Discussion - Weed seeds vs Airport security


Active Member
How would you hide a few(10-15)cannabis seed before you get on the plane?
Would you hide it into your luggage(and how?) or what??
I really need some good advice!! :Rasta:

Don't overthink it. I Brought weed on plane twice. Usually They'll only toss it if they find it. Roll them up in socks.

"I don't know everything. My opinion is just that. It's up to you to research the information offered by me or anyone else. It's not wise to act on the first opinion you get. "
Security screening looking for weapons and explosives for the most part so they not even looking at little stuff. If flying out of the country, well Customs is a whole different ball of wax as they more focused on looking for contraband.
Melt down different coloured candle wax (different colours if you have to keep track of different strains) dip each seed into the melted wax, let it harden totally. (You can repeat the process repeatedly to make the seed end up looking much bigger - size of a bead for example) then go all arts and crafts and superglue them to articles of clothing, shoes hats....you get my drift? Obviously you've got to do a good job of the arts and crafts......
Just tuck them in a sock and put them in your checked luggage as long as you dont try and take them through TSA you should be fine.

no sense in going through all that extra work for a few seeds that their not gunna think much of going through the scanner especially for checked luggage!

Hawaii's airport is the closest thing to going outside of the US and ive managed to get seeds and a 1/4 of some fire back.

Again just dont bring it through the tsa checkpoint and youll be fine

Not So Rookie Anymore
Throw them into your medicine bag with other loose objects, put them into pants pockets, (maybe buy a pair of jeans at the salvation army?). Leave them in your carry on. They are rushing you through and not looking for it. Checked luggage gives them more time and a chance that they will use drug dogs. Most dogs out in the passenger area are trained for explosives.
Throw them into your medicine bag with other loose objects, put them into pants pockets, (maybe buy a pair of jeans at the salvation army?). Leave them in your carry on. They are rushing you through and not looking for it. Checked luggage gives them more time and a chance that they will use drug dogs. Most dogs out in the passenger area are trained for explosives.
When was the last time youve flown?

The TSA that check your person and carry on bags ARE NOT BY ANY MEANS RUSHING YOU THROUGH!
Yea you could slip them past in your carry on but what if you dont then you have to explain them!

When you check a bag they only check for explosives and weapons that werent properly checked
the screening process is much more broad when dealing with checked bags
Which ecplains why you can have non travel sized items in your checked luggage but not your carry ons

Find me a drug dog that can sniff out a seed and i might consider giving up mary jane all together!

Those dogs are searching for explosives weapons and cocaine
not your couple of weed seeds that arent illegal unless you drop it in dirt and spill some water on it.

Leta be real
their gunna see them no doubt no matter what scanner you go through
the chance of them stopping your bag and stopping your travel because you checked a bag with a few beads that could be rocks for all they know
Its not happening
i flew back with a bowl from california they didnt say shit it wasnt illegal to have a bowl its illegal to use illegal substances with it

Dont bring them on your person!

You hand your bag to someone and then dont see it again for hours!
They dont scan it before they take it from you.
Who's To say someone didnt put those seeds there after you handed your bag to them...

Im a frequent flyer
I have family who work for airlines
And a step brother who works for TSA im not talkin out of my ass here lol

Not So Rookie Anymore
I have been searched by TSA with pre rolls and edibles before and they saw them and returned them to me. They were looking for explosives.

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I'm for an Austin Powers Type Moment , ..let's say you disguise them as huge facial moles!!! Mmmhmm!!!. Has "in "plane" sight ..(as it were) ... (Pun intended)... And an accent dude don't forget an accent...Mexican!

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