i have a system that works very well for me. ive just been shown a comparisson by some one whos plants are on day 30 in veg and the way i do it theres no comparrison. however i respect the likes of bassman who has similar grow style to myself and he makes it work. 18/6 gives results guaranteed so i'll be sticking by that.
Hey cultivator, If you dont mind could you put whats in your res in my journal mate so I have it myself. Thanks for all that mate. It obviously works for you.

Cant rep you did for the GLR info.

Can some one get Cultivator for me , he going out his way with info! :bravo:
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