Curso's True High Brix!

Hi Curso,

With your talent for eyeballing, I wonder how this girl looks to you. Mongrel unknown grown indoors under LEDs in HB-ish soil, with just water and occasional worm tea - 10 days into flower. Brought her outside just for pics. Hope it's okay to ask here.
It looks pretty f'in nice to me bro :)


This is in a "Just add water" Cannabis Soil - is it okay to discuss non-sponsors? It seems pretty good. I went from 2gal to 4gal a month ago, and I'm just hoping that will be enough soil for a good finish
Hey Curso!! Wow the tent is looking amazing, some frosty nugs up in there!!!! Cool photos of the root trimming/pruning too. Never thought of doing it to clones but now I will definitely give it a try :)
Looking forward to the drop.

Hope your new endeavors are going well for you.
Thanks bro, I went back to work at the convention center its crazy busy and the best paying job around with no responsibility other than cooking the food :) We're setting a record for a plated dinner tomorrow. The exact record I am unsure of. However it has something to do with the system of plating and warming for 5000 ppl, the previous record is like 1000 ppl. Should be fun :) I am actually really enjoying myself there. My buddy is the Executive Chef and they are in the process of finishing a 300 million renovation, which included a brand new state of the art kitchen. That makes things fun when you use equipment that works as it should.

Let me tell you guys this...If you haven't tried a bulletproof coffee...its the greatest thing to work on ever. I never run out of energy. Its funny what happens when you have nuts, berries, coconut oil, grass fed butter and...Cannabis. Nothing makes the day go faster than a 2 o'clock bp coffee and a cookie. I call it my attitude adjustment ;)...
Well...We fed about 30k ppl in the last 2 weeks. Had blast breaking the record for re-thermed plated sit down dinner. We served 4200 ppl this year (a small one I have done them with over 10k ppl) in less than 20 minutes. All beautifully sauced and hot. My grow suffered however. I managed to kill all my clones, no biggie. Everything else is banging. Today is my first day off since I've gone back to work. So, pics and all that jazz as I get into it. The Lost Coast Hashplant is awesome, I can't wait to see it bloom. The sour diesel and AK are also doing amazing (these are all started 2-1) they should end up some nice plants.

My flower tent man, going back to work was the best thing that could have happened to my grow. At least this time around. Having that shitty yield last round would have had me pulling these early. I just scored some Pineapple Skunk from the hydro grow that I really enjoy smoking. So its allowing me to let these plants go for a few. The 2 OPP are shaping up really nice as are the Underdog OG and the SD #2. This Sd#2 is a more sativa dom pheno, the one in veg is an indica dom and has been doing very well in hydro. Well enough that its not for sale, its personal. I might move some things along in my tents sometime this weekend I have 3 days off.

Pics soon nonetheless....:peacetwo::bigtoke::peacetwo:
So while we were doing that big plated dinner last weekend there were the corp chefs from the oven manufacture there (super cool guys) they made a comment to me that I thought I'd share because it's all due to the Bulletproof coffee/diet and cannabis. We were having a beer after the event was over, one of the chefs had been there for 3 days with us and said to me..."dude you have the most energy I have ever seen in one person"...I always laugh now when I have to explain to a to eat. My buddy laughed when I told him this and said..."weren't you stoned the whole time too"....The answer was yes...I have all my fellow workers on coconut oil now...They're sold too. I'm sold too, BP coffee + an ediable (I made some cinnamon muffin's) best energy ever. It's all what you eat folks. If you eat for enjoyment all the time, you'll never really enjoy food. If you eat for energy throughout your day then enjoyment once a day, food tastes much better.
So while we were doing that big plated dinner last weekend there were the corp chefs from the oven manufacture there (super cool guys) they made a comment to me that I thought I'd share because it's all due to the Bulletproof coffee/diet and cannabis. We were having a beer after the event was over, one of the chefs had been there for 3 days with us and said to me..."dude you have the most energy I have ever seen in one person"...I always laugh now when I have to explain to a to eat. My buddy laughed when I told him this and said..."weren't you stoned the whole time too"....The answer was yes...I have all my fellow workers on coconut oil now...They're sold too. I'm sold too, BP coffee + an ediable (I made some cinnamon muffin's) best energy ever. It's all what you eat folks. If you eat for enjoyment all the time, you'll never really enjoy food. If you eat for energy throughout your day then enjoyment once a day, food tastes much better.

Sipping my BP coffee right this very minute.
Glad to hear youre doing well and enjoying your new job bro! :)

I've been there off and on for like 5 years, new kitchen and some new guys working there made the place somewhere I'll stick around at this time. These ovens are to food what Doc's kit is for cannabis. Game changers. No joke these ovens are smarter than the people using them. They steam, convect, smoke, steam and convect and retherm (probe reheat on the plate). Crazy when you're oven has a menu like a tablet. I have some Pics on my phone from the army of hot boxes we had in the kitchen...I'll upload them in a minute....
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