Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

Great update! So psyched to see everything went well with zero intervention. Also, glad to hear the Twilight is kicking ass again. I think you made the right call on the flip. Let the colas grow high instead of the stem. I'm excited to watch this grow.

Any tips you can share on how to vacation with bud? I'm always afraid to travel with any or approach anyone to buy in a strange land.
Great update! So psyched to see everything went well with zero intervention. Also, glad to hear the Twilight is kicking ass again. I think you made the right call on the flip. Let the colas grow high instead of the stem. I’m excited to watch this grow.

Thanks Cheese. Appreciate you being here bro! Yes it was exciting to pop the hatch and see the whole room exploding. I give a lot of credit to the temps, which were moderate all week. Perfect growing temps right now, the room goes down to mid-60s at night and peaks in the mid-70s by day.

Any tips you can share on how to vacation with bud? I’m always afraid to travel with any or approach anyone to buy in a strange land.

Glad to.

FIRST...I don't advocate any illegal activity with these tips...oh of course I do. Everyone should have their bud. :blunt:

Buying weed in a foreign country is risky. I am uniquely brave in this regard, I have often sourced herb in other lands but took some risks to do it. In Jamaica for example, I have always been able to get a huge foot-long bud of crazy good weed from a guy named Linford who works in the tiki village at the Dunn's River Falls. However, I have had some scares too...once I bought a bag from a guy on the beach in Grand Cayman and was immediately approached by a cop. I didn't lie to him when he asked if I had just bought weed, I boldly told him the guy said it was legal here and added I felt I had been taken advantage of. It turned out the cop also wanted to sell me weed. That was weird but turned out cool.

So bring your own. Despite the theoretical risk it's really the easy and safer play.

I fly frequently and when I do I take herb. I do not carry it on my person. It goes deep in my checked bag.

The reason is, airport scanners fall into two categories; full-body scanners and x-ray scanners. If you are asked to walk through a full-body imager it will reveal the contours of your glorious naked body in great detail, despite what the airlines claim about your "privacy"(I always thought talking about your privacy while scanning your entire body through your clothing was patently ludicrous anyway) and it will clearly reveal any small object, metallic or not. So the only way to get a small baggie of something by the machine is to have it stowed somewhere sub-surface...under a roll of belly fat or other unmentionable places. Not doing that...not fat enough.

Not everyone has to go through a full body scanner, mostly it will just be a metal detector but why take the chance? If they see it you are 100% busted. So, the only way to reliably travel with herb is put it deep in your checked luggage.

Why won't they find it there?

Well, they might if it's in a suspicious metal container or you have obvious metal paraphernalia which catches someone's attention since it all shows up nicely on the X-ray machine. Otherwise they won't because the machine is looking for metal. And they pay particular attention to electronics. Nobody is trying to discern if those three plastic film containers in your shaving kit contain pot because they won't even see them...they don't show up on the image. The weed inside doesn't show up either. So I pack stuff in 35mm film canisters and mix those in with other stuff, in the most crowded bags, and I enclose them in plastic bags, usually a very light opaque wastebasket liner that I just tie off. No smell, no tell.

Flying with weed is all about smell...period. The only real chance of having a modest quantity of weed detected is if it stinks and somebody smells it. That somebody could be an agent, a baggage handler, or less-frequently, a dog. The first two will only smell your weed if it's taped to the outside of your luggage. The dogs are 100 times better sniffers, but even they can't smell through plastic. As long as you seal your weed in opaque plastic it will not be found.

So papers and weed sealed in plastic are what I travel with and it has never been an issue, even the handful of times the TSA left me a little note inside that they had randomly gone through my bag. They do that sometimes but again they are looking for specific items like guns and aren't going to dig deep into your bag of bathroom accessories and razors and stuff to see if you might have a few vials of weed.

Finally, the more bags that have to be opened the less chance they will make the effort so I always have at least three layers of something around my herb and I have found mixing it in with all your toiletries and junk is best, in a bag in a bag. Then I add one more thing: a slightly more powerful smell (such as a couple sprays of cologne somewhere deep inside or a car air freshener stuck inside a pair of socks) to override any random smell "signatures" I might accidentally have on items or the suitcase itself. Nothing too strong or that's a tell in itself...just something calculated to confuse. And erase the last possibility that even Underdog could smell it.

