Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing


Happy Friday!

Well, week three of the stretch is progressing and we have our predicted (and very welcome!) appearance of the first flower clusters! Yes, the center of nearly all the branch ends show the tender tiny beginnings bursting forth.

Overall, it's a forest...


The branches are still stretching, but slowing down, and the flowers are popping all over.


I have looked everybody over (to the limit of the access I have) and don't see any early bananas but everybody knows if one or two are in the mix I probably won't ever see them...just the resulting seeds. We don't want that this time around so no news is good news. I'll be watching like a hawk.

A couple views of the rows...right side:




Actually the left side has become clearly the most vigorous and the density is greater as well...all LED forever! That is, after this grow...I feel like all this growing stuff is more than anything a chance to make revealing comparisons and improve my knowledge in a lot of ways, and the evolution from HID to LED, etc., has been fun to experience firsthand. I feel this grow has proven conclusively that the LED light source is superior to the HID, period. I have already obtained another main LED array and plan to replace the remaining HID fixture after this grow. That gives me the chance to compare the LED to both types of HID bulb.

I switched the Metal Halide bulb out for a new HPS bulb.


The final observation will be comparing the rate of growth on the right side now that the light has changed to red spectrum. From what I've seen it won't make that much difference, the LED clearly kicks ass. But it will take a pretty good bit of construction to reroute the ducting and replace the HID fixture and I hesitate to try to do all that directly over the plants in mid-grow, as one drop of any of the parts will wipe out a lot of my garden. Soone enough...next grow will be all-LED.

The little Holy Grail is still trying to catch up...it's hopeless but to her credit she is still hanging in. She has the smallest stature by far but sports some of the biggest fan leaves. Gonna make one huge succulent bud.


Not even a single yellow leaf anywhere nor a bad leaf tip. Not bragging but that's pretty damn good at nine weeks.

I have always been an advocate for simplicity, partly so I can understand things :trance: but also because it works. Sooooo many nutes out there but I still feel the basics used sensibly is all you need to succeed.

Here's all I use. It's true.


And I use about 1/3 of the recommended strength. That's because despite the concentrations required in the solution to enable uptake, the plants really don't extract very much, which means it mostly stays around even though you top off the reservoir many times. The plants are transpiring a lot of water, but they only take in minute physical amounts of the various salts and minerals and they invisibly build up. IMHO a lot of people's problems, especially in the later stages of flowering, are the result of too much supplementation.

I also never have to monitor PPM because I don't get the build-up. Personally I lean towards PPM not being that important anyway. Just my take. I've had grows with a sustained 2,000+ PPM that did fine, I think once again that was simply the result of too much nutes over time and I get good results now using them much more sparingly.

Maybe someone can show me how ramping up to the recommended strengths will give me a better result? I'm always open to new advice.

However, the primary reason I write about my grows on this website is the belief that I am helping others to learn, and I've had reasonable success so I share all that I can about what works for me. It's all about sharing the love. :love:

So we flower on. It should become very interesting from here to Christmas. I promise some of the most stunning images you will ever see before this little party is over!

Peace, Hyena
Nice stuff hyena
I would find nannas mostly on the young under growth, so you can narrow down anymore searching.

I agree, plus you see them late sometimes emerging from an upper bud but those are usually way too late to do any harm.

I don't like either kind really.

Peace, Hyena
Looks awesome! How much vertical space do you have left? Looks like flipping while they're short but stable is the way to do it.

I love the details you provide and the philosophy you use. I recently read something that describes the two schools of thought on agriculture as a ongoing Chinese debate on Confucianism vs The Tao. Both work, but each school of thought has their preferences. I would say I prefer your style as I see it as a way to have spare time and flexibility with how to spend it. Similarly I would not manage a portfolio of investments and prefer index funds.
Looks awesome! How much vertical space do you have left? Looks like flipping while they’re short but stable is the way to do it.

I love the details you provide and the philosophy you use. I recently read something that describes the two schools of thought on agriculture as a ongoing Chinese debate on Confucianism vs The Tao. Both work, but each school of thought has their preferences. I would say I prefer your style as I see it as a way to have spare time and flexibility with how to spend it. Similarly I would not manage a portfolio of investments and prefer index funds.

Well said, Grasshopper...you have done well.

Seriously, thanks!

I have more vertical space but the lights can only go so high so you know how that is. I think we timed it good this run.

Peace, Hyena
How do you feel the supercropping during flower has impacted your grow?

Honestly, I can't believe it has had any negative effect...all supercropped branches are flowering the same as the few left untouched...I pinched the tops off a lot of them too.

