Cultivators Cultivation High Quality Yields

ive only gone and crushed my ph meter again! thats 5 bluelab ph meters ive gone through in a year. They are really really good meters, the best ive used by far, ph still reads the same after 4 weeks no prob. But they not cheap. im going to have to learn to be less clumsy! so another £65 to pull out ($100).
how longs a piece of string? is that 8 litres? U wont get and dont want large plants in those size pots. personally i'd be looking at 1-1.5' tall and wide. the iws systems are good mate but u'd have to order from the uk thats the trouble. i use 12 and 24 pot systems. they are 21 litre buckets and u can get good size plants out of them. i rarely grow over 3' but more like 2'. they be good for scrogging. what size pots do u use in ur drip system? why are u thinking of changing?
just as an after thought jon. all u really need is the control bucket. u have a res and the drain lines o ur current system will hook up to the control unit. so u could change the system u have by simply removing the drippers and adding a control unit. that would be cheapest and most sensible option. why buy a full system when u have the foundation set up, unless ofcourse u are looking to set another grow away. IMO u want at least 20litre pots or bigger for ur grow style.
it seems the 2 pots at the end of the screen never drain right they are always half full and the 2 plants in them are always not as happy as the rest.I think it has something to do with the uneven floors in my basement(old house) I really like the idea of the water being pumped in and pumped out, it takes gravity out of the equasion. I bought the low profile res hoping this would help and I guess I wont know for sure until next round when the roots are under control. My style of system is as old as hydroponics I was thinking these newer systems would work better for me. idk bro im just frustrated right now lol...Im tired of fucking around with it trying to get it to run the way it should. being able to pump the water in and out would solve my problems im just not sure how to incorperate something like that into my system.
Jon, I use the Ebb&Gro. You can push the plant size with the smaller buckets since it's hydro, but C is right, if you're gonna make monster bushes, you might want bigger buckets. That being said. My plants will have vegged in their buckets for 5(?) weeks before flipping to 12/12. I'll have to go double check my notes to see exactly how long they have been in there. My growth has not been optimal as it's a new room and I've had to dial everything in (temps mostly), so it's maybe not the best example.

If you can get CAP products there, they also make an Ebb Monster. Same system, but uses 5g buckets. I've not used the Titan system, but I've not heard a single detractor from the claim that it's the best. I will be trying the Titan in the future, but for now the Ebb&Gro is what I have and it's working for me so far.
Finnally made my way over here C, will get myself caught up and bits and stay subbed for the end :cheer: :cheer:

+rep for the strain hunters video Love those guys, literally the perfect job. :Namaste:
Actually the titan system is and isn't a gravity feed system. It won't gravity feed until either the pump comes on in the controller or the pump comes on in the res.
There is no need to worry about the controller box ever getting wet as its sealed. I wash mine in thw rub after every grow and no issues. Plus I like the fact that it has a 3 year warranty.

yeah its pump fed but gravity drained.
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