Once more, my official advice is never ever do any of this. And never smoke pot.

Peace, Hyena
For the longest time I just made pills of ground up flowers. I would use our traditional grinder, and fill about 100 capsules per week. Enough for a few joints a day.

Next I put them in a pill bottle that comes from some "natural" plant, normally goldenseal or something similar. Fill with pills, put cotton back in, put in medicine bag as Hyena suggested. Always worked well enough.

Thanks for the insight as to what the scanners see...always a wealth of information from ol H. Merica!

Tomorrow will be 7 weeks since I first poked seeds into wet rooter plugs. I don't know if I ever had such growth!


Topped a bunch of the branches and raised the lights...yikes!

Since we are now on flower schedule, I have less opportunity to visit. I have to religiously adhere to the 12 hours of unbroken darkness. I added some water and a light nute dosage, with main emphasis on Bloom.

Left side with the Hyenas, Blueberry, and Jack Herrer in back:


It's out of control.

Middle, with little Holy Grail, Blueberrys, and Jack Herrer:


And the right side, with Hyenas and Amnesias:


Had to top a bunch of the branches...the double planting is working out great. Basically shortened veg by a few weeks and keeps the canopy lower.


Looks painful but they love it. :love:

All seems fine and no more heat issues. I ordered my other TWILIGHT GS1000 LED light. That thing kicks ass. I will probably swap it in as soon as it arrives.

So we will wait for flowers to appear and dream of the Christmas yet to come.

Meanwhile enjoy Fall!

Peace, Hyena

Now at Day 54, a week into 12/12. Shit is FLYING in here as these girls are having a giant grow fight.

I am getting TWO INCHES from many branches PER DAY which is insane...I almost feel like I could sit down and actually see them grow...


CRAZY, MAN! :helpsmilie:

Here are the three rows, left to right. I almost can't tell anybody apart at this point (and it happened so fast!)




They reach for the sky. Average temps about 70 F so we have hit a sweet spot for sure.


The sheer volume of this is already shocking. I momentarily projected this rate of growth through budding and had visions of them going out the ceiling...So I pretty much supercropped every branch, the whole biomass dropped roughly a foot by the time I was done. My phone died before I could finish so no "after" picture but it was radical.


I don't really know if it's harmful to supercrop during the first three weeks after the flip...but with the amount of branches and shoots I will obviously have in a couple more weeks I'm not sure how anything I do to these plants will hurt them.

I also raised the lights to max height so we are there to stay. Then I turned the GS1000 GROW switch off, shutting off half the LED's and only using the BLOOM lights. It's a discernible drop in overall output but with the crazy growth rate I am putting on some brakes already.

The girls are starting to drink more as the biomass thickens. Roughly 3 gallons per day now. The humidity isn't any problem at all which means my updated and beefed-up exhaust/filter system has paid off. I topped off the reservoir and tucked them in.

Jack Herrer...Blueberry...Amnesia Haze...plus Hyenas...

All about to produce their awesome, amazing floral gift.

The show is about to begin! :Namaste:

Peace, Hyena

I also raised the lights to max height so we are there to stay. Then I turned the GS1000 GROW switch off, shutting off half the LED's and only using the BLOOM lights. It's a discernible drop in overall output but with the crazy growth rate

Peace, Hyena

Hey hyena, looking very nice. Just a heads up i done the same, turned the veg switch off just bloom and my girls hermied hard. I wouldnt want you to hermie these girls.
Hey hyena, looking very nice. Just a heads up i done the same, turned the veg switch off just bloom and my girls hermied hard. I wouldnt want you to hermie these girls.

Hi Guy,

Thanks for the heads up. I will put the bloom lights back on...the noticeable drop in intensity could be a hermie trigger I assume, from your experience...didn't think of that.

Don't be a stranger!

Peace, Hyena
Happy Wednesday!

I augment my front edge with three original Mars Hydro LEDs rated "300W" but they draw about 140W each actual power.

These three bulk up the front where there isn't a reflective wall and even out the canopy.


The plants under the front lights respond just about as well as the lucky ones in the middle and the back.

