How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hi Heady,

Co2, Butane extraction methods are not discussed due to safety concerns. Tutorial in place was designed for 1st timers who are ill, weak, sent home to hospice as well as safer carriers.

on the extraction process and using bud, has it been discussed on using Co2 extraction...(keif) then using the keif with the grain alc to make the RSO?

any reason not to try this method??
Alot more? Darn. Poor thing. Did you put some grape seed oil in the RSO to help thin it out a bit??
Yes ...she has a LOT more of them. We are going to run the test on just one for now, before we make up enough oil to get the rest of her owies. They don't hurt her at all, just itchy sometimes and she's very self conscious about the looks of them for good reason.

We did the first application yesterday, it took a lot of oil to cover it completely.

So let the test begin!


I know what you mean on the diabetic thing, but she definitely doesn't have diabetes. Thank goodness, cuz her brothers all have/had it. She knows she's at risk.

Hi Heady!

Hi Heady,

Co2, Butane extraction methods are not discussed due to safety concerns. Tutorial in place was designed for 1st timers who are ill, weak, sent home to hospice as well as safer carriers.

I'm confused how Dry ice (Co2) in a 200 micron bubble bag shaken to produce keif is any more unsafe than grain alcohol next to a heating element or electrical flammable source?

I have no use or want to do anything unsafe and not looking for any such info....just looking for answers if keif could be used in place of piles of buds and ultimately using less grain alcohol with less product to submerge???

I appreciate the response Motoco, like said, just looking for answers if available :Namaste:

Hello Canna :)
Hello all! Sorry I haven't been here for a few days. I've been making a room for my girls. Unfortunately my son smelled the odor and tried to break in the door to see what was in the room. He was the reason I never tried using cannabis in the first place. I am very worried now. He has friends that smoke and I am just worried that he might say something. You know what I mean?

My number one plant of the Fast and Vast Auto strain will be ready in one week as determined and stated by Heavyweight Seeds. And she looks like it too. So I will have some more oil in a couple weeks after that. But my number two Fast and Vast plant, popped at the same time but has not shown any sex, is 3 weeks behind her sister it appears. She is already almost a foot taller than number one, #1 is 28 inches tall. Stinky too. If you are looking for something fast, try these. Just make sure you have room. I had to make a room and get them out of the tent. My room is 4' x 4' and they are snuggling up real tight.

Glad to see you here FSC! Sorry about the weather down there Cajun 8^( ...but you'll find the Springs a lot nicer.

My wife also has IBS and has had it for 40 years. I think, with her, it is dairy related, but she says no. She is affected less since we use only almond milk. Ice Cream gets her bad though. She used to be able to smoke cannabis for instant relief when she was young, but job change 4 years ago includes pee testing regularly for malpractice insurance. That's my reason for wanting to grow a male plant and juice the leaves for the CBDs. CBDs aren't included in the pee test. Just THC. I haven't seen a bag seed in twenty years and all of my seeds are femmed. It seems just as hard to come up with a male when you want one as to come up with a female when you want one of them to grow. Ironic?

The wife wants me to try making some paste for emergency travelling meds. Plus it only uses 1/2 oz to make a batch. I told her that I would only try if I could read any positive testimonials on 420. I know the positives on the oil, it works for me and my epilepsy. I like the one fact that makes is better, it's concentrated. If anyone has a positive use experience please let me know. First hand experience please.

Different method than I was talking about. Method I was referring to was doing a cold extract like BHO using canisters (tanks). It took months getting this tutorial passed through the legal team as is. Co2 has a whole different combustion than grain alcohol also. These are guidelines, everyone has the right to make their product anyway the want. That being said I never tried your method so I cannot speak of it with any knowledge.

I'm confused how Dry ice (Co2) in a 200 micron bubble bag shaken to produce keif is any more unsafe than grain alcohol next to a heating element or electrical flammable source?

I have no use or want to do anything unsafe and not looking for any such info....just looking for answers if keif could be used in place of piles of buds and ultimately using less grain alcohol with less product to submerge???

I appreciate the response Motoco, like said, just looking for answers if available :Namaste:

Hello Canna :)
Different method than I was talking about. Method I was referring to was doing a cold extract like BHO using canisters (tanks). It took months getting this tutorial passed through the legal team as is. Co2 has a whole different combustion than grain alcohol also. These are guidelines, everyone has the right to make their product anyway the want. That being said I never tried your method so I cannot speak of it with any knowledge.

Thanks for the reply and explanation Motoco :Namaste:

I am going to give it a go with a side by side challenge for my own curiosity.

