Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Hahaha! No sleeper grow. Shed’s right the COBs are in the flower room. I veg with T5. Anyway, the two plants were taken to a new home this afternoon. All I have left are the cuts I took yesterday. They look good today...standing tall. Enjoy!

Thanks Dutch! That reminds me:

Health update:

Had a minor setback last week. Twisted my ankle pretty bad while walking my 8000 daily steps. Bad enough to go to the doctor. Thought I broke it, but found out it’s a torn ligament. It’s wrapped, but I can still walk with a huge limp. Can’t really do my 8000 steps, but I can still hit the elliptical which makes me happy.

Since my heart attack in April (and having my chest ripped open with a skill saw) and the quadruple bypass surgery I’ve completely changed my life. I’ve managed to drop almost 40 pounds of fat. I’m lifting weights 3 times per week and doing 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical 3 times per week. I was adding the 8000 walking steps just for extra, but that will cease until this ankle heals. It did have a depressing effect on me for the weekend, but trimming bud was so much fun that It took my mind off it. LOL!

In all seriousness, I’m doing well even though I’m limping. Working out is part of my life now and I really enjoy it...when it’s done! Hahaha! Nothing but a thing. Trust me...if I can get off the couch then so can you. In fact, I’m getting ready to limp down to where the elliptical sits waiting for me. I’m going to do 30 minutes and sprint every 5 minutes (for one minute)’s a form of HIIT (look it up). It’s about to kick my old ass and I like it!

I read that twice GT. I'm 60, overweight by 80 pounds and I smoke to much. For some reason your words just kind of hit home today, I'm an accident waiting to happen, and I know it. I'm not going to promise to quit smoking just yet, but I do promise that starting right now, I'm going to make corrections to my diet and start walking every day. We'll see where it goes from there.
I read that twice GT. I'm 60, overweight by 80 pounds and I smoke to much. For some reason your words just kind of hit home today, I'm an accident waiting to happen, and I know it. I'm not going to promise to quit smoking just yet, but I do promise that starting right now, I'm going to make corrections to my diet and start walking every day. We'll see where it goes from there.
That's it dog!
Thanks Dutch! That reminds me:

Health update:

Had a minor setback last week. Twisted my ankle pretty bad while walking my 8000 daily steps. Bad enough to go to the doctor. Thought I broke it, but found out it’s a torn ligament. It’s wrapped, but I can still walk with a huge limp. Can’t really do my 8000 steps, but I can still hit the elliptical which makes me happy.

Since my heart attack in April (and having my chest ripped open with a skill saw) and the quadruple bypass surgery I’ve completely changed my life. I’ve managed to drop almost 40 pounds of fat. I’m lifting weights 3 times per week and doing 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical 3 times per week. I was adding the 8000 walking steps just for extra, but that will cease until this ankle heals. It did have a depressing effect on me for the weekend, but trimming bud was so much fun that It took my mind off it. LOL!

In all seriousness, I’m doing well even though I’m limping. Working out is part of my life now and I really enjoy it...when it’s done! Hahaha! Nothing but a thing. Trust me...if I can get off the couch then so can you. In fact, I’m getting ready to limp down to where the elliptical sits waiting for me. I’m going to do 30 minutes and sprint every 5 minutes (for one minute)’s a form of HIIT (look it up). It’s about to kick my old ass and I like it!


Sometimes when it rains it pours. You have the right attitude about it though. Be proud of what you have been through and accomplished thus far which is remarkable. Keep your chin up and keep looking for progress. It wouldn't be the same around here without your sometimes warped perspective and killer bud pics. :goodjob:
I read that twice GT. I'm 60, overweight by 80 pounds and I smoke to much. For some reason your words just kind of hit home today, I'm an accident waiting to happen, and I know it. I'm not going to promise to quit smoking just yet, but I do promise that starting right now, I'm going to make corrections to my diet and start walking every day. We'll see where it goes from there.

Do it brother. Just do it. Nicotine addiction is the worst. I’m thankful I quit that shit about 10 years ago. I used to smoke with a dip of Copenhagen between my cheek and gum. The only way to quit is to decide to quit. I’m glad I didn’t have to battle nicotine after having open heart surgery...think about that for a minute.

I’m going to step outside my lane slightly here, so don’t be offended. Quit smoking and do it now! Walk it off. It’s easy to say, I know, but you can do it. Nobody can make you do anything...except you. One day at a time. If I can be of any help beating you into submission please don’t hesitate to ask. :cheer:

That's it dog!

You got that right!

Personal health and wellness is the best investment you can make. Like retirement savings, it’s never too late to start, and pays off the longer you invest.
Sometimes when it rains it pours. You have the right attitude about it though. Be proud of what you have been through and accomplished thus far which is remarkable. Keep your chin up and keep looking for progress. It wouldn't be the same around here without your sometimes warped perspective and killer bud pics. :goodjob:

HI Grandpa T...:ganjamon: I have missed you sooo much.

I just got back from a long break and now I have sutures in my chest. I have about 2 more weeks and then I can start exercising. I even had to cough using a pillow. Although my surgery was nothing compared to yours, I am feeling the boost I need to start getting physical again. You are inspiring me, just catchin' up on your journal. And your buds are more crystally than the snow. I'm really proud to see how far you've come is such a short amount of time.

Regarding your ankle injury, you may just want to get one of the velcro or lace up ankle brace and it'll help protect your ankle once the swelling goes down. It'll make it easier for you to walk around your garden and keep it massaged so you limit the scar tissue and stop any blood clots. Coming from that footie background, I have 4 braces. hahahahaha too much.

Just wanted to drop by and get back into the swing of things and give you the biggest hug evah. :hug:
Pulling up a chair and enjoying your harvest pictures. I'm grandpa glued to my seat. :passitleft:
I feel like I can do anything now Grandpa T, I have my eyes set on a soccer field close to the horses, I may even be able to start jogging again in the spring. Although I won't be able to play soccer again, it's a second lease on life, and I'm relieved to be back home. You're still kickin' majah butt. Keep groovin', much love G :love: ttyl
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