Five Strains In 33"x33" - 600W HPS - Organic Soil Mix - 7 Gal Pots - Water Only?

Weekend Update (week #10)
21 days since the flip to 12/12

All things considered I have nothing to complain about out in the "phone booth". Everyone looks happy. I'll jinx myself by saying there isn't a bad looking leaf in the group. The stretch appears to be over. SD and PB were beginning to worry me, but I still have another foot of vertical so I think all is good... except this:


Temperature and humidity are never going to be well-controlled but I'm trying a few different things to manage them as best as I can w/o spending a ton of $$$ on this little experiment. My current effort involves a little 4" duct fan running 24/7. I wrapped it in some insulation and crammed it into the end of my cool tube. At the very least it provides constant air replacement. Prior to this, there wasn't much air exchange during lights-off. This wiring isn't exactly up to code. :laughtwo: It is VERY temporary while I see if it is worth keeping. If not, the fan goes back and I move on to plan 'C'. So far it hasn't caused problems with temperatures and it is helping a little with RH - but not enough. The jury is still out.


The other new addition is one of my little Mars LEDs. BD is now growing out into the doorway and was missing coverage by my HPS. She said "Thank you", and is showing her appreciation.


BD growing out over my fan and into the doorway. She is just beginning to show some resin. WOOT!




Here are the rest of the ladies. SD is in the back-left. PB is back-right.

These are SS and AS.

Pitbull, the only Indica-dominant girl in this run.

SD is doing her best to reach the ceiling.

What else can I bore you with? Here's the low-down. A shot you won't usually see.

That's it for the current crop. My summer harvest has been curing in jars for about 5 weeks. I began the process of moving the buds into vacuum bags for long-term storage. I haven't done this before but I'm hopeful. The little sucker is rechargeable and only cost $11. The bags are cheap and can be re-sealed and reused. An entire gallon jar fits great in a single bag.

This is the cured AS. They don't look all that special, but it is some excellent smoke.


This is PB.


I think that pretty well covers my little 33" square operation. Your support means a lot and with your help I'm going to keep at it until I get it right. Lots still to learn - especially on training.

Get out there, grow some fire, and have a most excellent weekend, gang!

major..have you tried your vacuum sealer on a ball jar? compressing the buds before fully cured may not be the best..

vacuum sealing in a Ball jar is awesome..
major..have you tried your vacuum sealer on a ball jar? compressing the buds before fully cured may not be the best..

vacuum sealing in a Ball jar is awesome..

No. I can't find anything yet that lets me know if I can use them with our little hand-held sucker.
I don't let the vacuum pull as much air out these bags as I do for other things. Most of the air is gone, but not so much as to crush them. I'm comparing this method to leaving them in jars.
There is no mason jar kid I know that works with the portable rechargeable one but there are deli containers designed to work with them.

That's what I thought.
I read the reviews on the deli containers but they get a bad rep for not holding their seal. For some reason, the bags appear to seal better/longer.
Top of the day to ya Major! Booth is lookin good. No burnt tips....? Alls good! I guess the one there decided to get the hell outta there eh...:tokin: You were able to give her more light ,so that's good. Any hope of giving them another space yet pal, or ya gonna wait till next round? For storage...btw....believe it or not bud...the best way i've found over the yrs. is plain old mason jars. Now if ya could take the air out of those me that would be perfect. It's the glass part i like. It just works, period.
Your hair cut is paying off nicely Major....they didn't miss a beat. Great stuff and good timing. Later pal!:high-five:
Looks great Major and glad you are happy with our harvest, all looks just dandy.
You mentioned you had some concerns in your pictures and the only thing that jumped out at me was the max RH% on your meter. Not sure if that was what you were referring to but if it was, I know this may sound stupid, but isn't that a bathroom you have those in? how about you turn the exhaust fan on in the bathroom when the lights are off?
If I am completely off base please forgive me ahead of time and except my excuse of old and bad eyes.

All in all I would say, lovely eye candy.
Looks great Major and glad you are happy with our harvest, all looks just dandy.
You mentioned you had some concerns in your pictures and the only thing that jumped out at me was the max RH% on your meter. Not sure if that was what you were referring to but if it was, I know this may sound stupid, but isn't that a bathroom you have those in? how about you turn the exhaust fan on in the bathroom when the lights are off?
If I am completely off base please forgive me ahead of time and except my excuse of old and bad eyes.

All in all I would say, lovely eye candy.

Yeah - it's my balancing act of humidity vs. temperature when in an unheated space. Lights-on and temps are high while RH is low. Lights-off is just the opposite problem. I can dial in my temps just fine but it throws the RH too far for my liking - especially as the buds develop.
That bathroom has no exhaust fan, but better yet is the new little fan added yesterday. It runs non-stop now. It is too new to tell for sure, but even with it going (60 CFM, remember? :cheesygrinsmiley:) it only dropped the RH from 91% to 84%. I'm not done with it. I have another idea or two I'm going to try.
Major, everyone how big a fan you guys use.. i don't have a fan presently. :)

For circulation, I'm using a 16" oscillating pedestal fan ('cuz it was cheap). I only use the lowest speed. It has been doing a great job - in my phone booth. :cheesygrinsmiley:
For extraction I have two fans now. A 6" Ventech 440 CFM is on a thermostat. I run it at about 65%. It is overkill for my current setup, but I got it for a good price with the idea it will handle a larger space someday.
My latest addition is the little 4" Suncourt duct fan rated at 60 CFM. It runs all the time ... or until I return it. :laughtwo: As an extraction fan by itself, it wouldn't do a good job even in my little 120 cu-ft. space.
Hello Major, page 11 seems like a good place to jump in! Good luck getting your environment dialed in. So far I think thats been the hardest part of growing inside. Trying to get everything where you want it or at least in a range where we won have issues. Plants are looking good by the way. :Rasta:
Major, everyone how big a fan you guys use.. i don't have a fan presently. :)

Hey ziggs I got a s-line 6"inline fan for is on Titian Mercury 3 lets you set a temp for days and a temp for nights......then adjusts your fan speed to keep the gr at that well, my gr is about 432 cubic feet......:passitleft:
Hello Major, page 11 seems like a good place to jump in! Good luck getting your environment dialed in. So far I think thats been the hardest part of growing inside. Trying to get everything where you want it or at least in a range where we won have issues. Plants are looking good by the way. :Rasta:

Lucky 11 it is! I'm glad you made it, Snoop.
My space is going to be a real challenge - especially as it is unheated and hopefully temporary. I don't want to put a lot of $$$ into it.

Have a great evening, guys!
Hey ziggs I got a s-line 6"inline fan for is on Titian Mercury 3 lets you set a temp for days and a temp for nights......then adjusts your fan speed to keep the gr at that well, my gr is about 432 cubic feet......:passitleft:

i have S&P inline 6" fans with variable controllers that i put on.. :) in each tent..they work great. I will try an oscillating fan in one, need to buy one, and an oscillating space heater in the other which i used last winter. I recently moved the one suspended from the tent ceiling in the ACE tent to the floor. 2 blocked a lot of upper tent space from where the lights could go and the plants had to be placed in a smaller footprint, also on the floor it pulls the heat from the LED away from the buds and leaves. i started opening the tent during the day and the plants are responding favorably having less heat and light on to close to them.
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