1. 1 oz of buds and everclear as per this thread.

2. 1 oz of buds, the dry ice to keif, (Then into the everclear as per this thread) and see the results etc.

again thanks for the thread and being here to answer Q's :thanks:
Thanks for the reply and explanation Motoco :Namaste:

I am going to give it a go with a side by side challenge for my own curiosity.

1. 1 oz of buds and everclear as per this thread.

2. 1 oz of buds, the dry ice to keif, (Then into the everclear as per this thread) and see the results etc.

again thanks for the thread and being here to answer Q's :thanks:

UPDATE: I did some poking around the web and found Rick Simpsons facebook page.

He addresses trying to use keif for RSO and explains it will not be the same medicine and advises not to use keif when making RSO.

...just looking for answers if keif could be used in place of piles of buds and ultimately using less grain alcohol with less product to submerge???

UPDATE: I did some poking around the web and found Rick Simpsons facebook page.

He addresses trying to use keif for RSO and explains it will not be the same medicine and advises not to use keif when making RSO.


Hi Heady,

Rick Simpson uses Petroleum ether (Naphtha) as a solvent.

I don't see why you couldn't mix kief with some grain alcohol and heat the mixture carefully to decarboxylate the cannabinoids while evaporating the alcohol off.

Hi Heady!

Before I got active on here I was making my oil with keif, until Motoco converted me.

I was simple screening my frozen trim and using 151. I have since tried it with 190 to see the results as well. My conclusion was that the oil produced from whole flower gave a much cleaner finished product that seemed to last slightly longer but it also hit peak a bit longer in as well. This was when I was digesting it though. It's in this thread somewhere.

UPDATE: I did some poking around the web and found Rick Simpsons facebook page.

He addresses trying to use keif for RSO and explains it will not be the same medicine and advises not to use keif when making RSO.

Hi Heady!

Before I got active on here I was making my oil with keif, until Motoco converted me.

I was simple screening my frozen trim and using 151. I have since tried it with 190 to see the results as well. My conclusion was that the oil produced from whole flower gave a much cleaner finished product that seemed to last slightly longer but it also hit peak a bit longer in as well. This was when I was digesting it though. It's in this thread somewhere.

Thank you, that first hand experience was the kind of info response I was searching for.:high-five:

I'm going to stick with Motoco's directions :circle-of-love:
One thing I neglected to mention as well, I tested an extraction on the already keifed material and indeed pulled some more oil from it. So while you might be saving some of your chosen carrier your shorting yourself on the full potential of the oil and the yield.
Hello all! Sorry I haven't been here for a few days. I've been making a room for my girls. Unfortunately my son smelled the odor and tried to break in the door to see what was in the room. He was the reason I never tried using cannabis in the first place. I am very worried now. He has friends that smoke and I am just worried that he might say something. You know what I mean?

My number one plant of the Fast and Vast Auto strain will be ready in one week as determined and stated by Heavyweight Seeds. And she looks like it too. So I will have some more oil in a couple weeks after that. But my number two Fast and Vast plant, popped at the same time but has not shown any sex, is 3 weeks behind her sister it appears. She is already almost a foot taller than number one, #1 is 28 inches tall. Stinky too. If you are looking for something fast, try these. Just make sure you have room. I had to make a room and get them out of the tent. My room is 4' x 4' and they are snuggling up real tight.

Glad to see you here FSC! Sorry about the weather down there Cajun 8^( ...but you'll find the Springs a lot nicer.

My wife also has IBS and has had it for 40 years. I think, with her, it is dairy related, but she says no. She is affected less since we use only almond milk. Ice Cream gets her bad though. She used to be able to smoke cannabis for instant relief when she was young, but job change 4 years ago includes pee testing regularly for malpractice insurance. That's my reason for wanting to grow a male plant and juice the leaves for the CBDs. CBDs aren't included in the pee test. Just THC. I haven't seen a bag seed in twenty years and all of my seeds are femmed. It seems just as hard to come up with a male when you want one as to come up with a female when you want one of them to grow. Ironic?

The wife wants me to try making some paste for emergency travelling meds. Plus it only uses 1/2 oz to make a batch. I told her that I would only try if I could read any positive testimonials on 420. I know the positives on the oil, it works for me and my epilepsy. I like the one fact that makes is better, it's concentrated. If anyone has a positive use experience please let me know. First hand experience please.


