DobeWan's Perpetual Adventure 2.0: The Reboot

Hi Dobewan, I had to take the membrane off my seedling, after I removed the helmet, tweezers all the way, she's growing strong. I dropped water, did whatever I could to encourage her. I guess she needed help with her coat off. :)

Your ladies are exceptional beauties, I mean come on. :goodjob:

I wish I had seeked out your advice! I got the outer shell off but didn't realize the membrane was still on and left it that way throughout the day. I got it fully off before lights out this morning so we'll see what happens now that the lights are on again for a cycle.
8F in the flower tent! Week 2 of flower starts now!




Overall I'm very happy with the progress. The canopy should be full with tops in flower. I could stand to do some lower defol but I'm in no rush. My thinking here is that I want the plant to be healthy as it stretches, because I want the veg growth to be fast to keep up with the stretch. I don't want to be too hasty about taking lower growth at this point given that the overall structure of the plant isn't reliable - it's changing quickly. I'll take some, but wait until stretch is ending to get the final shape in place.

Amnesia x OG - She bounced back well from the damage. I took a shot of the recovery of the damage - which was inflicted 13 days ago at this point. She's a stiff, woody plant since the trauma with dense growth around the tops. She's the smallest of the bunch as expected but she looks like she'll get some nice tops in the canopy. She's probably going to need some serious defol in the next week or two as there's not a lot of light penetrating those dense tops.





Liberty Haze - She's really big. I give her about 3L of water a day and she barely bats an eye. I bet she'd do well in a ScrOG. She's really stretching now, she's by far the tallest of the plants. She has been healthy and grown vigorously from the beginning - catching and surpassing Violator Kush fairly quickly. I'm excited to see what comes next, I just hope she doesn't stretch too much.




Violator Kush - What I wrote last week was "Dense and bushy. Lots of tops in the canopy.". Not much has changed. Denser, and bushier, perhaps? I'm actually a little worried about airflow among this canopy in flower.




Royal Gorilla - I expected her to come on strong late in veg and she really impressed. She's been a breeze to train the whole way through. After topping she really kept the canopy low and flat on her own without me having to obsess over training. I'm really excited about this plant.




Thanks for following everyone!
11F and all is looking well! Violator Kush is back left, Amnesia x OG is back right, Royal Gorilla is front left, and Liberty Haze is front right. All look happy and healthy after a bigger than anticipated defoliation 2 nights ago - I saw Ase's photos and was bitten by the urge to push the defoliation further. I maybe took a little more than I'd have liked to in retrospect from Royal Gorilla but I'm happy with the rest. Liberty Haze's canopy has been a pain but she's a beast - I had to drop her stand down to accommodate her height. Violator Kush is such a pleasing plant to grow. Amnesia x OG has put her damage behind her. All is well.

My Pink Kush seedling hasn't survived. I haven't started a new seed yet - might just wait until the weekend so that I can babysit. Such an odd way for a seedling to die, but luckily I have a few more seeds so I'm good. Pink Kush is a must have for my next round of flower. The Tuna Kush, Green Crack and Chemdawg seedlings are all going strong. There is no sign that Chemdawg's taproot damage will stunt it.

I also took a few cuttings from Royal Gorilla and Liberty Haze during my defol. I've had to work so I haven't been able to keep the tray as moist as I'd like, and it's drying relatively quickly under my T5s. I took 8 clones, 4 of each, hoping I could keep 1 of each alive. 2 RG clones appear to have wilted over but the LH clones all look like they have some potential. We'll see what happens, if they all die off, no big deal, I have a big backlog anyway and could always get more seeds if needed down the road when I get to come back to these.
Thanks guys!

A few shots showing where they are tonight. All are looking good and clearly transforming into flowers now. The tops you can see in the photos are all clearly defined. There are some lurking below leaves on some of the plants, so I'll have decisions to make soon about keeping them vs. clearing space for them.

In that last shot, I put the name where the top of the pot is to make it a little easier to see. On the left, Amnesia x OG is the pot in the foreground. It's sitting on the much taller stand than Liberty Haze, which was significantly lowered to form an even canopy. On the right, Violator Kush in the foreground was dropped down while Royal Gorilla has stayed low. In fact, aside from the expected Liberty Haze stretch, the stretch hasn't been too bad to this point. Hopefully that will hold next week - I have a feeling stretch will end a little earlier than on previous grows.

Edited: Looks like I have a stuck key on my keyboard! I wondered if it was because of the update initially.
Beautiful plants man. So damn healthy and i cant wait to see those buds get goin! Lots of sites on the vk but not so many on the amnesia og. Will be interesting to see if the ao gets bigger colas from having less bud sites.
I’m really interested to see how this plays out, and it’ll impact how I train my next round. My suspicion is that you’re right. I’m considering enforcing strict training next round to see if it improves structure, yield and look. My thought is that if I quadline, then allow only the first node from each of the 4 stems to hit the canopy, I’ll make 12 strong tops which should be more than enough to focus the growth on. That’s basically where AxOG stands given the damage she took.

Air and light will be a challenge with VK, and RG. Those canopies are full.

Either way, it’ll be fun to watch and adjust for next time!
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