Then last year, I wondered if newer (and even cheaper, if that's possible) models were out there from other Chinese manufacturers. There were LOTS of them, all fighting it out to be the lowest price. These lights claimed even higher output than the original Mars Hydro 300W lights, and even lower power consumption, so I bought three of them and replaced the Mars Hydros.

The results were disappointing...to say the least! Thinner front-canopy development, noticeably thinner than before, even though the light manufacturer claimed they were producing more light.

Next grow, I replaced one of these "newer, brighter" ones with one original Mars. This time around, the plants under the one Mars 300W did better than the plants under the other two Chinese cheapies.

Now this time, I replaced all three with the original Mars units and I give that some credit for the explosive overall growth, because the front is doing as well as anywhere and the thickness is there as well.


"Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth will wait a very, very long time." -Chinese Proverb

but also,

"Buy crappy light, you fuck up."


This is what happens to traitors. :whoa:

Meanwhile, my second GROWSTAR GS1000 LED light arrived. At some point I will yank out the 400W HID fixture and hang the new one in its place, then just connect the exhaust directly to the giant carbon filter. No more worries about having to actively vent lights. Honestly, the GS1000 out-performs a 400W metal halide hands down, and was easily equal to the 600W MH as well. Can't wait to install number two but when that will be depends on my wife's schedule...and she rarely is gone for any extended period between 10:30 pm and 10:30 am when the lights are on, the only time I can go in there.

So it might be awhile.

In the meantime, all is growing well. First lovely little preflowers appearing on every plant. These girls are about to become women. Oh yeah.

Peace, Hyena
Hey Hyena

Im guessing the plant is still growing even when flowering so cutting that spectrum cause mine to hermie. So i got a bunch of fem seeds but im guessing some will have the hermie gene passed down. I also tried a cheap led, im using a mars ll 700 and added a king plus 1000 and the mars out performs the other by far. Im sure youll find a big difference with that gs1000


Pop by my journal if you want to see my girls, soon by chop chop time
Happy Friday! It's 8 weeks into Project 26.

The stretch continues unabated. It's a jungle in here.


All the supercrop session did was double the thickness of the biomass and it has already recovered a lot of height in only two days.

Robust growth everywhere, not even a single leaf tip out of tune.



Just lots and lots of branches. Preflowers appearing at nodes, right on time. They are all girls. Of course, I knew that, but it's always nice when they start to show.

Little Holy Grail is still hopelessly tiny but may produce a bud or two someday.


Definitely a strange midget pheno. Maybe the actual holy grail of bud when it's all over...?

Everybody is healthy. Happy. I'm lovin' it. :love:

Soooo, Happy Halloween, be safe and high.

Peace, Hyena
Welk Hyena u done did it again in the SECRET attic!! KILLED IT!! Them Woman look so LUSH n HAPPY n ready for the BLOOM phase!!

Also on sidenote. Ji2st passed a hair follicle drug test for a new way better paying job. But was selected to go to a three week class my new company paid for. While m in this class then going to a full time job after wanted to hokd off on letting my new pet HYENAS out if there cages!! Lol! Will b done in teo more weeks then i think they will be ready to come out. Thanks for everything and i will always b lurking somewhere in the ATTIC!! LOL!!

Till next time Have a dank day!!
Welk Hyena u done did it again in the SECRET attic!! KILLED IT!! Them Woman look so LUSH n HAPPY n ready for the BLOOM phase!!

Also on sidenote. Ji2st passed a hair follicle drug test for a new way better paying job. But was selected to go to a three week class my new company paid for. While m in this class then going to a full time job after wanted to hokd off on letting my new pet HYENAS out if there cages!! Lol! Will b done in teo more weeks then i think they will be ready to come out. Thanks for everything and i will always b lurking somewhere in the ATTIC!! LOL!!

Till next time Have a dank day!!

That's great news man!

You're the best Pino, good luck with the new job training and I hope you will stay in touch mate!

Peace, Hyena
Looking good Hyena! Man that’s a lot of vegetation. Can you still reach the far side?

No way! The lab is tight and gets a lot tighter when these plants all explode!

So I just kind of watch the back wall turn green as bloom progresses, I always have some I can't reach that keep stretching...

Peace, Hyena
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