Good morning wildjim. I feeling what your saying about someone finding out about your grow. Even if it's legal here and I'm a care giver who can grow I still don't want any of my neighbors, or at least some of them, to know I grow. I always worry about the UPS or mail man when they come up to the house. Sometimes during drying it can get pretty pungent out front.

I have a good friend with IBS and it was all related to dairy. He stopped drinking mild and switched to almond milk and his problem has almost gone away.

Now what is this paste you are talking about? That sounds interesting.

Happy Days :peace:
Hey Bill! Thanks for your kind words. I guess we all get those feelings. It's the dang drug war. Paranoid of my own son's loose lips, if he has any. I don't know.

I sure wish I could get my wife to stop the dairy stuff. One thing, only the grandkids get cow milk, as Woody Harrelson says, "Puss and blood".

I am so sorry, but in honor to Motoco, and this thread, I only ask if anyone has experience of the paste. I am ignorant and only wanted first hand knowledge reviews. I hope you understand. My question was an order from my boss. I'm only her follower. She is my Goddess and I will do as she wants.

Thank you WJ, I appreciate that Brother! The paste is an off topic as this pertains to Cannabis Concentrated Oil. That being said I will give you my take on the paste :). Once I watched the start of the video I shut down mentally. Why? All the information he was using about Rick Simpson was wrong, that being said I wouldn't watch anymore. Also the dilution process using coconut oil, olive oil, etc. seems almost 3-1. So I just don't know about how healthy or what side effects digesting so much 'cut' material has on one. If you don't have major aliments like cancer that are not life threatening it might be o.k. for a PM dose. I certainly understand your shortage of oil/product. I would think health wise though if anything I would rather take a small amount of just the concentrated oil than a diluted version (just my opinion). Nothing is set in stone using cannabis concentrated oil, as an analogy; I wouldn't dilute my engine oil :) Also keep in mind they digest the paste so theres that also. You know how the oil works so you can compare the way you feel. I just would hate to see you waste your material if its not what you wanted. T/C
I have to agree Motoco. I went to there site and it's no different than the capsules I make for my wife's pain or very similar. Oil is by far way better in my opinion. There is nothing very scientific about what they do. Happy Days.
I only asked to satisfy my wife's curiosity. It is as I told her it would be, no positive reviews. I can say I did it and that is good enough for me. And her.
Thanks for not getting too upset with me for asking. I just can't get that off-topic idea into my brain, what it is now anyway.

Brother WJ,

I only got upset with one person speaking of paste, his Mom had cancer and needed the best concentrate she could get. I don't get upset brother and your wife's question was legit as money is tight. I get all that Brother and why I responded to your question. Beemerbill jumped in to confirm as he has had experience with similar. I also did all the test from tiny tiny doses up to a half of gram (didn't want to waste any more). Most everything I do is for people with little or no budget to help them. Every question is welcomed WJ, its an awareness forum. Never think what the wife and I has learned is the key to the kingdom as things always progress and improve, that is what we do as humans. Your a friend Brother, I only help friends :) I'm still so stocked about no more seizures, what a life changer for you WJ. Now the rest starts healing also.

Best regards to the Wife and you

I only asked to satisfy my wife's curiosity. It is as I told her it would be, no positive reviews. I can say I did it and that is good enough for me. And her.
Thanks for not getting too upset with me for asking. I just can't get that off-topic idea into my brain, what it is now anyway.

I'm with you brother. I have tried to explain to my wonderful wife and I think she understands now. The important part of this oil is that it is concentrated. I also told her if she wants to experiment, make some butter for me and make edibles. I think I will try to make some Canna-butter during the day. I'll follow Cannafans recipe and my wife will be surprised. There will be no more paste questions from me. I am satisfied with my medicine. My Fast and Vast will be chopped in the next few days. So I'll have a little more oil. Just have to keep this one plant show going. My second Fast and Vast looks to be ready in about 2-3 weeks.

Thanks for understanding Motoco.


Brother WJ,

I only got upset with one person speaking of paste, his Mom had cancer and needed the best concentrate she could get. I don't get upset brother and your wife's question was legit as money is tight. I get all that Brother and why I responded to your question. Beemerbill jumped in to confirm as he has had experience with similar. I also did all the test from tiny tiny doses up to a half of gram (didn't want to waste any more). Most everything I do is for people with little or no budget to help them. Every question is welcomed WJ, its an awareness forum. Never think what the wife and I has learned is the key to the kingdom as things always progress and improve, that is what we do as humans. Your a friend Brother, I only help friends :) I'm still so stocked about no more seizures, what a life changer for you WJ. Now the rest starts healing also.

Best regards to the Wife and you
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