Hello from Scotland


Active Member
Hi guys
First time grower here , I have northern lights auto and red russian xxl both just started flowering and i havent run into any serious problems yet , except a little heat burn at top of plants resolved by raising light and tying tops back .. Really enjoyable seeing them mature .
Here is a photo of light burn from the top of both plants .. I initially thought i had a serious problem so done lots of research , thought about it logically .. Removed affected leaves from plants , moved light and tied the top branches back .. that was 2 weeks ago and i havent had any problems since .
Welcome to 420 shagga, ken wa mean haha :) not many of us round these parts mate. Always nice to bump into a fellow clansman.
Alrighty Barney86 ..had a swatch for scottish cannabis forum doesnt seem to be any , only a facebook page which isny great ..however id rather get info and answers fae Americans and Canadians who have been growing for a while
Alrighty Barney86 ..had a swatch for scottish cannabis forum doesnt seem to be any , only a facebook page which isny great ..however id rather get info and answers fae Americans and Canadians who have been growing for a while
Oh you poor naive Scotsman. Haha we've been at it legally a lot longer than they have. Who do you think grows most of the world's medicinal weed "sativex"
It's Theresa Mays husband of all people that owns most of it. English govt been dealing globally for the last 15 years....and here's the kicker that I bet you don't know , not many people have realised but.....


only on an industrial scale, we must grow a few specific strains and sell to specific people but you get about 6 quid a gram mate. 180 an oz. Tells you all about it on the gov.uk website. Just hit their search bar for cannabis licence.

How's that for a welcome to the forum haha.

Oh ps.... FFS don't go to the UK forums. There's plenty of the 45 on board but mostly just full of aggro and literal belters lol.

These yanks are a pretty good bunch but they ain't got our sense of humour so be careful lol.
It turns out Scottish doesn't really translate very well across the water. The sarcasm gets lost along the way somewhere. Probably stops for a bottle and gets into a fight during the swim so it comes across as a bit aggro haha.

PPS.. also why i write lol a lot.
You folks can grow and sell legally? That's a dream!
Only on mass scale with fairly specific conditions on what, how and to whom but yes. We can officially apply through the government to be global cannabis dealers :) fuck yeah haha.
Got a guy with land that says I can use it.
I know how to do it, just need the money.
Not checked that part yet but for what's at stake I'm sure I could find investment.

It's something I only found out myself a few weeks ago so haven't looked propperly into it yet but I will.
I'm good for guns so sure I can get a liscence for that :)
Only on mass scale with fairly specific conditions on what, how and to whom but yes. We can officially apply through the government to be global cannabis dealers :) fuck yeah haha.
Got a guy with land that says I can use it.
I know how to do it, just need the money.
Not checked that part yet but for what's at stake I'm sure I could find investment.

It's something I only found out myself a few weeks ago so haven't looked propperly into it yet but I will.
I'm good for guns so sure I can get a liscence for that :)
Go for it man! That's exciting. I hope it works out for you.
Hi guys
First time grower here , I have northern lights auto and red russian xxl both just started flowering and i havent run into any serious problems yet , except a little heat burn at top of plants resolved by raising light and tying tops back .. Really enjoyable seeing them mature .
:welcome: to :420: Jam :passitleft:
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