Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Thanks Grandpa, your tales of workout are motivation for me, it's to easy to "not" make the effort but so important to make the effort.:Namaste:

I forgot to say, “you’re welcome.” You’re also so very right! We all need some sort of motivation...mine just happens to be a little more harsh. :passitleft:
Whats that saying.....different people have different learning curves. Gramps' just involved a skill saw! Mine usually involved a 2x4, a pipe wrench, or something else hard or heavy enough to keep me in line. I like to avoid the ones that have blades.

All joking aside gramps, you are kicking ass man! Proud of you for staying with it man. Get your shit back healthy so when I come out west next year we can swing by and burn a couple bowls with ya!
Whats that saying.....different people have different learning curves. Gramps' just involved a skill saw! Mine usually involved a 2x4, a pipe wrench, or something else hard or heavy enough to keep me in line. I like to avoid the ones that have blades.

All joking aside gramps, you are kicking ass man! Proud of you for staying with it man. Get your shit back healthy so when I come out west next year we can swing by and burn a couple bowls with ya!

I’d love that. I’m pretty sure I’ll be looking like “The Rock” next year...with a scar.
Damn that dingo topped plant looks tits! You may just have to do this outdoor gig every year gramps. Glad to hear your sticking with your lifestyle changes.pretty easy once get a routine down
Health update:

I’m still hitting the fitness trail daily. 3 x per week lifting weights and 3 x per week doing 30 minutes of cardio on an elliptical. I’m getting closer and closer to actually enjoying punishing my body. Still using very light weights, but continue to increase almost weekly. I can see a difference in my appearance because of the fat loss, but more importantly I can feel a huge difference in my fitness level. For an old guy (who had a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery) I’m feeling pretty lucky to be able to do what I’m doing. Total weight loss is somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 lbs. In April, after the surgery, my average resting heart rate (measured by a Fitbit) was 82 bpm. Currently, my average resting heart rate is 52 bpm. Now, that’s not all due to fitness level because of medications, but the doctors are extremely happy about it. That makes me happy too!

Naturally, the hardest part continues to be nutrition (at the beginning of this journey getting off the couch was the hardest part). Fortunately for me, my wife and I are taking this journey together. She’s awesome. Really awesome! Needless to say, we’re eating very healthy; coupled with the workouts, I can testify that it really makes a difference. It’s not easy, by any stretch of the imagination, but it works. Consistent determination is beginning to pay off. I look and feel better and that makes me smile.

Enjoy your day! I know I will.
Way to go!
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