I have a feeling there will be nothing but fat buds no matter what I do to them...they want to grow!

Peace, Hyena

WHAT?...is all I can say!


It's getting hot in here...and I don't mean the temps!

The mass is literally choked, solid with branches at 2x the density of previous grows at this juncture because of the double planting...I never knew it would be so lush! That technique is obviously (so far) supported by my system so if that continues to the end we will have a new approach to this that gets the canopy where we want a couple weeks sooner.

Left side is so big it's partially dark...


Even the powerful GS1000 LED can't light the outside, everything is simply too tall and thick, plus the LED unit has a more narrow footprint which makes is less effective at bouncing some light off the wall.

The plants are all busting at every node with white blossoms. Full flowering response on every plant.


When this all fills in it will be unreal.


Hyenas and Berries and Jack, Oh My!


I had to figure out a way to get the small bulking LEDs in the front a little higher. Took awhile then I decided to do this and that since I never get time in here and today I had it. Got the old A/C unit out of the room and rerouted some cords and ducting for better efficiency.

Okay, it's amazing. But they need more light, especially on the left side.

I had to smoke two bowls before I was high enough to think clearly. Then the answer to a supplemental light system appeared.

I have a stack of older MARS HYDRO 300s and I grabbed a couple and strapped them to a plastic shelf laying around in the attic.

All non-metallic, using plastic and zip ties.


Now I have a unit that will nicely illuminate any area I want to supplement.


Mounted on a wooden pole stand, perfect!


Let's light it up!


It's a lot brighter than the photo shows. Now let's see what a nice side light will do for the middle of the canopy over here. I will leave the other side without a side light and we get yet another chance to compare things and see what makes the road to the Emerald City even more exciting and fruitful.


Now the part I love the most. The bloom! :hippy:

Each week will be more beautiful than the last. Tell a friend. I'm going to exceed all expectations for cannabis centerfold images this time around, I promise. Gonna get fun!

"The grass is greener on both sides of my fence." -HM

Peace, Hyena
Man oh man Hyena every time i think the secret attic cant get any better then BOOM!! Way better then the last! Cant wait to see these girls bloom to there full potential!! Love the LED setup u made the girls are gonna love u for that one!! I bet u can jump in that jungle n get lost!! Keep up the fantastic work!! I see its ginna be some nug of the month and picture winners in your near future!!
High HM,

Mighty fine canopy in your attic! Reps to ya. Is the stretch over? Looks like it. Yeah, a very nice grow you have going!
Wow hyena... your gonna have a beautiful garden. .

Thanks, Iti...

A lot of (secret) work paying off. The nice, cool Fall hasn't hurt either. It's easy to heat an attic grow room perfectly...hard to cool one. I credit the overall vigor to temps consistently in the 70-72 degree range.

And love.

Peace, Hyena
Man oh man Hyena every time i think the secret attic cant get any better then BOOM!! Way better then the last! Cant wait to see these girls bloom to there full potential!! Love the LED setup u made the girls are gonna love u for that one!! I bet u can jump in that jungle n get lost!! Keep up the fantastic work!! I see its ginna be some nug of the month and picture winners in your near future!!

Pino thanks for hanging in here and watching the secret show...I appreciate you being here!

I enjoy doing photography of buds and that's probably where I will stay...

I enjoy the Nug of the Month but unless I grow something with a lot of purple in it I doubt I have a chance. I haven't found smoking purple pot to be that much different than smoking other good pot...but it sure looks awesome! Purple nugs are like the movie stars of the weed world right now.

I have never grown Jack Herrer, Blueberry, or Amnesia so who knows what the colas will look like...maybe purple cannabis is in my future? Are any of those purple? IDFK. I'm just hoping for super colors and super frost!

Peace, Hyena
High HM,

Mighty fine canopy in your attic! Reps to ya. Is the stretch over? Looks like it. Yeah, a very nice grow you have going!

Thanks bro and welcome.

I think the final few inches of the stretch at most are all that is left. I'm really happy with the level overall, it stayed surprisingly lower than I expected on the right side this time but everything looks like it is nice and even. Everyone flowering right on time so here it comes.

Stay tuned!

Peace, Hyena
Damn that's thick! (That's what she said!) Seriously though just when you got that attic as maxed out as we thought you could, you totally took it even further.

Project 26 is kicking ass!!
Awesome update!

And yeah...always good for a laugh!
I had to smoke two bowls before I was high enough to think clearly. Then the answer to a supplemental light system appeared.

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